Top Bug - In Progress Can't save weapon mastery styles

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Zamara, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. Morcegoitu New Player

    yes i use weapon mastery in staff
    I like to use weapon mastery in solo and challenges
  2. XBlue Well-Known Player

    Please post a time frame when you intend to fix this bug. It's really annoying. Every time after logging in you have to set the right style again.
    • Like x 1
  3. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Friendly reminder: liking the first post helps it go up the list :p
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  4. lxTheOverseerxl New Player

    Be grateful you aren't stuck at connecting screen ppl been a month now at least youre playing:mad:
  5. Reverse~Reverse Flash Active Player

    Certain Style aren't Saving after logging out , Weapon Mastery Specifically

    Thanagarian Pistol Overrides all Dual Pistol Styles when relogging
    Greco-Roman Sword Overrides One-Handed Styles and sometimes Alternates between Metropolis Firefighter Axe When Reloging

    Saving Selected Alternate Style in Armory are still Overwritten when Reloging
    • Like x 1
  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    What system are you playing on? What Server are you using?
  7. Reverse~Reverse Flash Active Player

  8. Reverse~Reverse Flash Active Player

    This has been going on for a few Months
  9. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    My 1st weapon mastery style will not save to my 2nd armory loadout. Upon logging in and out, the style defaults to Thanagarian Tomahawk. The 1st and 2nd weapon mastery styles are also unlocked in the style tab when this occurs. When logged back in and applying the style I want, it doesn't default to Thanagarian Tomahawk after switching armories. It's only until I log in and out again. It doesn't matter what style I apply to the armory, it always defaults to Thanagarian Tomahawk.

    I have 4 armories.

    Style I'm trying to apply; Lobo's Chained Hooks for Dual Wield.

    Weapon; Martial Arts.

    2nd Mastery Weapon Style; works fine.

    Edit: Guess I should have bumped this:

  10. BloodIust Active Player

    I love the work you have done with adding iconic weapon styles but on xbox we have an issue where our secondary weapon mastery style wont save, it only seems to be on select armories but has been an issue for awhile, materials colors etc dont save, hate to see all the work go in but nobody gets to see bows wont save for dual wield mastery, worked on my brawl into 2 handed so maybe just an issue with dual wield style masterys
  11. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Ongoing issue for several years now. Still not corrected.
  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I'm not sure if this is related or completely different but often times when my OMAC trinket expires I'm suddenly wielding maces instead of my mist-enhanced swords.

    PC/PS4 US server
  13. XBlue Well-Known Player

    --> "Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Zamara, Sep 18, 2019"

    2 years later and still no response or bug fix. By the way, the bug is probably over 6 years old! Why do you ignore that?
    For me it has become a ritual after logging in to first set the first and second Weapon Mastery style back to my selected style and then change the material. The setting lasts until you exit the game. It's just annoying ...
  14. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    My Armory Weapon Mastery styles never save.

    It seems after the daily downtime, these styles specifically reset themselves to default.

    I have to constantly go back and edit and imprint all of my armories everyday I login.

    Intended or Bug?
  15. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Also affects Brawling Mastery and Bow Mastery.
  16. Zamara Dedicated Player

    I mean, at this point i think it's safe to assume it affects every weapon.
    • Like x 1
  17. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Agreed. LOL
  18. BloodIust Active Player

    I still cant save the secondary weapon on my dual wield flurry build
  19. Midnight Man8 Level 30


    Please Devs, this bug needs to be fixed. My character uses Dual Pistol as second-weapon but the style for it does not save as how I want it to be. Everytime after I wear it and imprint to armory then I logout then log in, it still uses other style which I did'nt ever use and want to use it. I want to use a weapon style I bought from Marketplace.

    This should not be intended and this Top Bug need to be fixed. Please devs. Thank you.
  20. Midnight Man8 Level 30