Celebrate Batman Day with a Free In-Game T-Shirt!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Angeliana, Sep 9, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Join in the celebration!

    You heard that right! In celebration of Batman’s 85th Anniversary, you get a Batman Day T-Shirt, YOU get a Batman Day T-Shirt, YOU ALL get a Batman Day T-Shirt!

    Starting September 10th, 2024 and ending on September 23rd, 2024, numerous Batman Day events and rewards such as the Batman – 85 Years T-Shirt style and Haunted Gotham Cowl stylewill be available to obtain!

    Batman – 85 Years T-Shirt Style & Haunted Gotham Cowl Style

    Batman Daily Missions

    New event missions have been added! Upon completion, they will grant special Batman Reward Caches, Source Marks, and the event currency Batman Day 2024 Coins:
    • Batman Day: Daily Solo or Duo
    • Batman Day: Daily Alert
    • Batman Day: Daily Raid
    • Batman Day: Celebration
    The Batman Reward Cache is the ultimate cache for all Batman fans around the world! You’ll find all sorts of Batman-related rewards in here, ranging from styles, base items and more!

    Batman Day 2024 Coins can be exchanged for event rewards like the Haunted Gotham Cowl Style, more Batman Reward Caches, and can even be exchanged for Source Marks! Find the Event Vendor, The Catwoman, in the House of Legends to get started.

    Batman Playlist

    This special playlist is only available during the event! Each day, Batman-themed content will cycle as a featured Solo/Duo, Alert, and Raid.

    Completing this content is necessary to complete the new Batman Daily Missions, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on the daily featured content cycle!

    Marketplace Updates

    Enjoy 20% Off all Batman items in the Marketplace! This sale lasts for only 1 WEEK from September 10th, 2024 until September 16th, 2024.

    Don’t have time this time around to participate in the Batman Events, but still want all the shiny new goods from the Event Vendor? Say no more. Batman Day 2024 Coins will also be available in the Marketplace. (Please note Batman Day 2024 Coins are a limited time event currency that must be spent before the event ends).

    Stay in the loop by joining us on X, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

    • Like x 9
  2. killercomic Dedicated Player

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  3. NeoSelkie Well-Known Player

    "Batman Day 2024 Coins will also be available in the Marketplace. (Please note Batman Day 2024 Coins are a limited time event currency that must be spent before the event ends)."

    I am not a fan of limited time event currencies that expire...
    Especially for stuff that would have normally just been a grant or added drops.

    I'll withhold full judgement until I see how many marks you get from the "batman day dailies" but this just seems like yet another new way to attempt to milk people.
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  4. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    This is definitely a new marketing strategy. I wonder if they hired a person to oversee how much and how effectively they can extract money from the player base and make it seem like a "celebration" to Batman 85.

    The real question is, is this an outlier or the new norm?
    • Like x 3
  5. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Will the 85th Anniversary Batman Classic Emblem be returning? This is all that matters. Many people who are new, some returning, others that just missed out, deserve an opportunity to acquire the emblem. Superman had the return of the emblem for the 85th. Whoever made sure we got the Superman emblem back, please be certain we get the Batman emblem back. I have waited MANY years for this. If we do not see it return, sadly, I may reevaluate my support through subscription year round. This will be the biggest letdown if we do not get this emblem.
  6. PrincessBunny Well-Known Player

    Looks like a fun event, One issue I do have if I am actually spending money to buy said currency it Should Not Expire.
  7. AZPrime Active Player

    Is the implication here that the coins expire if they're not used up? Because selling something for real world money that can then disappear should one either forget or be unable to use them before the expiration period is really shady.
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  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    If I had to guess they will roll over into source marks so it’s technically not a loss after you purchase it

    Otherwise if it goes away .. people from the state of California and I’m assuming other states (which I’m sure are lot excluded from purchasing them … will have a case against them.

    This was a huge deal a few years back with gift cards and those “credit cards” you could buy as gift cards … if you purchase a gift card or a credit card for currency which that is exactly what this is in game currency .. it can not expire and it’s be available to the person who holds that currency to use.

    No matter what tos daybreak has us sign they have a stipulation ther we sign allowing them to break the law. … so im guessing they will roll over to source makes
  9. AZPrime Active Player

    Congratulations on becoming a developer and having an inside track on how these things work!

    Oh, wait, your name isn't green. My mistake, with how readily you responded to me I just assumed. My apologies. But much in that vein, you're assuming they're going to do things adhering to the law when they've definitely made questionable decisions before. I'd rather have a green name give clarification rather than make baseless assumptions on what might happen.
  10. Rumor New Player

    The event is live on Eu but the playlist is missing. Rest seems in order.
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I wonder if it will be hidden away in the Batman Reward Caches?
  12. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    It's a win/win. Nobody is forced or even heavily persuaded to spend a dime. But for those with disposable income they have the option of responsibly spending it on something they want. For those of us who have been wanting some of the old Batman day stuff, we have the option to play the game and obtain said stuff.

    I like these events. I got some cool pets I'd wanted from the old FoS Survival Mode from the Superman event. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting the mini-bat mobile base "pet" for my base and some of the old Batman day posters for the Batman hall in my leagues hall. And I won't be spending a dime.
    • Like x 2
  13. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    You posted a post no need to get snippy when someone responds to it… the first five words I said btw were “if I had to guess” it’s an educated guess because what did they say you can trade them in for at the vendor… what’s that Angeliiana? Source marks you say? Oh ok so it’s plausible that they will just roll over into source marks once the event is over … … do I know this ? No… but i never sold it as a fact … if you don’t want people to comment on your post don’t post .. simple as that otherwise don’t get in your feelings cause a green name didn’t answer you and others responded
    • Like x 6
  14. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    I can't see why it would be, Superman had the emblem in the Fuginaut vendor for source marks for the 85th. I have been anxiously waiting to go back to the same spot and for 150 source marks finally have this emblem. I'm seriously rethinking my sub, lol. If I cannot get this thing, because I literally missed it the first go because life, I am changing how I invest my time and resources. It may sound silly to some, but this is like waiting to see a rare comet that only appears every 80 years. I have been stoked for this too long!
  15. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

  16. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Well-Known Player

    Short explanation for Turkish Players

  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Do you mean Batman's 80th Emblem?
  18. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Yes, however, as the Superman emblem was called when it returned, it's called 85th at this point, or would be.
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The name of Superman's 80th Emblem didn't change either. Last year we celebrated Superman's 85th anniversary with the return of Superman's 80th anniversary emblem. Just because the year changes doesn't mean the name of the item changes along with it.
  20. GKfrostmt New Player

    Is the event for NSW because I cannot see it and I am getting worried.