Capsules Are Not Game Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mizz iZ, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    Seems as though Daybreak is sending a message; DCUO has a short life.
  2. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    You are incorrect my dear friend. Achieving the collections without spending real money is not possible for most players. I contend that the person(s) who developed this scheme intended that it's only purpose is to vacuum unsuspecting players into a spending frenzy.

    If you only do the event, how many fragments does it take to make one stabilizer? Has it dawned on you that it's rather silly that fragments were even created? (Secret: Because they want to make sure you don't collect too many >>> so you will become impatient and then buy stabilizers. And you will think its a good deal too because its 1710 Daybreak Cash to buy 20 stabilizers, not $17.10 .) That in itself is an insult to my intelligence! But let's go back to how you make one damn stabilizer that opens one capsule after you've collected SEVERAL per day. (Way more than prolythium boxes!)

    So you open one capsule that has formed due to your fragments turning into a stabilizer. You get something! YAY! But after a while its the same stuff. (The stuff that might sell on the AH for 10K.) Eventually, if you're not paying attention to the auction house, trade chat, and other players; you discover there are three collection sets made up of 12 individual collections, and an eight piece armor set and a bunch of other useless crap that makes you BUY inventory space! (Daybreak hopes you do, count on that!) Then you find out there are at least two 50 point feats, sometimes three attached to the items. You don't have to get your calculator out to decide it's impossible to complete any of that as you don't have time before the next capsule comes out. Not to mention the drop rate is so small....

    So you say that since there is an event to earn fragments, that makes capsules legitimately a part of the game? Unless you want me to write a thesis about how your belief has occurred, just take my word for it. You've been duped!

    Hint: If you wanted to sell something that has no value, how would YOU get people to buy it?
  3. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    I never danced around the fact that you can run the Event to get stabilizers. What I did say was that TCs drop faster than you can POSSIBLY earn stabilizers by running the event.

    And each "style" TC is for a limited time run, so the pieces inside are only available in small numbers which means you can't always complete the feats associated with them if you only get stabilizers by running the event (Unless you buy them off the brokers for millions or spend real money to buy stabilizers) - which leads us back to feats being tied to them and having to buy stabilizers.

    Working backwards through your list:
    Renown Booster Boxes - Renown I can get from running game content and that content is always available.
    Radar Scanners - Collections, briefings, and investigations I can get from running game content and that content is always available.
    R&D Enhancers - Exos I can get from farming and they are always available.
    Legends - I can get by running PvP and LPvP and that content is always available.
    Movement Respec Tokens - I don't know of any feat that is only available to a specific movement class
    Power Respec Tokens - The only feat I know of that would be associated with this is the T3 armor because it was role specific.

    I am not saying that all those things might get someone to their end goal faster, but they are not a must have.Amazon TCs had 36 collection pieces you needed to get and dropped for about 4 months. lets say I run the Event basically every day for a month, I would could open 10 TCs. I would have to run the Event practically everyday for all 4 months to have enough stabilizers to open 36 TCs, that assumes NO duplicate collection pieces. And if I don't get all of them, I have to go to the marketplace to buy what I am missing. And as mentioned earlier by someone, the prices go up once that type of TC doesn't drop anymore.

    Since this thread is not about making money in the game by selling your duplicates, let's get back to the point. TCs are not really game related and should have nothing to do with feats. As the OP said:
    "Allowing the capsules to be a part of gaining feat points is a bunch of bologna. FEAT POINTS SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO GET THE STYLE OR THE AURA. Be like other games and let wearing the style be the ONLY reward."
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  4. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    Make yourself clear!! Gosh, you're being confrontational! Now I am a little annoyed!

    FYI, I do the event. I am a Legendary member so it takes me less time to earn those beautiful fragments than some other players.

    So I open what, two capsules per week, or is that three? Wait, I get 6 fragments per run right? It takes me three days to earn enough to get to my climax; ONE STABILIZER! WooHoo! I'm gonna be rich muahahaha :D Wait for it, here's the BEST part! Since I only needed 15 fragments to make one stabilizer I have LEFT-OVERS! YAY, left overs are so popular a restaurant will pack them for you in a to-go container right? yum yum! The sad part is I only have three left-over so it's going to take 5 more days to get to the point where I will have enough to make one stabilizer. But's that okay! I can run the event every day for one more week and then I will be there. Oh and the event mind you..... is SO EXCITING! And guess what? I'M so OP in that event I finish it in less than one minute! Now that's some entertaining content right? Although I'm a little confused as to why it always copies other events and never stays the same...

