Cant log in

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO ENTHUSIAST, Feb 4, 2017.

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  1. twinkie New Player

    I sense the game has come to an end.........
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  2. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Had the same issues prior to the end of City of Heroes. This was the ship I jumped to, and it has been taking on water a long time.
  3. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I guess I'll go shovel snow... I'd really rather be a superhero right now, though.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    I was on for about 20 mins on my main. Switched toons and got DCd and said authentication error. Pull up a launcher and it asked for my name and password and it took it but i hit play and right before i get to character select it DCs me. This is just a mess. Like i have said before i play other games and occasionally there are issues. But nowhere close to what this game has. There is always something. Get it together daybreak.
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    So what is the "game" doing to you now? ME? Well first I had a period where I tried over and over just to get the log in screen let me TRY to log in and got error messages. Now I pull up the log in and it works.. YAY they fixed it except now it can't remember who i am so i have to type in my account handle and password. Then I finally get it to actually get to the character select window.. I select a character and CRASH with a message saying something about an authentication error. I was down to the Underworld Trial aleert on my CR 187 DPS and then planned to spend some time on my a43 Rage dps.. beginning to wonder if we will ever get to play today at all.
  6. CaptainBombus Level 30

    I agree they should just freeze DCUO where it is now, but continue to bug fix. As opposed to a revamp, I think they should just be working on a sequel (DCUO 2) . That way they can explore a new vision for the game, but not piss away all their existing players. Allow both games to run in parallel for at least 2 years and then have a way for players to migrate their existing toons and SP to the sequel, when they're ready.
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  7. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I was able to get in and play a few minutes (nobody running the Valentine race?!??) and then when I tried to switch characters - DCed. At this rate I won't get through anything today.
  8. Kai El Well-Known Player

    Switched toons. Can't log in.
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  9. Kayla El Committed Player

    We didn't buy enough stabilizers so they ran out of money to pay for their servers maintenance. Sorry but how many log in issues they had for the past few weeks now cause i lost count...
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  10. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    stuck on a loading screen
  11. twinkie New Player

    at this rate no one gonna stay around for this game any more.....
  12. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Knock Knock is there any GM to restarts server and fix this .
  13. At Least I’m Tryin Well-Known Player

    This is clearly due to a Russian Hack. Huge Protest - Starts in the middle of Town Today. Bring your placards and protest signs, and don't forget the duct tape and the blasting caps. Let's rip this town apart, set fires, and hurt people. Show your community spirit today!
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  14. gemii Dedicated Player

    well im back on again, wont be logging back out
  15. DesertSage New Player

    There was an error completing your request. Please try again.

    Mutter. Did I got and break launchpad or something?
  16. SmokeyBear Active Player


    :confused: still cant log in here
  17. tukuan Devoted Player

    For what it's worth they did tweet that they are working on it.
  18. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I log issues i log in dc kicks me out of ps4 then cant log in
  19. SparkmanX Committed Player

    Same here, what happening?
  20. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I can constantly log in on one toon. All others cause the error
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