celestial does might combos now? ...why?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by megamanzero, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i havent played in a while but i decided to see what's new on DC and was reading through the test notes for the 1.5 revamp thing. why did they get rid of precision damage for celestial? is this being done for all combo powers? i prefer having precision combos i think it made this game more deep and offer more options. seems like now there's no reason to spec for precision on celestial. :/
  2. megamanzero Loyal Player

    also distortion wave doesn't apply destabalize anymore??? ugh i'm really not liking these changes :(

    Applies Destabilize:
    • Anomaly
    • Time Shift
    Benefits from Destabilize:
    • Distortion Wave
  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Yes, All Powers including Combos will do Might Damage and only Weapon attacks will do Precision damage to help distinguish the difference in damage delivery.
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I had no problem distinguishing it before. Was there really no other reason this was done except to make things easier for people?
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  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    The "to help distinguish the difference" was in fact to make it easier for people and also streamline it where Power Abilities do Might and Weapons do Precision. With the Revamp changes, I suspect its easier on a Development side to balance Powers if they all did the same type of damage. Having to tweak Precision Damage on Abilities and then doing it on Weapons which act differently would have been a pain so this seemed the better route.

    In regards to Live players having their Precision Mods and having to change them to Might, the Devs have already said they are working on a way to make that change as easy as possible and will announce it when its closer to being ready and the Revamp is closer to launching.
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  6. megamanzero Loyal Player

    lame...what about hard light? do they do might? do they use power too? (for the combos)
  7. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Yup, welcome to the revamp.
    They also do not regen power, so basically a staple of HL trolling was thrown out the window by them.
  8. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I suspect the devs simply could not balance Dots vs Burst (kinda like we told them 3 yrs ago) and decided a total revamp that was completely different then what they initially described.

    In regards to Light, they simply destroyed the most unique controlling powerset by doing this one thing.

    @OP it's not really that bad, as it has brought powers closer. There is a lot of work left to do before this thing is even close.
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  9. toast Well-Known Player


    seeing that since game launch, the definition of might has been and still is : Might increases the amount of damage from powers activated from your loadout. Adds 0.25% per point at Level 1 up to 0.45% per point at Level 30.

    and the definition of precision has been and still is : Precision adds damage to all weapon attacks including Weapon Mastery combos.
    10 points of Precision increases weapon damage per second by 1 point.

    now if you'll notice the key, highlighted parts to those definitions you should understand. when they gave powers statuses as wep attacks is where things started to go wrong with balancing.
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  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    having varierty and different loadouts wws more fun in my opinion. Simplifying too much makes the game boring. Sigh guess ill just keep playing pokemon for now. :/
  11. megamanzero Loyal Player

    But at what cost ...
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    The cost of a Stabilizer, only $1.
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  13. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

  14. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    when HL first came out years ago, we were introduced to a new mechanic which allowed us to use combos after a power, with no power cost and prec damage. tho the combos are technically an "ability" but if we really think about it, it really is just a new weapon with cool new animations. other powers used to have a combination of weapons and ability to their rotation, and HL at that time was a combination of ability and combos, which basically the same thing, because again, construct combos were being treated just like another weapon with different animation.

    the problem with combo powers start with WM and AM eras, and i kinda understand how balancing them were hard at that time due to the major changes in the game mechanics. but i kinda thought the next revamp shouldn't have this issue since all powers will be played with combination of both weap and ability. so why not just treat combos like in HL and celest as just another weapon? wouldn't that be easier? maybe not.. idk..
  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I dont ever remember the Devs classifying Combos like an extra Weapon attack and I never thought of it like that. The Combo system was a neat addition and allowed for a different playstyle and Stat Build. It worked then but for balancing purposes, it seems to be a nightmare so making them all Might will better balance them in the long run of the game. I was against it at first but all it does and change my spec which was going to change anyways with how the Revamp is shaping up. The Revamp in the initial stage was probably set to only having Hybrid playstyle but as more folks gave Feedback the Devs decided to give Options to the players which now we have the 3 playstyles to choose from. Balancing is never perfect and its never done but the change to make everything Might with Abilities and Precision with Weapons will make it easier on everyone.
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  16. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    maybe this is where my definition is different. for me, abilities have always been might until now. every move that uses right/left click or square/triangle button is some kind of "normal attack" that doesn't (and shouldn't) need power to cast, and deals prec damage. and every move that uses 1-6 or L2/R2 + button is an "ability" that need power to cast and deal might damage. that's why i always thought combos as a weapon attack rather than an ability coz they behave like it (using right/left click or sqr/triangle, don't need power, and deal prec damage).
    as for balancing issue they can just make combos on par with other weapon damage. and if ppl still want to play from the tray without any weapon, just make it like other powers so celest or HL can spam powers just like other powers. but combos should stay prec and cost no power.

    nothing to important actually,, and it doesn't change anything for whether i will keep playing or not.. it just hit me as another unnecessary changes, like how they did with trolling.
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  17. megamanzero Loyal Player

    I much prefer having variety and with this change it doesnt seem that way
  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    There's just as much variety as there ever was. Intact probably more now since the plan is you can build your character yo do play from the tray/weapon/hybrid style of play

    Your character supposedly won't be pigeon hold to one style of damage bad based on the power that it is.

    There was never really variety in this game someone finds a load out that does best in slot and everyone copies it to do optimal damage. Hopefully this fixes that l. But not holding my breath
  19. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i never felt pigeon holed
  20. toast Well-Known Player

    i read this and my brain started to actually ache. so setting combo powers as might removes variety!? you seem to be forgetting that all 24 powers will be available to use. thats not even mentioning iconic powers. just base on this alone expands variety to almost a ridiculus degree. that is unless you are one who relies on cookie cutter loadouts, only then can i say that variety is lessened.
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