    Oh Boy! I got so excited about the game content for a minute I lost track of what I was saying. Back to it. So I get to open 2 Time-Capsules per week and one extra every-other week.

    The darnedest thing happened to me the other day. Well no big surprise, I opened a TC and only saw stuff I already earned. So I went to the AH to sell the stuff. Can you believe that there were pages upon pages of the same items I'm trying to sell? Not to mention people were dumping them for like 10K each. I felt discouraged but what ever. If I can sell my stuff for 10K, then I can buy the items I need for 10K. It'll even out, so it's all good.

    HAHAHAHA.... yeah right! The item I need is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000.00

    Well.... now I really am feeling depressed. I'm never gonna collect my feats :confused: Wait.... be an optimist, you can open TC faster if you buy Fragments, or you can buy game-cash from Gold Sellers in order to buy the items you need from the AH for 100,000,000,000,000,000,000.00. Those are my options. If that guy is saying he makes 100,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 from TC he's not being forth-coming.
  5. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    Really? Those are poor examples and I will explain why.

    Every one of those "buy feats" options you mentioned are related to actual work. Each of them will require a player to play the game, be it complete a race, or fly around looking for exobits, either way, they are PLAYING.

    TC drop like a reward. Everyone gets them as a reward for playing; they are loosely comparable to Prolythium Boxes. The catch is you have to open them with a currency; a currency earned by playing a make-believe event. The event has NO value, its no different than getting in line to buy a hot dog at the fair (but slightly less time-consuming, lol!) The first time I saw TC I thought they were cool. But after I did the event Im like...., "How come I can't open the TC?"

    "Oh really? I have to run the event three more times? hmm, that doesn't seem cool but whatever."

    "WHAT?!?! I CAN'T run the event with my alts. ROFLMFAO... really an ACCOUNT BOUND EVENT?

    "WHAT?!?! More than ten TC dropped today!"

    I am the type of person who recognizes parts of a whole; in other words I collect premises to form a solid argument.

    TC are nothing more than a get-rich-quick tactic, brought to Daybreak by a person whom is infamous for ruining games with these types of revenue-increase schemes.
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  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I recommend you click on my name, and then reread everything Ive posted on this subject. You are so against the idea of TCs that you cant stop to see I have proved you wrong in everyone of your posts.

    Getting the items takes gameplay and broker strategy, I wont repeat the strategies again, just reread. I have done what you say is impossible for every TC. Maybe you should play the game more, sell items and buy the things you want instead of complaining on here my lord.
  7. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    There is no "BAM! you get the feat" in your scenario. All you're saying is sell what drops! I do know what you mean though.

    My argument to that is this. There will be two or more pieces that have a substantially lower drop rate. You don't know which pieces those are for a few days or more. Heck you could have sold one for 8 mil, but now its selling for 100,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 or its just not available anymore.

    This argument has merit, I recognize that. However I don't think it is a reliable way to actually get the feats. The materials and auras are always out of reach, ya know? There's no way to make enough from selling early on, not enough so that you can buy the armor set AND the aura and the material. You could conceivably need as much as 400,000,000.00.

    I won't believe he makes that much from running the event only.
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  8. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    Your opinion of "proving me wrong" is obviously a subjective viewpoint. On a realistic note: Nobody gets to say, "I have proven you wrong" and then it's magically true.

    Did I mention that Fragment Events are Account Bound?
  9. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    You know darn well you can't make enough from 2-3 TC per week, to buy enough to get the feats. But I will try.
  10. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I have, its strategy. Anyone can do it. The collections are color coded for rarity as well.
  11. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Wasn't even speaking to you to begin with.

    TCs never expire tho. For example I could open an Amazon TC right now (if I hadn't given them all away) and get some Shimmy gear or try for that rare Flaming Chicken Wing. Also they eventually cycle back if you ever run out. Everyone should have more TCs than they're able to open.

    You left out there's feats for maxing out Renown and also gets you gear (for a feat), emblems (for a feat) and much later down the line elite gear. All tied to progression. Something you can slowly earn in game or pay up for faster results.
    Feats for completing and rewards style pieces for additional feats. Something you can slowly earn in game or pay up for faster results.
    Or if you really want those R&D feats out of the way... pay up for faster results.
    PvP is absolute manure, buying those Legends characters is so much more convenient.
    If you're a Speedster you could finish all your races for the feats, than change your movement to Acrobatics and complete those races for more feats. When you're finished with that switch over to Flight or Skimming and complete those races for ADDITIONAL FEATS!
    Or also... if you're a Healer power, you could switch to Gadgets to get the Controller feats and than switch to Fire for the Tank feats.

