It looks like some nice quality of life improvements for the Lightning Strikes bounties in GU 61. Bounties • Reduced the respawn delays on the bounties that are part of the Lightning Strikes content. It doesn't look like the wandering of some of the flying bounties isn't getting addressed, but hopefully it will make grinding these a bit better.
Well, that's good to know. What has it been, four and a half years? Also, are they going to reduce the health so they are soloable for at tier players? Because Central City is a wasteland (Central City Wasteland, teehee). Good luck finding a group to do these if you're new.
shorter respawns, good. Expected, any flying bounty will potentially be at the ceiling. Watch you're mini map and slow down in potential spawn locations. < > below you above you
< below you > above you Mini map, understanding of enemy location. <- have not played in a while, right? or is it the other arrow direction for up and down. Does anyone right mouse click on the map menu? Ping??? Ping the map???
Group members are now color coded to differentiate them on the Minimap. Each group member will have a different randomly assigned color, except for the group leader who is always yellow. Group members can “ping” the map by pressing R3 on the Gamepad on a spot on the map which will create a temporary waypoint for group members, seen both on the mini map and in the main Map UI.
Yeah, MS and Mac OS presentation of content works for a mmo too. U using oracle tools?? enjoy the ongoing plugin situation.
Edit is just not loading, these past few minutes. 0o. meanwhile, MS & Mac OS, and steam or whomever else? Is Nintendo still in business? Random fact, i own a Dreamcast. Console market??? That Dreamcast i had may or may not have been modded for playing imports. like my ps2 may or may not have been modded for import games. No, consoles are not a limiting factor to access to games.
Well THAT is good news ( the reduced spawn times) Now as SuperBell mentioned can we do something about making it possible for players IN THAT CR range to actually be able to defeat them? WAY back, 4+ years ago, putting together a team to hunt down the rogues was not an issue. They were among the highest available content and team were forming constantly but these days... about the ONLY players out there collecting those bounties are ones that can solo them (anywhere from about CR 120 and up) because the reward (1 mark per bounty or total of 9 IF you can locate all of them) does not make a bounty hunt a viable option for 5-8 players in that CR range. IF you have 4 or 8 team mates available chances are your doing one of the alerts or raids that give you better armor and 5 marks or more in a lot less time than it takes to travel all over Metropolis, Gotham and Central City hunting down the Rogues. I have exactly 1 alt that has defeat 500 of them to complete the available feats and a second within a couple days of hitting 250. AT that point I'll spend the 1 replay badge required to buy that final feat (since there are no other ones between 250 and 500) The one that has 500 is my ATOMIC TANK who is CR 162 and the other at 227 bounties at the moment is my Earth Tank at CR 150. It has been suggested before but they should also look into allowing players to use replay badges to lessen the time required to obtain the feats. Sorry but some of the feats we have out there are insane including this one... At best a player, right now, can defeat 9 Rogues a day and the maximum defeats for feat point is 500. So if you manage to locate and defeat all 9 Rogues every single day you need to log on and do those missions 56 days in a row. And even with an ALT in the 150s by the time you get the missions in CC, find and defeat at least ONE of the two Rogues there, then travel to Gotham and Metropolis and search out and find all the ones scattered there and finally return to CC to get that last one (I do it that way so I don't spend 15 minutes or more waiting for a new spawn in CC) you can put in well over an hour just on that ONE feat. Considering the only other Bounties you can't BUY replays on are the ones located in the Safehouses on Wanted Posters it never made a lot of sense to me why they never set this up.