Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    If only the census apps still included...

    • Date Character Created (removed at least temporarily)
    • Date of Last Login (removed at least temporarily)
    • Total Time Played (removed at least temporarily)
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  2. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    What? You'll make a list of every single F2P name you want?
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  3. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player


    I am not against Free To Play players and I would do no such thing. I am against the not supporting, non playing players. Who don't give a Hoover Dam about this game.
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  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    What exactly will being able to see the information you want do exactly? Because I really can't seem to see a logical use for giving that information to players.
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  5. Lazarux New Player

    So a few names, even a few thousand names, are snatched up what? Compared to the MILLIONS of names freed up the few thousand are miniscule. This is a regular maintenance for larger MMOs, and DCUO is overdue.
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  6. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    So you decided to make a 6th thread about the same thing instead of just adding to the 5 already there?

    Yes people have lives outside of DCUO, this "real life" thing is getting so very tired and old.This is one of my new favorite sayings-
    Taking care of your own affairs whether they be life sustaining or purely entertaining is part of "real life".

    " sit home retired, unemployed, or living under our parents roof all day and week like some of you guys can," WOW Nice! You just insulted people that have worked their whole life and now can relax and enjoy the fruits of their labors,the people that for whatever reason can't find a job, and anyone that happens to live with their folks! All at once!
    If someone's life makes it impossible for them to log into a game for 12 to 24 months I'd say they have more to worry about than the name of a game character/account they made and abandoned (there are millions of them).
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  7. Captain Neos Committed Player

    I really like the option of email notification that a name is going to expire and maybe a system can be implemented where the account holder can verify out of game that they wish to keep it.

    Like many arguments on the forums both sides have valid concerns and opinions, a middle ground should be what we strive for not one side to concede and another to be victorious.
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  8. Twilight Man New Player

    A constant revolving door leading to the same results as when there was no revolving door.
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  9. Tule New Player

    To know if a player was created 3+ years ago and only played for 5 minutes. I don't see what giving that information to players would do, but I think most people are implying the devs should use that information to delete characters. Which I'm not against, in those individual cases, but I feel its a slippery slope thing.
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Oh I'm very much aware of that bit, but in all seriousness, what are they going to do with that information? Complain more? That's really the only outcome I see with this.

    And for the record, I agree with everyone saying that after a certain point names should be freed up. Just, as you said, it's a slippery slope.
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  11. Dametria Loyal Player

    Players don't need to see this for SOE to free up inactive toon names.

    But the good news is if SOE enables 3rd party apps to access and display my last log in times outside of the game, I'll be donating 30+ ORIGINAL names whenever SOE gets around to making them available.
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  12. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    i dont think that a f2p player who just didnt played more then a year gonna return sorry
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  13. Solarstar New Player

    Every name is in SOE's hands. It's their game and if they choose to free up names used in Beta or in the early year of DCUO when it was subscription only, they can do that.
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  14. Tskales Well-Known Player

    It shouldn't be limited to f2p.

    All characters who've been inactive for 3 years whether f2p, premium or former legendary should be deleted.
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  15. BozzJuanito New Player

  16. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    What's a droor?:p
  17. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    Why don't people just spend more than 5 minutes and come up with a name that's not taken instead of worrying about who got Wolverine first.
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  18. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    Why exactly? Who are you to make such a decision?
  19. nogimmick New Player

    i don't see why this is so hard to understand or support. if they're gone and never coming back, kill off those toons from the server. PURGE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  20. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    That's a little harsh. Let's just have the development team generate a new name for them.
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