Can we have Generator Mods Account bound?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lt Skymaster, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    The title says it all. I hate when I get 8.3 all the time from TimeCapsules or elsewhere, and I really don't need them however I know some of my alts would definitely could use them.
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  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    with them allowing us to make R&D Generator mods i think i am against it for that one reason.

    so for me no" it's not a bad idea just with the R&D i can see people giving the newest ones to their alts.
  3. Gimpy Loyal Player

    He isn't talking about the new R&D mods.

    I get so tired of deleting gen mods that I don't need.

    Can't trade or sell only delete and they are not as good as the crafted ones.

    And you are not okay with sending them to an alt (after all the crying in threads about not getting to keep up with alts with EP28) simply because a person can craft something that is being complained about taking to long or to much cost to do so?

    AND even if they did allow R&D mods to be account bound,

    As hard as it has been posted in threads to obtain the R&D mods do you really think people would send them to an alt they are claiming they won't have the time to work on because of the grind it will be to progress 1 character?

    Where is the reasoning in that line of thinking?

    I'm all for generator mods being account bound.
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  4. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    The box you open from a TC generates a mod of the tier of the CR of the character opening it. You shouldn't be able to have a CR 140 open a box to get an 8.3 and pass that to a CR70 char. The CR70 char would only get a 4.3 mod if they opened a box for themselves. That is pure stat inflation they have never allowed, and now with stat revamp it should be even less likely.
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  5. SheerFaith Committed Player

    Why should they do one would buy TimeCapsules then..
  6. Gimpy Loyal Player

    It would be just as easy a fix to only allow it to be used on a set CR of the alts, if the alt isn't of the needed CR the bloody thing won't work.
    As for the stat inflation if that is such a worry then might as well remove the gold rings and neck pieces from account bound as well since I can place an item lvl78 piece on a CR40 alt. Sure the CR jumps but the alt didn't earn it now did it since it was sent from a higher CR character?

    The majority doesn't buy TC now. Look at the prices in the broker, if they were such a sought after item the price would be much, much, higher.
  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    First of all let's start with what Gimpy said. The problem we have right now is that for some unknown reason all 8.___ Generator mods can not be sold at vendor or even donated to your league for added prestige. So if you have say two 8.3 power and two 8.3 health mods already slotted in your generator and open a time capsule and get another 8.3 power mod guess what? You get to delete it and don't even get any in game cash. WOW wasn't that a great prize? (keeping in mind this has been the same way since Time Capsules started and people were spending HOW much real money to BUY stabilizers? Gee thanks Daybreak for the totally useless prize I just PAID you real money to receive) This is a totally new set up since every other tier of gen mods was set up so that the 7.3 and 7.1 could be sold if you didn't need or want them and the 7.2 could be donated to your league hall (used the 7 tier set as example all other tiers except 8 work the same way) Now add in you open that time capsule and get an 8.e restoration mod on your TROLL and once again .. totally worthless mod that you get to delete because there is absolutely nothing else to do with it.

    Okay now let's discuss R+D. Seriously? With the total nightmare that TRYING to craft armor could be unless you were willing to spend tons of replays and repeat missions over and over and over.. YOU are basing any opinion on that fact that you'll be able to CRAFT gen mods soon? Funny I know for a fact, because I saw the threads where countless players were suggesting exactly what I was already doing.. and just selling off the salvage rather than deal with that MESS. And even if it does wind up working better... What is WRONG with crafting mods on one ALT and giving them to another? I have one ALT that I funneled recipes to, lets call her my Master Crafter, so any time I need new mods for any other ALT I simply relay the exobytes, simple and complex material and everything else to her, she creates the MOD and send it back. Crafting feats go up a lot faster that way and then on all my other alts I just use replays to BUY what the CRAFTER earns.

    There are plenty of other MMOs where your account is YOUR account and one ALT can help another with just about anything... So why shouldn't alts be allowed to transfer anything from one to another? Remember all the FUN(?????) we used to have before reward boxes? Up to 8 players all battling over one piece of armor and on top of that.. you'd complete an entire raid with your TANK and walk out with gear already attuned to only work for a TROLL or a HEALER? And you had a Troll and a Healer but of course THAT gear wasn't tradable. So wow.. you just spent an hour battling bad guys and got to sell off 4 useless pieces of gear for a couple hundred dollars worth of in game cash! WASN'T that just loads of fun? Well guess what Tier 8 generator mods took that to the next level.. Now you can't trade them, can't donate them and can't even sell them.. You get to just flat out throw them away and got absolutely nothing as a reward.
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  8. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    Yeah having them account bound would be nice. Once u get 4 and fill your generator, they become a completly worthless waste of a drop. I wouldnt mind if they raised the prestige given by them so at least it would give some value to overwriting them.
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Again going to agree with Gimpy. I made close to 20 million off of selling Capsules when they first appeared and the crowd with Credit cards in hand were paying outrageous amounts to get as many as they could as fast as they could. Those days are LONG over and I'd be willing to bet almost no one is even buying the stabilizers any more just doing the daily duo and opening capsules when they have built one. Oh by the way I rarely even LOOk now but last I checked you could but TWO Time capsules at the market for like 49 dollars (that's IN GAME cash not US dollars LOL) The gold rush is over .. and it onlt took a few days by then everyone realized how fast those things were dropping and it was totally STUPID to pay out millions to buy them when you could play the game a few hours and have 20 for NOTHING.

