I think that if they made Cursed Idol a power instead of a supercharge it would help celestial a lot. like sorcerys soul well. thoughts?
No. Cursed Idol does damage over a VERY wide area and restores health. Soul Well's are is not nearly as big and it doesn't restore health at the same time as doing damage. Cursed Idol is only a 25% supercharge anyway, and you can get that in very little time.
Alright, im open minded. How will making cursed idol help celestial? Without knowing the reason lets say it was made so. What about another supercharge and what power should cursed idol replace?
well it was just an idea lol and idk what it would replace. just thought id start a friendly celestial discussion. lol
was just an idea. lol i just want some kind of change to celestial for it to keep up with other powers again. idk. just popped into my head when i hit cursed idol. lol
If they did change it to a power than, does that mean we would get a real damage super, since all celestials supers are support related; Reduce damage, shield team and heal,small heals and damage, mid damage and heals overtime.
Celestial doesn't need any changes to keep up with the other powers. Ever thought it might just be you? Why not change your load out around?
If that were the case, then DCUO would have to nerf the power A LOT. If we just made it a power and used another supercharge in its place without doing anything to it, then it would be way too over-powered.
Cursed idol is very interesting, how many other supers can be buffed and damage modified like normal powers? Real question tho, does penetrating strikes work with idol?
I just use, as listed on my bar: AcB, DL, Renew, Blessing, CS, McB. But its not just the load out its how you actually use it. I've seen countless healers use DL when people are at full health, because they wanted to give the raid the small heal over time. And honestly, McB clipped with CS and spamming a good WM combo can be enough healing to keep any raid alive.
oh. i was referring to the dps side. celestial heals are awesome. especially that McB combo. crazy heals with WM lol