Cant log in

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO ENTHUSIAST, Feb 4, 2017.

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  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    The tweet i saw was from over an hour ago and its a retweet because of it happening the last few times. Tbh right now i dont even wanna try to log on. Lately i feel like the clicking on my launcher is a giant crapshoot. Or getting a prize from a crackerjack box, ya never know what u are going to get. I suppose the forrest gump box of chocolate analogy could be used too :p

    Edit: I just hit play on my launcher and got an error. Tried again and same thing, error.

    Edit again: From what i see on twitter this is affecting all daybreak games. Saw screenshots of planetside2, H1Z1 and dcuo laucnhers all not connecting or giving errors. Must be another DDoS.
  2. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    This happens alot.
  3. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Fixed that.
  4. El El Committed Player

    someone please tell me why this thread is constantly dissapearing on us?if you search for it you cant find it somethimes.
  5. Scuzlbut Well-Known Player

    SAY NO TO REVAMP ! We want a FIXED Game - no more Patchwork !

    ...maybe we can play few hours at this weekend.
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Is it just PS/PC or is it Xbox as well.
  7. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    People say to calm down and wait but... the true its a bit different

    All they want is money and waste time in time capsules and revamps but the server issues are old, too old
    Instead of getting more ways of getting our money fix the big problem
    Some of the games reward the loyal players when things like this happen, maybe you guys should do the same because we should get rewards too for our patience but then again this game have a lot of issues and quite a few shutdowns... too many rewards
  8. Im Erza Active Player

    No one on Xbox that I know has mentioned this problem. I'm on right now with several leaguemates none have mentioned problems logging ( hopefully I didn't just jinx us ) :p
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  9. SpyderBite Active Player

    Win what? Leaderboards? Fastest TTK? What exactly are people paying to win? This attitude has always stumped me. Unless one is playing PvP exclusively, there is no such thing as p2w.
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    Seems to be all of daybreak, at least on twitter it looks that way. I saw dcuo players from xbox and ps/pc along with H1Z1 and planetside2 players saying they were all experiencing the issue.
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  11. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    That is your opinion and i have mine
    They never should let time capsules come with feats for example
    For me its like if you dont pay you not gonna have your feats and that is just one thing
    Like i say its how i see things and i respect the way you see things
    For our luck not everybody in the world likes the same colour
    Like i say before i respect you and everyone else but people have different options
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Ahhh well that was fun while it lasted. I managed to kill a bunch of Monsters in the Monster invasion zone, completed the solo challenge and the duo and was player #2 on a team being built to do the UT when I decided to move some more soda into my slot before we began .. opened inventory and crashed. have not been able to get back in since. Makes note: Don't use your inventory its a TRAP
  13. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Whatever it is, its impacting all Daybreak games.

    Maybe its a ddos.
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  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    Saw this on twitter and it made me chuckle

    I havent tried logging in for awhile now, is it still down?
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  15. SheerFaith Committed Player

    online now..
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea i just tried and got to my character select but the launcher is messed up still. It was telling me to get all access even tho im subbed.
  17. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    i managed to enter but when i change toon same problem happen and now i cant log in again
  18. Sigeci Well-Known Player

    Here we are hours later and its still not fixed. I guess daybreak wants to lose customers.
  19. gemii Dedicated Player

    grrr i was on all day just logged out now cant get back on
  20. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Did it to me too. Second time in last 2 weeks. Was IN game, was switching between toons and got a disconnect with error code OXOO1O, same as happened before. Tried to get back in game and kept telling me my password was in error. Went and took a nap. Came back 2 hours later, tried again, asked for my password, said it did not match...again. CHANGED password. Logged in and everything seemed to be progressing and disconnected me as soon as I got to the ready to enter screen...same error code. Tried to log back in AGAIN with the password I had just changed and ...wouldn't accept the new password even to get me to the point where I could be mysteriously disconnected. Like I said this is the 2nd time in 2 weeks! I'm PAYING FOR THIS GAME. I'm following their instructions. And I can't get in.
    I reset my modem. It's not my computer. I enter thru Steam and Steam is working on all my other games. But not this game.
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