    And besides explain to me how being able to trade an unwanted Generator Mod to one of MY alts (not any other player the title says make them account bound .. which allows us to only give them to our other alts) is a bad thing or would hurt sales? Stabilizers are account bound for heaven sakes. I can do that daily suicide squad training mission with any alt I please and turn right around and use the stabilizer I create with any other alt. So WHY shouldn't I be able to give anything inside that time capsule I just opened to any of MY alts? I am not helping any other player and if DAYBREAK thinks I am going to spent a pile of money of every single alt I own to open multiple capsules.. they are nuts.
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  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    First off when i read the thread i knew exactly what he was talking about" But here's the thing if they were to make it account bound they would need to lower it to that Cr relevancy of your alt"

    For example i am a T8 cr175 got a T8 Precision8.3 mod" i dont need it but i have a Cr106 T6 the mod could be transfer to it and change the mod to 6.3 that way it will be in that tier so nobody can exploit any of it.

    the mod would scale down to that tier of that Toon" now if it's .1 or .2 or .3 i think it should stay that way just put it in the right tier.

    if all your alts were/are T8 you could just account bound it with no nerfs what so ever.

    But if its lower then well you got a plan B

    Note it cannot scale up with your character.

    that's the only way i can see it happening otherwise you can forget about it
  11. Gimpy Loyal Player

    According to your "fears" of exploitation , the golden rings and necks a player gets are being exploited by being given to any lower than item level 78 wearing character. yet those are account bound and are being given to those lowly alts you are so afraid of.
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  12. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    those are meant we dont even get least i dont think we get generator mods till like T3. So again if yall want to happen my idea seems to be the only fair way.

    if you want to give it to your alts below T3 i think they can give the mods to be T3 just like the account bound.

    But as far as keeping them T8 and giving them to T6-T3 alts and keeping the mod T8 i'm against that 100%
  13. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Your idea isn't an original idea since I stated it in a post in this thread over 1.5 hrs ago.

    <<<Gimpy Points up ^^^^^^ and says yep... I said it 1st lol
  14. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    okay awesome he gets the credit then. but i still get the credit for making Gimpy think of this idea in the first place :p
  15. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well your talking to a player with around 20 alts and aside for a few that are pretty much just added storage space for salvage and exobytes crafted mine are all t7 or t8 and since 8.1 mods are dropping in T7 content I think we can safely assume most anyone doing T7 content is safe. PLUS unless we are talking a total idiot most players would know which ALTs could use which mods and simply NOT give a T8 mod to a T3 alt. and hey even if they screw up and do send a T8 mod to someone that can't use it.. if its account BOUND they can always send the thing back because obviously they wont be able to slot it in the generator.

    Plus Gimpy makes a good point with the CR 78 rings and necklaces. I can slot those things into a brand new 30 level and not have to worry about buying or reslotting those items until am able to BUT CR 90 ones from the vendor inside Mogo. What would be so TERRIBLE if generator mods worked the same way? If I have a 8.3 resto mod and slot it into my CR 42 Healer I don't need to worry about reslotting that again until they start handing out T9 mods. And wow my ability to heal at lower teirs just increase .. a Little. because face facts one, tow or even 12 generator mods are not going to increase stats THAT much. especially once stats matter takes effect.
  16. Gimpy Loyal Player

    No, that credit would go to,

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  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    that's the issue about it" you should not have a T8 Mod at that CR of T3" i will agree the rings&Necklace both are given to you But they only get you to like t2-t3. Again i am against T3 or lower tiers having The Same mods at a T8.
  18. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Will you be against it when they allow players to trade gear to Alts? I heard that's supposed to be happening as well. You hate it now, praise it later.

    There have been many, many times when I'd get Vitalization mods as drops on my healers or vice versa for every role really. If we can craft end content mods and put them on Alts (not that it's a good idea to do, just the fact we CAN do that) we should be able to trade those weaker generator mods as well.
  19. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    :mad: fine i get the credit for being jareth ;)
  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Well to me" we have heard rumors about it" there has been no confirmation on any of it. as far as my knowledge goes on that subject you get the styles from that, if they put the gear in& you earn it i guess there would be no reason to hold the mods back later on.

    but for right now see i'm reasonable players would still have to earn the gear (if) they plan on doing that again those are rumors aint nothing been confirm yet.

    but if that's the case for later on by all means allow it the mods to be all tiers as long as you have earned the Gear.