Can we please tone Mr. Freeze down?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 9001BPM, Feb 11, 2018.

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  1. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I didn't even notice that the tutorial covered the red skull until years later when they removed the mechanics for countering. And even though it does cover it, it's literally a 5-10 second message that can easily be missed. I missed it while creating probably a half dozen characters.

    Also, not all special attacks are the same. Some you have to block through, some you have to stop doing damage (like in this event), and some you have to lunge to interrupt (Halloween event and New Genesis Now come to mind). It is not consistent what to do when.

    You're also acting like people should pay attention to mechanics in the event while the majority of veterans are teaching new players to negate the mechanics by moving Mr. Freeze up the stairs. There's some hypocritical stuff going on in this thread.
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  2. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    It may be that his shield is like Punisher in tier 6 content. It absorbs incoming damage for a period of time and then Tell is that damage directed back at the group. Watching the video, that is quite possibly what is happening. If so, the skull is an indicator to stop doing damage until Freeze's aura/shield is gone.
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This discussion isn't constructive anymore. Seasonal fights are supposed to be done daily, pretty quickly, by just about anybody, for fun. With that in mind, Freeze is getting a few reductions in one of our upcoming hotfixes.
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