Celestial Healing What Not To Do

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by AIpha, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. AIpha New Player

    I was thinking possibly a combo supercharge akin to earthquake that deals prec. damage and heals based on the damage you do. Possibly cheaper cost than normal do to the risk involved.
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  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I consider burst heals as instant heals. Iconic drain, bloom, and IoR are channeled heals and everything else is A heal over time, whether it just targets like arc or ticks 39 times if you have to wait even a second for all the healing then its a heal over time.
  3. Lokkii Committed Player

    did 13 jus agree with me for the 1st time ever?
  4. AIpha New Player

    I want this topic dead but i have to say all heals take at least a second to get out so then they would all be heal over times with the time being 1s. See how this is just semantics? Everyone will believe whatever they believe the definition of a HoT is. This is mine:heal over time
    Web definitions
    It is a buff that provides continuous healing over the time the effect is active on you. An example is the Cleric's Rejuvenate skill..
  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I know right, I'm also agreeing with you in the nature revamp thread. Strange things are a foot.
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  6. Toxiic Committed Player

    6. No powers that cost too much power for a failed effect **cough** GALVANIZE HOT **cough**
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  7. Toxiic Committed Player

    Anyone know when Celestial is coming out? End of this month? Or next month? I don't remember when Quantum came out but it would be helpful if i knew.
  8. AIpha New Player

    Well 3 months would be Aug 15th but I don't think it will make it for that date. We will know more when the power hits test because usually its 2-3 weeks later.
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  9. Sore Steadfast Player

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  10. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    Well you predicted the " Sacrifice " ability, except it is a sc. Equal to Regen, Invigorate, and Transcendence.
  11. Sore Steadfast Player

    I knew about that one too but didn't want to spoil too much. It was my cute hint. I figured people would have mixed emotions about the mechanic and that it might be worth letting the initial reaction be driven by actual in-game impressions. I know I have trouble seeing how the mechanic will be a desirable tactical choice.
  12. AIpha New Player

    To me I don't like it and I'm suggesting it changed. It just doesn't seem like what a healer should be doing.
  13. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    Its not about balance!! The powersets r meant to play different than one another, and thats it!!
  14. Bandee0817 New Player

    why so much people want "balance"? its like the controller powers. all thoose are the same, pot and instant, exept the pot moves. one is stunn, other cause panic, etc..... but the others have their differences and thats what everyone need. just think about it. every tank just have damage mitigations with shields??? ice have shield, okay. fire and earth too with just shield and thats all? then never mind what you pick, all depends just on the visual style. and healers too. sorcery is like "i place magic circles to heal and summon a flying eye to help me" type. nature is "spread the spores and i'll command them to bumm to heal my dudes when its needed" and electric "charge them fast with healing waves, like 1-2-3, out and bumm with defibrillator". celestial is the andgel devil style. angels have their heavenly healing and protect with light or if they need to sacrifice they life to save others and they will be blessed, etc. demons are curse enemies, sucks they heal and weak them. i think every power have their own style what fits to their power. anyone seen the supernatural series? im sure lot of ppl yes. there also what you seen? the angel is saved the brothers by sacrifice himself and cure their injures. and the demons, steal the ppls lives, occupy them, and when they leave the body, that is barely able to live, or suddenly die. so just think about it. if every powers role would be the same, there is no new things just oooh, they did new style and thats all? thats boring..... so in my opinion this type is cool, every power have their unique interactions. thats all folks! :)
  15. AIpha New Player

    Balance does not mean all powers are the same it simply means you are able to do similar damage/healing/survivability/cc even though the way it is done is different.
  16. Bandee0817 New Player

    yes you can do similar but not exactly the same. and as i read lot of forum posts, thats what lot of ppl missing. like electric dont have any normal shield, not the same hot method. this "similar" problem also true to the tanks. lot of ppl hate fire tanks because thoose are use self healing, not shield. but lot of ppl forgot that fire tanks have the double health, and that comes up when you use ANY power, iconics too (i tried this one and when i use mesmerizing lasso, also got the double health). so this is the only what i cant understand. if ppl like burst healing, go electric. if it like the "always spam hot and keep everyone up, go sorcery/nature. celestial is the agressive battle healer. as tanks, if you like defending, ice tank is your friend. if you want to keep up yourself and heal yourself, fire. earth thank is the absorption. you have the powers for that and you can transfer your damage into the brick. earth is more challenging but not impossible to solo tank paradox or nexus. you just have to know what are you doing.
  17. Ekaterina Committed Player

    Lol I believe the only time you see the extra healing HoT is when your health is not full agree with you though lokkii test it if your nature you will see the buff if your health is not full when you pop the heal.