Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Personally I don't think it would work. They could purpose such a thing for any character created from now on... but just switching the rules on people now who aren't around to know of such a change would create a lot of hate. A lot of people don't play this game regularly. Some characters might just be an alt used for banking purposes and ad such you might not touch it for a month at a time.

    Plus where do you draw the line? 6 months, a year, two? Is it only names people actively want or any character? Would you have to log into the account, or that specific character? There are tons of problems with implementing such a system 3 years into a game's development.

    If people are truly feeling that the availability of good names is shrinking, perhaps the Dev's need to expand the limitations to two spaces or something. Though frankly DCUO I a pretty low volume game compared to some other MMO's, and people rarely complain about name availability on those.

    As for where all the good names went though if you had to blame any one I'd blame limited time legendary players. Yup go legendary one month and you can make up to 16 characters. You can't touch the other ten unless you're legendary or buy more slots but the names will all still be taken.
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  2. Marek Committed Player

    That wasnt suppose to be in same quote box. Dont know what i did
  3. The Valeyard New Player

    Hate from who? The people who aren't playing the game? If they implemented a system where characters under level 30 would get deleted after 2 years, how would there would be problems? If someone I described ever did log on after two years, they would just assume that's the way it's always been.
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  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Name goes along with your character, personality, your powerset etc.
    Dare you to change your name and come back a year later. Good luck explaining to everyone who you are and why your name makes no sense.
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  5. Marek Committed Player

    Ya those are some good points. I can see where it would be tough to implement something like taking names but i also feel it could be a good thing if it were somehow implemented. Probably wont ever happen tho. As the saying goes .... crap in one hand and wish in the other lol
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  6. Luckyme92781 Well-Known Player

  7. Marek Committed Player

    It all should come down to account activity and not not character activity in a way
  8. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I dont think the OP understands the issue.

    The game has been around for almost 4 years. There are probably somewhere close to 7-8 million inactive ACCOUNTS (not individual toons, accounts). Out of those 7-8 million it's fair to assume that, at the low end, roughly 2 million have been inactive for 2 years or more. From there, its probably safe to assume that those 2 million inactive players have 3 toons per account. That would be 6 million names gone to waste for 2+ years and thats just a very low end estimate.

    To free up what would likely be somewhere between 6 and 8 million names would be huge. Nobody is talking about F2P or Premiums, nobody is blaming them. The name issue comes from people who either bought the game at launch and stopped playing or saw a F2P game, made a few toons and never logged back in. There are tons of names that likely won't be used ever again and should be freed up. A big part of an MMO is being able to choose a character name that fits you. Not being able to have that choice, or being dissatisfied with a name you have makes a bigger impact then people think.
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  9. Marek Committed Player

    Why would you have to explain anything to anyone? Especially something as pointless as to why u chose a certain name. But if thats such a huge problem then play the game. If it was me i wouldnt expect to hang onto anything if i havent even shown my face in a year or 2
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  10. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Ah yes, when you start talking to an old friend you played with, and your name is something completely different. No explanation is needed.
    The problem is, players feel entitled to the things they cannot have. They[Most] do not want names to be freed up for the better choices for future players. They want because they want it and can't have it. It is not hard to come with creative names.
    I have created names for characters countless times, that have no X's or numbers in them and are very well creative. The name I want is taken? Oh well I will make something else. I do not need to complain and find something to justify me wanting that name.
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  11. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I disagree, because a character should be kept active if you wish to keep a name. People should be able to log into all of their toons at least once a year. If a person loses Legendary status and goes Premium, they either need to re-subscribe or buy toon slots to unlock his/her toons to keep them active. There are limits to the number of names possible, and there are already 20 Million characters out there.
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  12. Marek Committed Player

    I quit playing for 2 years and i lost my name .... that was easy.
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  13. Sabigya Steadfast Player

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  14. Marek Committed Player

    Thank you!
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  15. High Troller Loyal Player

    So there are players out there that simply cannot think of an original name? I have plenty of original names. Even names that other players tried to dupe in order to give me a bad rep and ended up getting permabanned (changing i's to L's and vice versa).

    My US$5 on the matter is new characters need to have original names. That makes the character. Changing letters with 3's, 4's, L's, i's, etc just shows how unoriginal your character is. Hands down. Take a chill pill and think of a different name. Stop crying over spilled milk. Move on or find another game to play.
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  16. High Troller Loyal Player

    Technically any name with a copyright or trademark is grounds for a forced name change. Batman being one of them.
  17. DaTruthBeTold New Player

    Ppl complain about that alot, all I can say is all the good names are not taken. They just haven't been thought of yet.

    Get very creative and you'll get it on first try, unless you want be the very original dude that does this --> xXBatmanXx then you need to be more creative dude.
  18. The Valeyard New Player

    That's what I should do. Get the name "Arkaan" trademarked, no more bull ****. This is MY character page, and as you can see, I already have an entire history completed. A name represents a lot more than a title. I'm not about to change it because some random guy used it for his character for one day and never used it again.
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  19. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    I was honestly surprised when I discovered that no one took the name "Karma Agent" (my main char) before me. XD
  20. The Valeyard New Player

    The Developer "Mepps" informed people that if they had special characters in their name, a forced name change would be required. So WHY in God's name can this not be implemented for Characters inactive for 2 years or longer? If they want to boost their overpriced Name Respecs, this is the way to do it.
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