im trying to finish all the story arc missions, but there are some that i can even pick up the side mission for. like police science side mission. i can talk to him, but i cant get the mission.
1. What was the last mission you completed? details are helpful here 2. Is your journal completely empty with no missions to complete? 3. If your journal is not empty what mission(s) is there for you to complete? 4. Explore the environment everywhere, there are a lot of possible things to miss or not activate fully.
It may just be a glitch. I had a very similar situation a few days ago. My friend and I started brand new characters and we started with the Gorilla Grood arc in Little Bohemia (His missions since he took Superman as Mentor and I took Wonder Woman). We got to the side mission where you defeat 10 Brigadiers to get code and the contact on the roof top simply would NOT give me the mission. It had nothing to do with it not being MY mentor's arc since 1) I have done that same side mission before on numerous toons and 2) the contact that gives the side mission by the seaside amusement park (same story arc) gave me his mission with no issue. I went back later that evening after my buddy had logged of and sure enough.. the same contact that refused to do much more than say hi to me granted me the mission and I completed in gaining the XP and the Mark of Triumph. Go back and try again and hopefully you will have better luck.. If not I suggest you submit a ticket since side missions are supposed to be accessable by anyone at anytime .. they are replayable with tokens and SOE is not about to limit potential cash flow by setting it up so you CANT do one if its not YOUR mentor's mission. Good luck