Celestial Healing In PvP

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Ekaterina, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. Teravolt New Player

    its isn't Op so far I'm only at CR 50 now and its not out heal sorcery and nature it just show all its heal as one big one to make it seems like its out healing. Example Divine Light have around small ticks of around 20-40 that builds up to a crit at around 1500 (my resto is 1500) While my electric villian same CR and around the same in Resto Iconic drain heals more and can crit up to 2000 (my SP for Celeste is 70 and my SP for Electric is 63 both modded the same). It just looks normal to me maybe when I get up higher I'll look more into its stats.
  2. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    I used to be a huge PvP healer back when I played xJenovax for those with good memory (Nature healer) I am flirting with the whole idea of getting back into DCUO for PS4 I haven't played since Last Laugh DLC and I am really starting to miss the fun it brought me. I am wanting to start over from scratch (Will be taking my 2 mains over to PS4) to relive the entire experience DCUO offers.

    You said this power works fine in PvE? I was thinking of making Celestial Healer or Quantum Troll. How is that QuantumTroll BTW?
    Sorry don't mean to derail the topic just figured maybe you could help me while waiting on real answers. As a potential Celestial Healer in the future I figured if it works in PvE fine than it should get the buff it needs by time I reach level to where I can start PvP.

    Also I hopped on today to notice now Dash Attack is a 25% supercharge. Is Super Speed still the premiere movement for healers or is there something else better nowadays? As my main focus in the future will be PvP.

    Answering these questions would be really helpful, thanks in advanced.
  3. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    You wouldn't be from Dust514 would you?
  4. Teravolt New Player

    lol how'd you know I play Dust514 (I go by Ebony Wings and Tera Wing on Dust)??? lol if its a free game I've got it even free realms
  5. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    Remember seeing that name.
  6. Teravolt New Player

    Ah I don't use Teravolt for dust lol I was on DCUO names Voltwave I didn't liked it so while searching for names I was playing pokemon black and white one of the pokemon abilities names was Teravolt lol...;)
  7. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    It's not your name it's your sig Nightingale gave ya away. Than EVE nobody else would be proud of being EVE lol so figure Dust for sure.
  8. DisoaMala New Player

    i have PvP with celestial in healer and dps stance and i have no problems i dont thinks op nor do i think its no good based on what i have read its sounds like you have to redo your loadout and tactics i have healed for over 100k a couple of times. its a different kinda of play and pvp is a whole new animal as far as loadouts. i say keep working at it and adjust to it instead of having Spord adjust it to you. thats what makes new powersets fun figuring it out. if you can't get it then i guess celestial isnt for you.
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  9. Miss Martiam New Player

    Ok re-evaluation

    It is good for pvp, Super OP for Alerts cause the dmg you do

    My loadout for PvE Raids may not be good enough because I'm getting outhealed by the other powers but out dmg'ing them by at least 100k

    People say it's a support-support heal (??) but I don't know
  10. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Here's the thing. In PvP, aside from gorilla form, healer's take the "run and hide" approach most of the time and try to stay out of the fight. You can't do that with Celestial. In order to get the most out of tis power, you gotta take the "in your face" approach. Let's not forget all of our combos and most of our heals cause might or precision dots and/or stun! This is a huge advantage! We can stun, combo, block, shield, rinse and repeat all day even without a troller if we play our cards right. Oh and guess what? We can toss up that idol SC, cause damage, and heal without having to worry about it being destroyed because it can't be targeted like Watchers can.

    The problem isn't the power, but in the sense that the "old ways" don't work with this power. The survivability in pve and pvp is really high the more you learn to combo and conserve power in Celestial. It's really easy to feel squishy compared to other healing powers in PvP, but with practice I think Celestial healers have a huge advantage over other healing power. Try running with a few healer pve pieces for extra resto and pvp dps pieces and watch your enemies fall!
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  11. Blue Spectrex New Player

    Well said
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  12. Ekaterina Committed Player