    Or you could just sell everything you open for a ton of money and than buy it back for half price. That little trick got me the Black Flash Cowl.

    Since this thread is not about making money in the game by selling your duplicates, let's get back to the point. TCs are not really game related and should have nothing to do with feats.[/quote] Which I totally agree with, just wanted to point out the flaws in the argument. If you're going to get mad at something, get mad at it for the right reasons. Which brings me to....
    ^^^BOOM!^^^ Right there, the real reason you should hate TCs. ^^^RIGHT FREAKING THERE^^^
    Why cycle additional money into the game when you can just bypass the whole system. You lose money, Daybreak loses money and the only real winner is the GOLD SELLERS. Terrorism is alive and well friends. STOP FUNDING ISIR AND START BUYING STABILIZERS!
  12. Emoney Dedicated Player

    And also, if we are talking all TCs so far, Ive prob sold and purchased close to 2 billion now, just saying.

    Read my strategy, save those stabilizers for next TC (if its a new one) then open, sell and buy back. Good luck I am done with this convo lol.
  13. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Curious, how many TC feats do you have?
  14. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    In total? About 3000. I've opened probably around 2 to 300. Not once have I opened a collection I need to unlock a material.
  15. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    Just got to ask: What is "broker strategy" ? I really don't remember learning about that as I fought my way off of Brainiac's ship. I never got a mission from my mentor to teach that. Will my tank die if I don't have "broker strategy"? Will my healer run out of power if I don't have "broker strategy"? SO how is "broker strategy" part of game play? Cause I thought this game was about heroes and villains, not the Wolf of Wall Street.
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  16. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    OH MY BAD! I read that wrong. I don't now how many and I won't go check, lol! I do know that I have feats from every Emblem except the Zodiac collection. I bought about 1/3 of those from the AH, they are cheap and no doubt nobody stands out from acquiring those feats. (Oh btw, OMG, my Emblems menu is SO long! But what does it matter? Nobody wears them... okay okay maybe 0.01% of players do, maybe.)

    I have two auras and one material, but I bought all of those using real money. They were expensive. They may have given me an edge over other players who can't afford it.

    I have all of the armor set feats except for 3 or 4. Those I mostly got from opening TC myself. (I have spent almost $200 buying Fragments) emoney's strategy would work for armor collecting if you could successfully acquire equipment capsules, but 2 to 3 TC a week isn't enough. Getting the armor isn't really a big deal. Nearly anyone can get a set, so no one really gains an advantage by being better because everyone has it.

    Right now I don't have a full set of Shim'Tar or Mid-nite and a couple of others, from TC I didn't collect (because I wasn't playing at the time).

    I need Gemini Emblem so I'm missing 75 points from that (cuz that would would complete the entire collection which is a 50 point feat: 25 from Gemini + 50 for having the entire collection.)

    I don't have Blue Mist Aura, Negative Mat, Time-torn mat, Wings of Sin, or Phoenix Mat. I haven't done the math but that would equal about 5 Skill Points I don't have. Which would be okay if I didn't suspect a new TC will release with Water. I will get further and further behind each time a Capsule is released... I'm only not horribly behind now because I have spent $300 trying to keep up.

    I DO the event and I make millions from the broker, lol! I have been selling what I don't need, and yes I made cash, but only 100,000,000.00 from TC, but I've spent real money to open the darn things; buying Fragments. I finally purchased in-game cash once, which was the most cost effective way to get the feats. But it's gotta stop!

    That's why I'm unhappy! I'm unhappy because I will most likely fall behind. I wish the devs would give us a solid reason to play, like fresh and entertaining game content and a solid game that has a future. Comics give this game endless potential. But Daybreak's desperate attempt to get-rich-quick puts the future of this game at risk.
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  17. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Marketing is a real life skill.
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  18. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    Let me say I wasn't speaking directly to you (Jason). You were not the only one saying that topic was being danced around.

    I never said they expire. As far as " they eventually cycle back", exactly how often do they do that?

    And Jason agrees with me that you can get all feats by just playing the game, but buying all that stuff will get you the feats faster so I am not sure what his point was.
  19. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Well lets put it this way. If no items drop from GAMEPLAY as a reward.....what would the broker be for?

    Aside from playing tons of other games (some old school ones were basically only market games) the art of selling high buying low, is a basic strategy that works here, and yes, in real life too.
  20. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    There really is no point. I'm just playing devil's advocate. I want all the cool stuff moved to the MP, I don't care if it costs $40.
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