Up-Votes Needed Celestial with strat card and combos

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Wonder Minaj, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. Wonder Minaj New Player

    Hello, I’m reporting a bug I found today while testing my dps. Found when Strategist procs off of Celestial Combos, the Strategist tick is apparently halved in damage. When Strategist procs off of the initial hit of the power (IE Just pressing from the tray) it hits for its full damage. Videos below showing off examples.
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  2. Wonder Minaj New Player

    Full damage of strat with just initial power no combos.
  3. Wonder Minaj New Player

    Strat doing half damage with celestial combo.
  4. Wonder Minaj New Player

    Same for weapon damage. Strat does half the damage. I don’t know about other powers though...
  5. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Strat has a chance to apply a dot when you crit, the dot is not guaranteed. From your videos it's impossible to tell what is actually causing each tick of damage. Damage from Strat will appear in your combat log as
    [character name]'s Tactical Advantage damaged [target] for XXXX.

    Plague and Corrupted Divine Light are both dots, so it's possible that all damage in both of those videos is from those two powers, but without the combat log it's hard to tell.
  6. Elusian Crowd Control

    Tested myself. Can confirm the bug.
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  7. Berza Committed Player

    What do you mean with "same for weapon damage"? I mean, did you test Strategist on another powerset, then in Celestial, having the same Precision, and then Celestial damage was half? Or do you mean that damage is half from weapons than it is for powers without speccing for Precision?
    I am asking this because, if both Celestial combos and weapon combos are proccing the same amount of damage from Strategist, it could be possible that Strategist is reading precision when applying Tactical Advantage to the combos. Maybe because that is how it originally worked. Try increasing your Precision and check if it increases damage. This could help devs to find an solve the problem.
  8. Spektre New Player

    Light combos are the same, when strategist card procs on combos it does half the damage