    Against Premades healers no matter how strong they are in pvp cant with stand a debuff. With the movement mode debuffs they can not be wiped by tanks your trinket has the longest cooldown and it literally last just enough to wipe you then you can be debuffed again. I would love to sit in the middle but due to being debuffed i cant. If healers in pvp was not getting debuffed like they do then any healer can sit there and do damage but you cant, the kiting is preventing you from dying thats why a lot of people do it on usps3.
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  13. Ekaterina Committed Player

    I know you are trying to help and i appreciate that but as i said before against pugs is great cel is easy but against a premade trying to with stand all that burst damage with celestial its impossible specially while being debuffed majority of the time i do want the power to work for me but more importantly the power needs to work in pve and PVP as it is fine in pve it is not in pvp. what server are you on? usps3? let do a scrim...

    p.s im tired of people saying play with it more, how about you test it out in pvp against good groups and not make judgements off of "O well i went into a pug queue to get my weekly box and i healed them just fine" it is clearly not the same if you dont PvP competitively please dont comment because this thread does not pertain to you.
    thank you.
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  14. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Oh there are ways....like I said....buff your resto with pve gear and you'll see what I mean. Just don't go all out because you need toughness. I will wear pve rings, neck, and trinket bag with dps pvp chest and legs. Everything else is healer PvP. Also, when you know you're being debuffed, that's when you tuck and roll to the nearest dps. I love leading people who want to debuff me to their death.

    Edit: Also, pick up the Precision trinket from Trigon, pop that, Admon combo, Renew combo, and look at all the pretty dots.
  15. Ekaterina Committed Player

    Wear pve gear in pvp? i already use healer neck, face, rings, but more pve gear? LOL its sounds like your trying to get me killed. Im talking premade pvp not pug pvp i would not work against a premade group lol, we would get destroyed if i tried that.
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  16. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I'm trying to help you. I run premades almost exclusively, but I do pug on occaision. You don't have to take my advice. I'm not arrogant enough to say it works for everyone, but it works for me. You present problems, I present solutions. You'll never advance if you don't try or think outside the box. As others have said...maybe Celestial isn't the right fit for your playstyle. It takes a lot of patience and practice which I find more exciting than Nature or Sorcery. It's similar to electric, but still in a league all its own. I don't see a problem with the powerset and as the devs said....Celestial is made to reward those who take the time to master it. Keep at it and find what works for you, but don't knock down people trying to help. What's the point in making a thread if you aren't receptive to advice?
  17. Tikkun Loyal Player

  18. Ekaterina Committed Player

    im not knocking you down in any way but you just told a healer to were some pve gear along with some dps pvp gear for pvp. I never said anything was wrong with the healer dps part of celest i mainly talking about the healing part. so my natural thought is why would i were dps gear? like i said before aside from being debuffed majority of the match if i wear pve gear ill just be more squishy and be that much easier to kill. your tactics in pvp although may work for you will get me killed quicker. i do appreciate your opinion and glad you posted but that will surely get me killed. Do you not get debuffed n pvp at all?
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  19. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I get debuffed all the time, I prefer to take the aggro and call my dps to kill the person targetting me. There is no sense in throwing out heals unless you have to when you're being debuffed because you will only lose power. Use sodas and supply drops to stay alive while you lead the person debuffing to a harder hitter. The reason I say wear a couple dps pieces is for the extra Precision which, if you are playing Celestial right, will add to your dots and assist you in taking down enemies preferably when you aren't being targeted. Jump in, Admon combo, jump out. Renew combo when you're ranging. Both throw out precision dots. Consume souls will throw out might dots. The key to Celestial in my opinion is to be aggressive and keep on your feet. Don't be stationary. Heals and damage go hand in hand. If you want to survive, you have to play like a survivor. This isn't a hide-and-seek power.

    Edit: Also, remember when you're being debuffed, you aren't helpless. The Admon combo will knock back an enemy, establish dots, and give you time to dash to your group for help if you need it. Don't be concerned with the heals, survive and heal when it's safe to so you aren't wasting power. Dead healers can't heal, so survive even if it takes you down to your last HP. Better than dying and running back.
  20. Ekaterina Committed Player

    I think our versions of premade pvp are a lot different, like i said before i respect your opinions and are just stating mine so please no hard feelings.
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