Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    It was due to the special character names not being able to utilize mail or the broker.
    Please you are just trying too hard to justify your wanting of a name taken by someone.
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  2. The Valeyard New Player

    I know the reason, but if they can do that, they can implement a character rename requirement after two years of character inactivity.
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  3. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    They did that due to it being a necessity.
    An individual wanting a name and attempting to justify it is not a necessity.
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  4. Lazarux New Player

    I have 13 toons and regularly play 6 of those. I have no interest in names I don't already have. Yes I'm legendary, but no, I'm not saying f2p or premium only. I'm in favor of a full on purge of all accounts that have had 0 activity in 3 years or more. Yes, this includes those that WERE Legendary.

    Legendary members are Currently active and paid for accounts. Once Legendary expires, those accounts revert to premium. To say that anyone is favortist towards Legendary over accounts inactive for 3+ years...well duh, an account can't be both.

    Also, if a player hasn't touched DCUO in that long, what makes you think they ever will? Even if they do, they would likely start an entirely new toon as opposed to picking up where they left off. So much of the game has changed in that amount of time that any returning player would be completely lost starting over at level 30 with sub par gear and no clue how to play.

    Add the stipulation that if a toon is level 30, it is untouchable and it also covers anyone that might have been serious about playing in any way. Even back then level 30 was incredibly easy to attain in a matter of days.

    No toon, regardless of inactivity, would be purged from any ACCOUNT with ANY activity within the last 3 years. How is this idea negative in any way?
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  5. Abisial Committed Player

    All I know about DC is the mainstream stuff and I started playing because it was a MMO
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  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    The negative is the players who want this is due to their lack of creativity and are actively looking for anything to justify it. This purge would not be necessary if the players had half a mind to google a synonym.
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  7. The Valeyard New Player

    So everything implemented into the game has to be a necessity? I guess you think auras are a necessity too. And Game Updates. None of those are necessities, they make the game better. Your opinion is irrelevant, this would make the game better for the majority. The minority vote doesn't win.
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  8. Abisial Committed Player

    only REAL words can have synonyms...
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    and Mental, Psychological, Flaming, Quantum, Energy, Super, Space, Lightning, Elite, Zero, Colors, Ninja, Godly, Celestial, Rage, Wrath don't have synonyms? Is everyone using real names as their toon's name now?
  10. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Legendary players should not be excluded, you know what if someone is special enough to pay a monthly fee and NEVER play the game at all your totally right. Anyone who doesn't play on their account in an MMO for years should have their characters name freed up.
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  11. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    Ye but f2p player dobt pay anything.
  12. Twilight Man New Player

    Once the name has been removed from the inactive account, snatched up within a matter of seconds by a new owner, and then left un-played as that new owner wins the lottery and goes on an extended world travel tour....aren't we exactly where we were before the name was ever freed up in the first place?
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  13. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    F2P players are potential customers. You know the mythical beings that saved this game from a hole?
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  14. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Is skimming a necessity?
    Is a new User Interface (that you can color) a necessity?
    Are the new auras in the booster bundle (that took time to develop also) a necessity?
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  15. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player


    Hey isn't that the guy from Berserk in your Sig? I remember them having armor and a sword that looked like his in Dragons Dogma.
  16. Marek Committed Player

    If they dont play anymore then why in the world should they even keep the name? That concept doesnt even make sense
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  17. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Necessity to introduce new movement mode variants to provide variety? Yes
    Allowing easier and cleaner access to the UI and possibly clean up on space on PS3? Yes
    Better, unique ways to customize characters and make large amounts of profit to put forward in future content? Yes
    People not being creative enough to come up with names and players having the mind set of "If I want it, I have the right to have it" necessity? No.
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  18. Twilight Man New Player

    Indeed it is him, Guts. One of the best "rage" characters around.
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  19. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Freeing up millions of names of people who no longer contribute anything at all to the game means the player has more choice at the character create screen instead of limitations.

    The issue is not that they haven't played, for hours, days, weeks or even months. The issue is that there are millions of accounts (a user by the name of SuperSkull85 was able to query this information from the census data) that haven't played for years that never deleted their characters and simply stopped playing.
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  20. Liongale Dedicated Player

    Anyone posting about defending their names are the types that are logging in anyway, and not the people who hoarded names over 3 years ago and never logged in the accounts again. I'm baffled that it's even a discussion. Names will eventually need to be freed up.

    And They are looking into doing this. So it's not even an issue, the only issue is how it should be implemented and the time frame of it.
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