Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Tskales Well-Known Player

    Fair enough. Whatever frees up names for the community.
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  2. Abisial Committed Player

    Who said those were the only names people wanted? There are plenty of unique names without synonyms that are taken by toons that have been hibernating for 3 years
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  3. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Do you really need me to go through every single possible name not taken?
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  4. Abisial Committed Player

    Well you only listed actual words that aren't unique at all when people like "Arkaan" whose name was taken does NOT have a synonym for it
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  5. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Godly Arkhaan.
    According to the character origin he is a demigod.
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  6. Twilight Man New Player

    Not responding to you directly, but it made me want to say this:
    He's been on my friendslist since Jan 2011 in all his Nature powered glory. He rarely ever plays but definetly aware of the name he claimed.

    Many times Ive wished he would delete, he's "not really even using the name" but never have I or would I ask the game developers to implement a change in hopes of freeing up that name.
    Instead I created multiple other unique Wolverine names, always unused.

    To me the compromise of thinking of a different name makes more sense than implementing a name deletion system 4 years into the game. I'm too aware of the creative options and freedom still available in name creation for it to no longer make sense to me.

    But just you watch, like most repeated threads filled with well explained tears...this request to purge names will probly be granted.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    because high sorcerer is soooooo original:rolleyes:. There is a reason we have patenting... a ton of people with the same idea want to make the same thing over different regions
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  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    How could we tell? F2P aren't marked in the census.
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  9. Sbel Devoted Player

    So, if someone wants a character named "High Sorcerer" how is less original now than it was when you thought of it? Either the is always original or it never has been original. Why should new players have to be more original than you were?
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  10. JSnaples Committed Player

    There's too many replys for me to care to read..
  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Ill summarize. You're wrong.
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  12. Malachyte Devoted Player

    and just to add...if someone hasn't logged on in over a year, then the name should be cleared out and given a rename option once they do log back in saying it their name was cleared out due to inactivity.

    that solves this issue...
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  13. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    This thread... lol

    F2P players have "max feats" of 605 while Legendary members have 896 in the app.
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  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    Not true. Someone I know is legendary has max Feats 867 on Sore's app.
  15. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    It is true. Look up a F2P you know and compare his max feats to a Legendary player's.
    Level 1 F2P: Feats: 0 of 605
    Legendary: Feats: 899 of 899 (including back from the hack, last laugh and etc) <USPC Eisen
  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    Your legendary number is wrong. Someone I know is legendary has max Feats 867 on Sore's app.
  17. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    I have no idea about that, maybe its because of the missing exclusive feats. Anyway, does it matter if its 867 or 899 now? I was simply trying to show you how to recognize a F2P using the app, which I did.
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  18. VintageWine Dedicated Player

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  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    If someone took my name of choice, I would not be on the forums crying about it. I would think of a more creative, more original name.
  20. High Troller Loyal Player

    Original enough that no one had the name. Had the name on USPC for over 3 years. Now she's on USPS.
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