Census shows that new SP tree is going to be major issue

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Winter Sabel, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sorry you cannot compare Xbox to USPS servers, nor can you cater to Xbox servers. Simply because while over 2 million characters were created, almost 2 million characters never even made it to lvl 30, hence the server merger of US and EU servers due to low population on both sides.

    SP tree is the least of their worries, they need players period.
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  2. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    The issue with SP/stats is/was the whole reason why this is happening or did you forget.

    The XBOX server was used because it has 12 month life vs 6 years.

    Give me the numbers from the PC/PS server over the last 12 months and I will bet that the numbers are the same % or lower.
  3. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    I am not trying to bash this guy in any way but I am using him as a prime example of what I am talking about.


    He doesn't know what he is doing and yet he thinks his SP should make up for it. There are some very helpful players in the thread giving him tips but he still thinks that SP is part of the issue & not the clearly obvious.
  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    So, what I'm supposed to be seeing is a reflection of where both platforms will be SP-wise when the revamp comes around?
  5. MrB Dedicated Player

    I agree with Derio on this one. Xbox and usps servers are too different to compare. It's kinda like comparing oranges and lemons, while both citrus they are very different. Even then I don't think there will be a problem bigger than there is now with sp. Also this whole mess was not sp and stats only. There where several factors leading to the current situation with the game.

    Also bad players will be bad no matter what changes in game or what power they use. I've seen plenty and beat plenty of them even though they had more sp some how. I'm kinda suspecting a bought account or some really amazing carriers.

    As for the new sp tree, I found it much easier to use than the one on live. Weapons with their combos were split from stats like they should have been. Actually you won't as many sp to have a greater impact on the game. On live you need 77 sp to just get the crits before getting other stats but on test you can grab the weapon you want and then focus directly on the status you need. No need to spec into every tree wasting 35 sp on weapon combos you will NEVER USE. I'm counting movement mode as a must, not sure why fast movement isn't a given. Also counting one full weapon tree. Anyway the new system probably won't have a huge impact on low sp discrimination but it will allow for easier and straight forward way to spec sp. I just hope there will be better tool tips about what each stat does because we'll end up with another dom impacts agro situation.

    Also for high cr low sp players, you can farm yourself probably around 150 sp just replaying content starting from leveling missions to t6 without doing more than just quing or running with some friends. Some of those maps literally take 2 minutes to do including listening to npc dialogue. Remember you don't need max sp to be good and won't need max sp to be good.

    Ps ignore errors it's late and I'm tired.
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  6. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    The devs stated that the MAJORITY of your stats have always and will always come from your gear.

    Whether you have 300sp or 40sp you'll still be able to complete content
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    SP and stats had nothing to do with it.

    If you read the Xbox comments the first 3 weeks of the launch. Players were complaining about not being able to complete content or receive loot due to high CRs kicking them, or speeding past them, and as time progressed it only got worse for the new player.

    The fact was the CR discrimination was far too great over there and still is. Plus the rocky start with servers going down, all the unannounced maintenance led to them losing hundreds of thousands players at the early stage.

    The number from the PC/PS server should be lower due to it naturally having a lower new player population.

    Xbox players told devs what the problem is, and devs best response was "Form your own group".

    There were other issues like power chosen and AM not being explained properly, but for the most part it was the new player experience that is ruined, not how many skill points a player had.
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  8. Polymerase Well-Known Player

    Here's current CR/SP counts - 50 and above being red (CR on X, SP on Y)


    Adding in the Total SP/Counts:

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  9. krytine Loyal Player

    I am not backing the other guy but it isnt hard to get to 150 sp and you can do plenty ac5ive server or test and maybe sp will go further with the new tree i dont know but even when stats mattered years ago some players skill was off the chain and could beat some at max sp while having 50 or 60 ut max then was at like 110
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    simply on the numbers you posted it wont cause any issues at all because most of the players on Xbox wont even be effected so they shouldnt be what is the deciding factor in the dicision to change it to be honest they dont matter much.. this change is a good one saving us having to go down weapon trees and all that wasted nonsense to get to stats were with the change most of that will be gone..

    Besides for most of the game there was no CR differential like there is now and still most people didnt have a ton of SP except the people that cared about it and we all beat content just fine.

    people fear change thats what most of the forum backlash is just scared reactions over something they havent even seen for them selves. it will be great or it will suck but regardless we will all have to live with it so accept and move on
  11. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Let me get this straight.. are you complaining because it's too hard for people to get SP? Cry me a river why don't you. Since when did this community become all about free handouts?
  12. krytine Loyal Player

    Free feats with tc oh wait you have to pay to win for that stuff and through the nose
  13. SixSigma Well-Known Player

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