Can we have polls on here please...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by minuteofdecay, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Make a separate section for it. There is are a lot of times I'm lurking on here and just don't have the time to comment on a lot of what I'd like to but polls are a good way to get a taste of what issues ppl like or dont. I realize that some ppl would just make accounts to spam one side.

    An even better way would have a poll question on game one vote per account, but free players have none. Then the results would be posted here.

    Get your players involved with you, devs. The forums are such a small sample size.
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  2. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    No because people will abuse this priveledge and use it for wrongful gain.

    That's just not fair :/
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  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    That will be caused only by players who are villains. So it will be out duty, the heroes, to battle them for the right reasons and stop the evil poll schemes.
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  4. Backseid Devoted Player

    I hate when people say that others will make a bunch of accounts to spam a poll. Really? You really think that many people will go through all that trouble?


    Polls are a fantastic way to judge mass opinion. I have a feeling those in charge would be afraid to have such "evidence" handy when the next feature goes horribly wrong and we can say "see, we told you so with this poll".
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  5. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Polling would have been a great idea if it were allowed in game and not only here.

    Maybe a better scope of what people actually wanted could have been gained. Adding one now wouldn't do much to sort out this cluster.
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  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    lets start a poll to see if we should have polls :)
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  7. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Polls are useless. And you're proposing putting them in the forums where you say "The forums are such a small sample size."

    And if that's not what you're saying, then are you proposing a separate area/site for polls where untold numbers of players will flock to how? By promoting it? Why not just promote the forums then?

    And either way, polls are useless IMO. They usually voice the loudest who are rarely the majority or the most sensible.
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  8. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    The forums are a small sample size, hence why I added about doing it in game also. I like to be able to vote toward things.

    Edit. No actually polls do show what the majority wants. These forums are for the loudest and not for the quiet ppl that just take the game as it is.
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  9. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Some would lol. Me I'm too lazy to log in an give someone a up vote most of the time.
  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    They already do polls on their official twitter. How do you think atomic got changed and how water is happening?
  11. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Why twitter? That's probably an even smaller audience than the forums.
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  12. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Polls aren't allowed here because the devs wouldn't like the results, and this is assuming no rigging or fixing of the results.

    Can you imagine the results of a poll such as "Do you support GU47?" or "Do you support monthly DLCs?" or "Do you support the replay badge model of monetization?". It doesn't fit their interests. We'd have a giant target we could point to that proves many of our points when we talk about what the community wants.
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  13. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Not for or against, but would think if it eliminated multiple threads about the same topics it could be beneficial.
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  14. Delta796th Loyal Player

    More like...
    Dev team member to Spytle-
    OH CRAP!!! we can't get Serums grappling to work.

    Spytle to team
    Quick everybody, brainstorm!

    Spord and Tunso -
    Ohh ohh I know....they've been clamoring for water, let's do that.
    Buuuuuuut, put a poll on Twitter so it makes them feel engaged.
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  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    That's exactly my point.

    But in the same line of thinking, wouldn't it have helped to stop GU47, WM, AM's, Single Marks System, etc. from ever even happening in the first place?

    I mean, I get the have an agenda, but if there's people leaving due to said agenda...
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  16. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Polls are pointless. Polls can be useful if done by a professional company that does polls. Most polls of the typical informal nature are biased and really say nothing. e.g. A typical question would be do you like Episode XX. Many would have a strong opinion one way or the other, but too many would be in the middle. Say they like certain aspects but not others. How does DCUO use that info? Let's say they get a 85% no answer. Do they scrap everything and start over? Or are there good parts or ideas in that episode that they can build off of? Most poll questions as it relates here wouldn't do that. It's too cut and dry for a fairly diverse community.

    Another example using something you mentioned, WM. Why did WM ever get implemented? You can trace it back to HL clipping style dominating the "charts." People complained that they couldn't compete with HL or precision clipping style in general that used less power than might based powers. Dev proposal, WM (ironically enough a proposal based on responding to community non polled complaints). Save power, get huge crits, see animation play out and most importantly, compete with HL clipping style.

    How many people you think in game would have voted no on WM? I am willing to bet every asset I have in this DCUO game that it would have been resoundingly approved by the community with a poll. So in that instance, I think the devs would of being able to always point to that and say "you approved it."

    (This may not apply to you you). You think the devs are "afraid" of being called out by a poll? Come on, the forums do a marvelous job of pointing out all of the "sins" of the devs. A poll would not cement that. It is established that a percentage of the player base will freely give their stamp of disapproval on anything and everything. I don't mean to get personal, but the vast majority of what I see you comment has made it clear on how you feel about the game and the decisions the devs make and I mean a lot of the decisions they make. I'm going out on a limb here and say that if it's clear to me, it'll be clear to a few devs without the need for your personal vote in a poll that in a sense would get washed out some. In your comments, you're able to articulate on why something is bad and a poll simply doesn't do that, hence less helpful.

    This of course is all IMO and ultimately I really don't care if they do polls or not and I would participate where I thought my vote made sense. Just sayin.
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  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Valid points, but all completely subjective.

    It all depends on the question itself if a poll can certainly considered accurate or not.

    Why will they do them on Twitter, but not here?

    Why are they against tho ToS to begin with?
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  18. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    No. Only polls should be stripper poles for our bases.
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Open polls are in general a terrible way to accurately gauge opinion, and just end up being gamed, spammed, or leading. A discussion is much more valuable for us every time.
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  20. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    The dicussions end badly 95% of the time. If you guys did polls it would be a good idea. You did one with water vs serums
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