Celestial Dps

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Hussler, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    hardlight wouldn't be so bad if they up the damage to might based attacks. most of the moves I combo into if I want aoe damage I have to go either ram-snap trap-lightblast or minigun-snap trap-lightblast or the ever so annoying as you lunge chainsaw-ram/minigun, snap trap, lightblast.

    Make the freaking might based damage higher on hl and its fine.
  2. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    The solution may be for you to get might/prec mods
    • Like x 1
  3. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    I have a balance of might and precision on mods and I go straight might based gear. The precision damage I get is still great but most of the aoe damage is might based I have 2900 might and 1062 precision granted if I replace my ring that had might.power ex with prec/might my precision will go to 1120 highest I can get my might is maybe 2940 if I buy the shield dlc.

    They just need to up the damage to the might based hits on light

    Plus before minigun and lightblast used to hit every enemy for the same damage till they made it where more enemies you hit the less damage you got so that hurt hl some.
  4. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    The second thing you described is called splitting. When a power hits a certain amount of enemies, it sits the damage between them, so it's not too powerful, wiping them all out.
  5. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    I know but nature doesn't split when I do my supercharge, spikequakes or chomppers I didn't notice the split.

    Maybe im more pissed at celes as last night in nexus this celes guy who was way less geared than me only just spammed one power never did cursed idol or another with plague and he totally blew every dps out on the numbers.
    Granted what hurt me was the trollers just focused on giving him power and never did a defense debuff and he was getting made at me for not having a rifle and he was telling me I need to learn to clip when I don't care for it.

    If they are going to keep celes this way that they need to up the might based damage on light and stop the splitting of damage to keep my numbers on pair with this celes one power spammer.

    Think cause of this stuff with celes i'll just turn my dps into troller I did get 3 troller gear from nexus so that helps
  6. HealerHollidae New Player

    This is the problem with ppl screaming nerf. You're not a skilled geared or have as many sp.

    Please stop trying to take away from others.
  7. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Hard light can keep up with cele. Perhaps he was better geared than you. He was probably using a buff loadout and his stats were probably giant. Maybe he was using a buff soder. There are many reasons, just focus on YOURSELF, not other people
  8. HealerHollidae New Player

    If somebody has 99 cr and you have 99 cr and they have lets say 165 sp and you have 90 sp.

    You're not going to hang with them plus how you rotate your load out.

    Celestial doesn't require a weapon honestly.
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The difference in stats is like 75-100 might and prec. With players having 28-3200 might and 12-1500 prec, I don't know how true that is
  10. HealerHollidae New Player

    You're forgetting about the crit increases and variables that separate the difference in sp and gear.
    Innates go a long way other wise nobody would bother grinding feats if you could simply mod your way through. But base stats and affinitys only go so far

    For example I ran veng with another healer we were cr 99 he had 1 87 piece and 87 weapon so do I. We were both fully expertmodded.

    His mods were all resto precision. I only have 4 restorl precision with resto might resto power resto health and resto and one straight precision mod.

    But I did tripple his damage and heals
  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    players can get all all the crits with 80sp I believe I was counting the extra points in prec might
  12. HealerHollidae New Player

    Yea I know but still filling up the extra inmates come in handy even though the leap maybe like 2-300 thats still a huge leap ya know?
  13. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Yea I get you
  14. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    You said it yourself. You don't want to clip. In this game it is pointless to play and not clip. Tanks, healers, and controllers all clip as well. You are always going to do less damage if you don't clip. Even clipping weapon attacks with powers is good enough for some powers sets. But honestly, if your not going to clip you really don't need to be HL. The damage from a non clipping HL is on par with a melee earth dps at range.
  15. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    Yeah I can clip bow arrow storm, staff smashing, and rifle mortar and a few others but that celes was saying that I need to learn how to use snap trap then tap triangle 2 times and jump to cancel.

    No thanks I would rather just turn my hl into a troll for raids and use my dps gear for solo stuff and duos.
    Besides trolls are needed more because of these celes power hungry clippers
  16. Decree New Player

    I just wish they would make it so hardlight people didn't have to jump around all the time and look like they are having a spaz attack when they dps.

    They are able to do great damage. Let the animations flow better like celestial
  17. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    :eek: That's the only way we burn fat!! If I didn't have to jump I would make a construct couch, lay down, and just do everything from there.
    • Like x 2
  18. warpax New Player

    celestial is far from easy mode, you still need skill and power knowladge to make advantage of it (from ur rotation, to group compositions)

    what makes celestial "op" is the fact that u do same dmg out comparted to other powersets with 3 times less power. and that can be very beneficial in t5 raids, where having 1 or 2 celestial dps in your group will result in more power.

    i agree that it is noob friendly cuz u can be a decent dps with using just one power combo, but that wont make you op.

    ppl always asking for celestial DPS for a paradox run. that is true, but you dont need 3 or 4 celestial dps, its enough just to have one and other 2 non celestial dps will be happy cuz they will have enough power to keep their best rotations up and stay on top of leaderboards.
  19. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    That's why it's easy mode, the decent damage part. I can go into almost every random league on USPS3 villain side and do two o three times their damage. If one of those bad dps switched to celestial they would see a steady increase because of how easy the rotations are. It's easy mode because anyone can start to use it and get results right out of the gate. The same can be said of ice tanks and nature healers, but not most of the others powers. Sure an expert celestial, ice, or nature player will always do better, but that doesn't make it any less easy for those who are just starting it.
  20. Ogat New Player

    Lol xD
    Yes and no I mean technically you could take this horribad dps give him any power hand him over a 1 handed and tell him to clip it's hold with a power over and over and over and over. He'd do decent dmg too at a similar power to dmg ratio. Thing is there are simple but effective "rotations" like that for every powerset, the crowd will always use, then there is the group of people who will try and make something more which usually end up as top dps.