Can we stop blaming F2ps for the names being taken?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. JSnaples Committed Player

    There's been about 5 or more threads of people asking for Free to Play and Premium accounts to be taken
    Some people have yet to realize
    Free to Plays only have 2 character slots
    Premiums only have 6 character slots, unless they purchase additional slots
    So how many names is somebody really going to hog up?
    Legendary members have not logged in for months and their names take up space, but apparently they get a pass because they are Legendary
    This game is Marketed and has flat out said "It's a Free to Play game" So I am having trouble where people would make fun or try to have more power over others just because they are Legendary
    I've played this game over 2 years and have a droor full of psn cards from me spending money on DCUO, but do I have any control or say in what should happen to other peoples characters? No
    None of us have the right to judge whether people should keep their names or not
    Some accounts haven't logged in because they are busy with college, school, jobs, business work, military, and many other things.
    When people get permantetly banned on this game, they do not delete the character names.. so it's not even all about free to plays, some people have just been banned forever but DCUO still has their names taken..which say if I was Legendary, had 16 character slots and I just took up 13 of those slots with very legit names and then I do something and get perm banned..all 13 of those toons are now gone forever into Soe's hands
    So can we please stop with these threads to take peoples names?
    People have lives outside of DCUO..not all of us can sit home retired, unemployed, or living under our parents roof all day and week like some of you guys can, people have to worry about their bills, water, food, house, and whatever other things they have in their life
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  2. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    woooowwwww you're missing the entire point. It's not F2P or prem. thats the problem. Its the people who logged on 3 years ago and played for like 10minutes and then logged off never to be seen again with original wanted names. People with original names like idk.....pyroshade or shade.....or any cool spelled correctly name.
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  3. JSnaples Committed Player

    So you're telling me someone logged in for 10 minutes and got a "original wanted name"?
    First off, what do you count as "original wanted name"?
    second off, he deserves the name if he's that clever to get such a great name in only 10 minutes of playing dcuo
    third, there's no telling if that was his main character or why he never logged in
    Are there some names that are taken that I know are by inactive players? Sure, but there's nothing you can do about it.. you can not just take it away from them out of being selfish
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  4. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    what are you babbling about?
    we are talking about the people who played less that 5 minutes then quit forever, not "F2P players must die" lol
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  5. MyrVell Committed Player

    Personally I think any totally FTP character should be deleted after a year of inactivity. Just seems like a waste of server resources more than a waste of names to me. Any premium accounts should be safe because they paid in.
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  6. JSnaples Committed Player

    So you're trying to say someone logged in on Braniacs Ship with the name "IamBatman" and then logged out forever?
    Yeeaahh..I'm gonna guess they weren't that good with the names..
    That's what I'm "blabbling" about
  7. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    1. idk something like FruitOfTheLoom, or Nike, or Calvin Klein, or Socks, or Pants, or T Shirt
    2. umm i heard about this game not even 6 months ago, if someone bought this game on release day then obviously all the names mentioned above would been taken
    3.does it matter? If they havent logged on in 3 years its safe to say theyre never coming back
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  8. kingmasternova Loyal Player

  9. Abisial Committed Player

    Players who log in look around and dip from DC to never be seen again are the reason we wan't the toons wiped or atleast their names and if they log back in they have to change it because 3 yrs of inactivity and its safe to say they ain't coming back
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  10. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    J you're a cool dude, but this kinda adds more oil to the fire for some lol. It's just the inactive names people are talking about not just f2p is all I'm gonna say.

    You should already know my thoughts on this from previous threads.
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  11. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    yea cus you know, if someone bought this game on release day they obviously werent Batman or even DC fans
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  12. JSnaples Committed Player

    Actually I have the character name "T shirt" but I deleted it, I'm not joking go ahead and get it if you want
    Safe to say? Safe for you to say, we can't judge if someone's coming back or not by that..Are you counting logging into DCUO at all or logging into a certain character?
  13. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Premium players just don’t represent players who came to DCUO once it went F2P and spent $5.

    It also represents MILLIONS of players who bought DCUO in 2011, played the free month, never subbed or subbed but didn’t return after the PSN hack, etc.

    As far as people having lives outside of DCUO, a person’s economic or personal status isn’t the concern of SOE, so if you don’t have time or can’t afford to play then that’s you have to deal with whatever decision they make regarding their game.
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  14. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    I SERIOUSLY doubt that if someone took the name Nike they wouldnt Main that B
    i wouldnt make the name nike then proceed to play a character name iPod34234234
  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    There asking for names of people who haven't played in years to be taken take it easy .
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  16. JSnaples Committed Player

    I have names such as that but I don't make them my mains..
    I have names even after the game like Marketplace, Voice Chat, Ignore List, and such as those type of items..
    People who just started playing don't even realize what kind of names are "good" and which are "bad"
    we only know because we have played the game and are part of the community
  17. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Personally, I feel that any toon under 30 that has not been logged into for at least 12 months should have their names made available for others to use.
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  18. Marek Committed Player

    Haha what?? Its a superhero game where you create your own character. Who cant tell if the name there giving their character is a good name or not??
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  19. JSnaples Committed Player

    The same reason people have PSN names such as "Jls3640" "JasonCherry2015" "SportsMan2010" and "Dhansel21"
    And No I didn't make those up, I literally have those peole on my PSN
    People don't know yet if you could have "Batman" as your name or if you have to have "IMXXBATMANXXDARKKNIGHT2014"
    If that was the case, nobody would have x's or uneeded numbers in their names if they knew it was bad
  20. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    what? You dont have to play the game to know that TheDarkKnight is a good name
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