Change CR calculation to include SP and mods.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by it_was_Friday, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    That should fix all the issues with what matters.

    CR is calculated from total SP, gear item level, mods in that gear, and whatever else I am forgetting.

    How much does each factor weigh in...?

    I haven't put that much thought into it.

    But that "SP differential" thing from a couple weeks back has been on my mind.
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  2. Tilz Loyal Player

    Bad idea.

    But stat revamp is coming with cr having less influence
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  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You're over complicating it. Differential is being removed entirely, so the big number next to your name is just going to be a reminder of your "level". That's all. Just a number next to your name. No biggie.
    Should they bring back CR calculated from gear and mods? Maybe and maybe not because what would be the point? Differential is being removed so your CR is only going to be relevant to what you have access to.
    Now let's look at your idea. If you tossed skill points into the calculations, the amount of variables are going to be so off the wall, a lot of people are going to be pushed back a tier or two. They would have to revamp the entire CR lock outs.
    Now for a more simple idea, in addition to locking players out based on their CR ("Level") make an additional lock for SP requirements. This would encourage players to go back and grab feats that they have missed. But I know a lot will argue against this (mainly because they're CR 170+ and still somehow only have 50+ SP)
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  4. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Yeah. I guess. It would require content CR limits to change, and we can't do that all willy nilly. Maybe I save random ideas from up all night until I have slept on them.

    On the SP required for Tier... it is not truly possible since they sell product advertised as requiring a CR to access content. Some people who haved paid for product as advertised would be shafted. Additionally, some people have a high CR from a one month sub, and then intend to buy the episode for their tier to sit at for a few months. But they would have to have the SP from oreious content, some of which requires grinding over time, so they could never have it. So SP required to play content is bad for this business model.
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  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Very good point.
  6. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    What would be the point of this if stats are the only thing that matters ?

    Bragging rights ?
  7. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Well, it has it's problems lkke Jason pointed out, but originally I was thinkingit allows others to hav3 an idea of another toon by looking at CR. Now, you look at CR and still ask if they have SP or mods. (Or inspect, or wavedox, etc.)

    The simple reason for the idea, which will not work, was to have CR be a better representation of toon ability.
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  8. Multiverse Creator League

    It is not a bad idea per se..... but it would make SP and Mods mandatory.

    Many SP are much harder to get nowadays.

    For example... you pretty much have to do the CC bounties or any bounties for that matter) solo.
    No one does bounties anymore..... so unless you can solo them bounties..... pretty hard to get a group to do them bounties.
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  9. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    One idea is to make the CR calculated directly from the stats, and not a parallel calculatuion. For tank roles Cr could be based on 4*Health 5*Dominance 4*Defense 1*Precision, for DPS 4*Precision 4*Might 1*Health 2*Defense 3*Crit... or whatever. Then anything you do that increases your defined relevant primary role stats will raise your CR: gear, stats, SP allocated correctly! etc. But a DPS wearing healer gear and points in power crit and dominance will have a LOW CR reflecting their effectiveness in DPS role, instead of their gear baseline.
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  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

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  11. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    More than that. People with mods and skill points are going to be the ones everyone wants in their group. I think it's going to push players that have been lagging back and being carried to actually work a little harder.
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    No. Over complicated. Who's going to figure out all those unnecessary calculations? You? There's more than 1 "correct" way to spec depending on your role and play style.
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  13. krytine Loyal Player

    You used to be able to use mods for your CR and people would use those to jump and skip dlc I don't think I would like this idea
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  14. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    when best gear was vendor gear and mods. it was much better. then all this crap that damn near killed the game came, and here we are...
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  15. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

    They should go back to the old way how CR was calculated. It forced people to mod. Heck, the loading screen tips still say that mods affect CR.

    I also hated how gear was slowly released to us. I know they are probably changing it but still. It personally bothers me that the same set of gear is different item levels. I know, get over it. :D
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  16. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Based on what I read, I had the impression that mods were already going to affect CR again.
  17. krytine Loyal Player

    I didn't see that I saw made mods would have a big increase in stats I don't know if that means synthetic and prefab will also but it did sound like made mods will be increased with a huge jump
  18. Multiverse Creator League

    They said they would try to make mods more rewarding considering the time/effort required to make them.

    Did not see them say it would affect CR once more
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Lol no.

    This would be elitist paradise.
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  20. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Yeah I suppose you guy are right. It doesn't directly say it will, I guess I was just assuming. Either way I'm happy that they are increasing the difference that they make.
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