Up-Votes Needed Can't create league because the same league name with 0 members exist. They should auto-disband.

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Dragon Power, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    Was told by customer service that the league name I was trying to pick for the league I'm trying to create was already taken. I find out that league with the already taken name has 0 members. I won't say the name of the league because people steal and sell names, if a dev wants to know pm me. Leagues with ZERO members should not exist, there is no point to it's existence since no one else can join it and it should be auto disbanded by default and a code routine should be regularly run by the server that searches for this and auto-disbands these zero member leagues.
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  2. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    I don't even understand how devs can tolerate such a practice, in other games, when a person leaves the league/guild, he leaves that league/guild by dissolving it !! !
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  3. Elda Mad as a Hatter

    typically this is what happens, but upon deleting a toon who had lead the rank is sorta lost, and if it was only that toon left you have a ghost league
  4. myandria Item Storage

    There are other factors to consider, such as a temporary ban. If the lead rank toon has a temporary ban and is the only league member, then it makes sense for the league name to be unavailable for anyone else to use until the player decides to completely dissolve the league upon returning from the ban.

    What if the league was dissolved by the devs and the league name is no longer available for anyone to use? It could be an glitch as a result of this; the league name should just be unavailable, like iconic NPC names are, and not show member count.
  5. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Leagues with "iffy" names would be renamed i.e. all members of a renamed league then show <renamed12345> as their league name (with the number being the most recent rename auto-increment available). Dev's wouldn't delete a league with members within, however, even after a league is disbanded there could be a cron job (scheduled task) for removing old league names. It's also entirely possible this is somehow stuck in limbo as well. I'd create a support ticket and ask for a quick review of that league name and find out why.
  6. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    Customer service told me that the league wasn't properly disbanded, instead the last member simply just left/deleted their character. Now the league is stuck in limbo as you say. This shouldn't be allowed to happen, there should be proper coding in place to auto-disband in order to free up the name. Someone also probably created it to copy the original league after the great server merge, so it's too old for a temp ban situation.
  7. KidFlash816 New Player

    fix this too
  8. Recon4thCav Level 30

    This should be fixed.