Cant log in

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCUO ENTHUSIAST, Feb 4, 2017.

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  1. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I'm on the US PC Server, playing with a straight connection, not via Steam. I was able to log-in right away an hour or so ago, go to Hal Jordan, accept the Valentine's Day Event Quest, teleport to the Watchtower, fly around, and browse the wares from some vendors, all without any issues whatsoever. :cool:

    So whatever the issue is, it seems likely that it's now at least mostly resolved for players on PC, and is mostly plaguing console players at this time. I wouldn't even be surprised if it turned out to be partly due to the connection having to go through another layer (either Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, depending on your console of choice.) For that matter, it also seems logical to me that PC players playing through Steam might also be more likely to still have an issue. I'm definitely curious to see what the Devs say once it's all fully resolved.
  3. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Wish me luck. I'm going in. If you see me back with a boot print on my behind, you know what happened.
  4. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Thanks to understanding Mrs, checked, I'm in now but I've missed the last 3 days of my membership because of this and it hasn't been extended. Not amused. Switched off console immediately and whether game permanently gets removed from my hdd after 5 years depends on what you are going to do for the community.

    I think its time for you to acknowledge the many disservices dbg have done towards the community, with glitches, bugs, disconnects and downtimes in recent times and actually did something for it instead of profits.

    Why should I be expected to resub when I lost 3 good days of gaming (which I paid for up front) for reasons outside of my control?
  5. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I'm in., Xbox.
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  6. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I ended up logging out right after running the vault. Maybe it's the fact that after 3 days, my addiction is wearing off, but all of a sudden, I didn't have the motivation to play. Earlier today, I bought NASCAR Victory, for PS3, and while that's downloading, maybe I'll browse the Xbox Store for a new game to join.
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  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    This was my guess as well. IIRC this has been a regular thing with them around Super Bowl time. These are people who need to be beaten with lead pipes.
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  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Finally fed the hamster did we? :cool:
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  9. Son1cPT Well-Known Player


    3rd day with this problem and until now we just have "Status: 2/6/2017 6:51 PST - We are currently investigating an issue with logging into the game."

  10. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Thank you sir
  11. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    the never ending crap that is DBG!!!!!
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  12. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    No prob getting on but just went LINK DEAD trying to load the OnDuty event battle. Now can not get past load screen and can not use other characters.

    AKA Not fixed, not enough progress.
  13. Son1cPT Well-Known Player

    Now on launchpad

    I click the green button to start the game.

    After 2 seconds the green color appears

    Like if I had not clicked the START button
  14. Morsy808 Committed Player


  15. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    Yes i would like to see a compensation but lets be honest... i dont believe they will.
    And if you notice they dont even apologise for anything.
    All they say is thanks for your patience.
    An apology for any inconvience would be nice too.
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  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    I just watched 4 league mates on our leagues discord say they canceled their sub today because they are fed up. They are all 4 year players or longer and hardcore daily players. When some players are missing entire days of play i feel they should be extending subs for the days lost.
  17. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I can sporadically log in, and sometimes randomly disconnected. Past few days, no sign of it being better, sadly.
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  18. Morsy808 Committed Player

    To be honest, a fair amount of us are feeling like this. We have sat through years of this bs with empty promises that things will improve, but it never happens. It gets to a point where enough is enough.

    I'll be monitoring this forum for a few days to see what steps (if any) the devs are going to take to make it up to the community and if nothing is forthcoming, I will be done with this game for good.

    I am sick and tired of paying money for a sub to have days lost due to updates and stuff like this. It is completely pathetic and shows a very poor outlook on the playerbase from DBG. Seems they only want our money. Everything else, they couldn't give a damn about.
  19. NuclearQueen Active Player

    I was jokinggg, lol, using sarcasm. No one wants that stuff, obviously, but it's what they turn to. Yes, if they really want to make it up to us, here are a few ways

    -Remove Jackster
    -Free replay tokens
    -Removing feats from time capsules
    -Fixing the servers
    -Rare loot weekend
    -Double PvP marks weekend
    -Huge sale on items
    -Actual apology letter
    • Like x 1
  20. Nrazic New Player

    These server issues are beyond ridiculous. Its been buggered since saturday morning and the only info I can find is "we're investigating". No day break, I want a solid answer. Is it because you dont have large enough servers? Are they being matained properly? Has a mouse chewed thru the cables?

    So im asking the community(ive played this game off and on for a few years but nothing heavy) is this going to get better or am I wasting my time?

    *please note this is not a whinning thread
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