Capsules Are Not Game Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mizz iZ, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    They don't get "better" tho, that's what you're not getting.
  2. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    It sounds like you're suggesting that we sell the collections we need instead of consuming them. If that's what you're saying then I must ask: What makes that so easy? Ya know some of us actually want to complete feats, collections, briefings, and investigations. I've consumed horribly ugly auras in lieu of selling shite because feats are attached. I PLAY-to-win. I should not feel pressure to alter the style I play my game because the developers get greedy.

    I propose that the developers take a different approach to make their money. Instead of pissing us off, make a good product and DON'T piss us off by insulting our intelligence. They attach feats to the capsules to draw in players who don't need capsule gear and who don't care about auras.
  3. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    How about we keep ALL of that stuff but DON'T attach feats to them.... DERP! Sometimes it seems all I hear are nothing but crickets.
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I make my money in game by selling base items, farming exos and materials, farming old collections and rare styles like CC Hood. I also sell auras from prom boxes. And do you know what I do with that money I earned from PLAYING THE GAME? I buy all the TC stuff off the broker so I don't have spend hundreds of real dollars on gamble boxes. And do you know what I do with the stabilizers I earn for free from playing the event? I open them and sell everything I've already collected.
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  5. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I will say this , TC's contain things that would have been drops in content or vendor gear. They also clearly held the ALan scott styles back for TC knowing Kingdom fans would drop top dollar. If this was 2011 that would have been the vendor gear and the black hawk set would have been the purple drop. That would have been perfect as the gold vendor gear as it fit the theme of teaming with the JSA(i also have a hard time believing Alan Scott was magically captured by ultra humanite lol). That rubs me the wrong way when the iconic gear was always the vendor gear yet they held that back to Nickel and dime us.
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  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Yes, I am suggesting that and heres why...

    When TCs first come out, or DLC with OP collections, the people who want them before everyone else will pay outrageous money. Everything is always way overpriced. sell everything, for the first couple weeks, to the first month or so. (The market right now for TC stuff has already settled, currently its a buyers market.) After all the prices have dropped, thats when you take all the money you made, and start buying them back. I have done this for every TC and it works.....but you have to have self control, to not collect things early on. Patience gets ya everything.
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  7. Emoney Dedicated Player add to that, in case your next question is, "well how do we know when its a buyers market vs. sellers market?!?"

    For TCs the first things that drop in price are the emblems. The window to profit on them is very small, this current TC they dropped at day 4....except for the two 50 pt feat ones (Swamp thing n raven) those two hold value longer, but currently they hover between 3 and 5 mil....I sold one for 17 mil on day 2, then bought it back a few days ago for 2 mil.

    Its all about checking prices on day one, and then periodically (daily for me) lookin to see what they are at. What helps too, is saving your stabilizers from the event, to use the first week of the next TC. The hardest part is holding out for the low prices, but they always level out, in comparison to launch prices.
  8. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    100% pay to win bogus phoney bologna.

    Is it illegal? No.
    ( although I'm sure a lawyer and/or judge in some state somewhere could make a valid winnable case for underage gamble)

    Is it unethical? Absolutely.

    Exploiting loyal players into getting styles they don't want.

    Take that energy put into crapsules and make the game balanced.

    That's Crapsters' MO tho.

    He monentized and destroy the two MMO's he was involved with before this. Do your research.

    That's why when dc dies, if the name daybreak or Crapster is associated with it, it will never see my business
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  9. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    What does that have to do with the fact Feats can be purchased?
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  10. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    Makes one, (at least one with an actual ability to deduce), suspect that Daybreak's primary goal is to make quick cash, without consideration of longevity for the game.
  11. Mizz iZ Well-Known Player

    How are you able to sell items from the TC without buying Fragments?

    This post was never about how to make money in DC. I have plenty of that. Feats are attached to those TC and that's just wrong. It pressures us "completionist" type people into spending our real life money so that we can complete a collection, or complete all the feats.
  12. Dene Devoted Player

    A lot of people do this.. mine is 50/50 I buy a few stabilizers.. see whats in em - use what I need, sell duplicates and buy rest with money earned from farming various "hot spots" for rare stuff
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  13. Dene Devoted Player

    Simple example - he is saying this

    *First few days of TC*

    Open a TC and it has Head Piece Of Green Knight - sell it for like 8 mill or more on first few days

    *times passes a week*

    buy Head Piece Of Green Knight 2 Mill or less - you just made about 6 mill

    do the above with everything you get from free TCs and BAM you get the feats - a bit later but you get em
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  14. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Why are you picking on just Time Capsules than? You can buy feats from using Power Respec Tokens and Movement Respec Tokens. You can purchase Legends off the MP for 2 feats. What about R&D Enhancers and Radar Scanners? Renown Booster Boxes?
  15. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    He's able to sell items from TC because he earns his stabilizers for free by running the event. You keep dancing around that fact.
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  16. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Lol, everone against TCs dances around that for some reason.

    They dont get that right now, I am running the event but saving stabilizers for next TC.

    Then when that TC comes out, I should have between 10-20 stabilizers and use em to get and sell stuff.
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  17. Emoney Dedicated Player


    With your example, I dont necessarily open the sub boxes though. The gear and collectors boxes sell really high first week. Generally 3 to 5 mill each. So say you open a TC and you get a gear box. Sure the head chest and back are rare and worth bank....but rng is stacked against you, and most likely youll open and get a common piece hands waist etc which dont sell good. So, by selling the gear box instead of opening, you are basically selling the rng aspect to someone else.
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  18. Emoney Dedicated Player

    This thread is about whether TCs are or are not game content.

    I have been saying they are, because we run an event for the stabilizers, and I am stating how I use other items and the broker to complete the feats. Some people look at capsules as only a real money option. I am saying, if you use everything in game, you can aquire the feats without real money through gameplay.
  19. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    The general theme and opinion of a large portion of gamers is that, once Jacksters comes in board, gamers and players stop feeling like loyal, appreciated customers, and start to feeling like a resource, to be consumed and abused until the well runs dry.

    Customer service vs. Customer satisfaction. Where is it.
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  20. Joybird Committed Player

    Agree 100%. Money (on top of subscriptions) should buy prestige styles, etc., nothing more.
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