Celestial Needs Fixing

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Da Boogiemann, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Da Boogiemann New Player

    Why does Divine Light now only hit one target in DPS role? It used to hit everything. Now, it only hits the target and it also does damage in healer role and hits everything. What's up with that? I love Celestial, but, it needs to be looked at and tweaked a bit. Thanks.
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

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  3. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Atomic is Awsome ..........
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  4. PEACE XX New Player

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  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    With the midrange adjustments for celestial (gu53 i think.. can be wrong) Divine Light and cleansed Divine Light were changed. Instead of 4 seperate glyphs with a 2.5m field you have 1 glyph with a 7m field. Every1 has his/her opinion about it, but I don't think it won't be changed again.

    In healerrole it works the same (+ the healing effect + the healing glyphs (they look different to the damage one) for the damage side... so a 7m field AoE glyph.

    And what tweaks do you want? I mean... just that?

    And no.. celestial doesn't need tweaks.. not really
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  6. Stilway Well-Known Player

    The only thing Celestial needs is a HIT COUNTER so we can get the bennys from the precision neck mod.
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  7. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    No not atm, HL and electricity and nature need more attention , then we can worry about the rest
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  8. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    There is a local pizza joint that is called Benny's I love.. Not that it has anything to do with the topic.. But, Now I want Pizza and try explaining to your co-workers where that craving came from..
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  9. Great Spirit Devoted Player

  10. Tilz Loyal Player

    nope... that won'T work, because you would need to change the entire mechanics of celestial. ;)
    Also the damage is fine ;)
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  11. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Celestial's damage potential is fine, the only terrible thing is fighting npc boss who lunges you 75% of fight time, in small group content you can't enjoy doing combos on the same level as atomic.
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  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    Celestial lose at least 50-60% of your whole potential when don't have a tank in the group and also Celestial combos have 2 big issues:

    1) Slowest DPS power in the game.
    2) Constantly interruption.

    Celestial, overall, is ok but the devs need to exclude this IMORAL AND UNNECESSARY VULNERABILITY TO INTERRUPTIONS when apply combos. If the devs do this, Celestial comes again to the top certainly.
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  13. Da Boogiemann New Player

    Oh. Ok. I wasn't aware of the change that was made to it. I thought it was just something that went wrong after other changes had been put in that they may not have been aware of. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Mental has this issue in some small content, but ehhh - block counter - > invuln - > combo - > death.
  15. Absolix Loyal Player

    While they are going through the mid-range changes they are also changing powers that split beyond two to split after 2. Divine Light and Corrupted Divine Light could potentially hit up to 8 enemies without splitting, and with the new version it splits after 2 like almost all AoEs in the game.

    Gadgets Sticky Bomb also got changed to split after 2 instead of 3 like before. I believe Tesla Ball and Terror Tendrils might be the last AoE powers that don't split after 2.
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  16. CerberusT Well-Known Player

    Celestial damage is ok. What needs to be added is the ability to walk while performing combos. That way you can adjust your distance to the target while fighting. It sucks to have to be stationary to perform abilities. My legs should work separate from my arms. :D
  17. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Mental's gonna get 2 significant changes:
    1. Grandeur shortcut (detaunt, immunity, shield for a short time),
    2. extended Time window between 1-2-3-4 powers, you breakout and continue AM, no power loss
    while Celestial remains ridiculously vulnerable, I feel like even some tiny random ant farting next to me could interrupt my combo,
    fighting bosses in Deep Desires solo being cr lower than 140 is nightmare, even Electricity AM is better there LOL.
    Combo power is not the problem, Celestial should have some kind of 'quark-gluon aura' thing atomic has to keep AM active for longer than combo duration.
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  18. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    Munitions has the same interrupt issue, i.E if an add dies mid power it will cut it off, grounding as well will knock me off my rotation. Every so often if i'm interrupted at the perfect time i can keep it rolling and not lose the damage bonus, but thats few and far between, all it amounts to is a lot of lost damage and power, and me ready to turn off the game out of frustration.
  19. Tilz Loyal Player

    i agree with some points about interruptions (wasn't before, but now it looks like every power gets some help for it).
    About the moving:
    You can move while performing celestial combos. The trick is jumping around... it looks funny, but it really helps me. :) (just practice)
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  20. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    It be great if they made the Precision neck mod work for every 3 weapon hits you get before using a might based power. That way you're precision will stack, but it'll only work with certain weapon combos.