Celestial Healing What Not To Do

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by AIpha, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. AIpha New Player

    I know it has a shield I've seen but whether it's group or not is still up in the air. I believe the halo is a buff.
  2. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I'm not agreeing to anything except for that my playstyle favors bursts because I like to play actively. I'm not going to insult the many players I have seen make hots work like magic with few spot heals...primarily sorc. I rarely use blossom in Nex because it's so easy to clip pheromones. I use blossom like a sorc healer uses their SC basically. Just depends on the day. I like to change it up.
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  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    For a not-just healing supercharge, they should consider a "come at me bro" supercharge that just spams tank taunts all over an entire room while healing everyone else.
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  4. Sore Steadfast Player

    I believe the halo is just part of the Exaulted style set.
  5. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I think we can all agree on this. I love pretending I'm a tank.
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  6. AIpha New Player

    That's right I forgot there was a style not used to getting new styles lol.
  7. BrotherMutant New Player

    Well, they could at least leave an aura around my head when I get buffed. That'd be ok I guess.
  8. Sore Steadfast Player

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  9. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    I'm hoping for a HoT play style with maybe 1 or 2 burst heals.

    Lots of HoTs stacked on each other is the only way I can think of a healer not needed to watch health bars as much.
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  10. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    I hope its a combination of both. Im more of a HoT healer...it really depends on who i'm healing with too. My loadout changes quite frequently depending on instance and the 2nd healer.

    But i'm excited to try Celestial...i'm bored with the other healer powersets, it will hopefully be a nice change of pace, and if I don't like...i'll just switch back...no biggy
  11. AIpha New Player

    From what I have seen they are toting it as an active healer only because you have combos you are doing but while your character is active the heals did not look it. They look delayed because it was after the combo finished you got the heals.
  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    your ideas about healing over time and burst heals arent entirely accurate I know with my nature healer as long as your keeping your heals over time up with your weapon clips you rarly even need the huge burst heal I know I can cast savage growth, metabolism, and if needed cross poll and get a entire raid group back to full health even if everyone is almost dead. only having to hit cross pol at all if whole group is damaged. very rarly even have to hit blossom
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  13. AIpha New Player

    Every power you just listed is a burst heal to the group at the beginning so I think my opinions are spot on .
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    all but cross pol are heal over time moves and even cross pol is a Heal over time after initial cast.. blossom is a burst heal
  15. AIpha New Player

    I'm sorry but you are dead wrong. Both savage growth and metabolism have a burst element at the initial cast. Then they have 39 hot ticks. Check your logs you will see larger heals before the hots start to tick on both of those powers.
  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    Agree to call it a grey area? Savage Growth gives 4 ticks of medium sized heals at a faster pace and gives 39 tiny hot ticks. Metabolism gives 5 ticks of medium sized heals at a faster pace and gives 39 tiny hot ticks. The initial ticks of SG and Metab are pretty quick so some might call them burst. Then again, they're 4 or 5 ticks and not one single tick, so some might call them a short hot. Regardless, everyone can agree that they are decent medium-sized group heals.
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  17. AIpha New Player

    What is the total healing of the initial heals of Savage Growth and Metabolism. They occur in less than 1.5secs that is a stretch to call it a hot even though they are seperate ticks. If they add up to be similar healing to Biosurge or Biocap then I consider Metabolism and Savage Growth group burst with hot just like i consider cross poll and galvanize group burst with hot.
  18. oLIGHTNINGo New Player

    They said that it will be a mix of Sorcery and Nature. I still think that Electric is in its own class, it's primarily a burst healing class with only one good HOT in Electrogenesis. I'm expecting Celestial to be more of a HOT power though. Since you will have to clip your weapon combos with the powers, Im assuming that those will be ticks when your clipping and not burst heals. Im sure it will be a couple of burst heals included but Im expecting Celestial to be played as a more aggressive sorcery power-set.
  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    BioCap hits single target for [67-83] base healing
    Savage Growth hits 4 ticks of [14-17] base healing (56-68)
    Metabolism hit 5 ticks of [10-13] base healing (total 50-65)

    It's close to similar to bio cap. It's just one of those things where one person files it in their head one way and another files it another way. Some consider Bloom, Ionic Drain, and Invocation of Renewal to be a group burst heal with a cast bar. Others don't consider it a burst unless it is instant. Some people consider Rejuv burst healing. Others don't consider it burst because it's only single target. In the end, it always boils down to some argument about semantics.
  20. Anti Bezz New Player

    >.> I like to be backup as Nature. Metab and SG keep everyone up, and a lot of times you have healers that will heal nothing (Meaning they are spamming heals when everyone is at full health wasting power) so it just suits me to play backup until the last room of Nexus in particular. In Para it's a different story. I'm on my knees and toes :p

    As for the little thing over elec not having a shield. I'm with Tikkun about it needs to be balanced. Bio-cap is probably the sweetest heal ever created lol. I mean you can get hit by the one shot, have a chance to get some health up, and if healers are active can heal you as you try to move out of whatever is hitting you or re-position. Def one of the best healing powers elec has, but having a non-sc shield would be cool as Swarm Shield/BoS are just amazing :D
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