Can we go back to THURSDAY resets please?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thedemonocus, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. Emoney Loyal Player

    How would that change anything? Right now, we have the choice to run the content our skill and stats will allow. Those that can't do elite, don't, and just run regular and get regular gear. They would stop at that point regardless. Now, on the other hand, if I had to grind out the entire regular content and gear before elite, I'd stop too. No way I would grind out the process twice. I don't think you truly understand this game, and the ideas you suggest. Even further, you always speak as if you are on the dev team, or get info from them, when we all know you don't as seen when the current CM shut you down for talking for her.
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  2. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    That was sarcasm when I shouted out to her. Players want to feel progression DC Universe used to be a game where players felt progression. With the stat revamp that has all been forgotten due to the clamp. As you can see only a small very small player base don't mind the clamp. These players who don't mind the clamp are more than likely exploiters of the artifact system or even power sets as well as weapons. That is why they don't mind the clamp they have already paid to win and the clamp does not bug them too much. With that said there's no excuse to be able to CR skip or even skip right on over to a elite gear or even be able to play elite plus right off the hop. Here's a proposal relaunch the gear system instead of Thinking Inside the Box bring what made DC Universe such a great game for everyone #progression stats matter. I feel like DC Universe is a very lazy MMO it's just way too casual and it has a player base that doesn't stick around due to the fact they don't feel any progression with the gear system as it is a base stat. which has been clamped game-wide respectively, meaning if you do not have the most experienced players in the group you will not beat Elite or Elite Plus half of that comes down to experience the rest comes down to exploits none of which is fair for everyone. We must strive for a game that is for everyone not just regular content Elite as well and Elite Plus due to the fact that there are Feats in these .most people will never be able to ever get them. Unless they plan to correct the problem with a second way to obtain these feats once the content is over then by all means release that ASAP. Stats revamp caters 2 exploiters and experienced players the pay to win player base also called the pay to exploit player base. Art swapping is an exploit there is a reason why you are only given three slots that is because they are not clamped
  3. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    same here i work nights and my days off are thu, fri, and sat and now i have trouble getting the weekly's done because hardly anyone plays on the weekend anymore. I can barely run with my league anymore too because most of them don't play on the weekends anymore thanks to the tue resets. For me tue resets have been a nightmare.
  4. Emoney Loyal Player

    Well first of all, the clamp has nothing to do with the suggestion I commented on, you were talking about locking up elite gear and content behind a wall of grinding.

    Secondly, the content difficulty is what determines if people grind gear or skip it. Can we run elite or elite plus on day one with last episodes gear...sure. Are we gonna complete it, most likely not unless they are top skilled players with extreme SP, Arts and Allies.

    Just speaking for myself, I generally only do the elite solo/duo on day one, sometimes the alert. I typically wait a couple weeks to try elite raid(s) after getting a few pieces of reg gear. That, is progression. I seriously don't understand your perspective. Elite and Elite plus is NOT for everyone. The casual players you seem to wanna speak for have event and regular modes. Those same players will never be SP completionists, but, even if they skip ALL Elite and E+, they can still get over 700SP.
  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    So the elite player base is a very very small player base. I understand you wouldn't want to grind regular gear and then grind for Elite gear and then grind for elite plus gear. But if the gear system was relaunched in a way that was powerful instead of clamped extremely. You would now feel a lot more progression and reason to not be a Casual Gamer #short-term. Essentially for this reason we are not getting an investment from eg7 I don't understand how you could be okay with that or any Elite player for that matter
  6. Deathmournex Level 30

    If any devs are reading this as im typing this and i send this message to the dev team. Can we get cross play cross platform for all? (will the dev team need to negotiate a deal with xbox nintendo and playstation) we need cross play and cross platform for all platforms. Oh and btw can we see toes on reptilian skin too please updated?
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They tried, Sony said no.
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  8. Deathmournex Level 30

    why sony said no? xbox and nintendo are dead servers can something be done about dead servers? like crossplay crossplatform? also about adding toes to the reptile skin please updating it with toes?
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I don't know because that conservation wasn't our business.

    More than likely because Sony runs the risk of losing profits from PlayStation players moving their gameplay to PC. Sony gets a percentage of profit every time a PS player uses a game's marketplace, it's like Sony's way of taxing game studios. If PS players had cross play access to their accounts and started making in-game purchases from their PC or a different console brand, Sony would potentially lose money.

    A few PlayStation games are cross play but those studios probably pay Sony a large amount of money to keep that option available.

    Daybreak would shut down the XB and Nintento servers before coughing up anymore money to pay console companies.
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    They could ( Daybreak ) follow the example of Square Enix which is practically a Sony exclusive game developer. Using Final Fantasy XIV as an example since it like DCUO is available on both PS/PC, they have an online store that both groups of players can access and make Market Place purchases from for their account be it a PC account or a PS account all from their browser. Like right now I could buy a mount for my PS character from my iPhone. It’s just a way to make the market place more accessible for the player base. I can even buy real world items there based off of Final Fantasy lol.
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  11. Deathmournex Level 30

    does that mean it will be cross play cross platform all platforms? what about adding toes to reptilian skin? what about adding comic shade to marketplace? enhanced warden to dr fate rewards?
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    And? Let's go over the points again:

    1. Daybreak is no longer owned by Sony.
    2. All PC in game purchases get paid directly to the game studio. PS in game purchases go through Sony first so they get their cut. XB in game purchases go through Microsoft first so they get their cut. NS in game purchases go through Nintendo first so they get their cut.
    3. In order to have cross play in the same way Final Fantasy does, the various console companies would charge Dimensional Ink additional fees to keep that option open to cover any losses on the console companies' end. Dimensional Ink is a much smaller studio than Square Enix and would not afford that.

    Dimensional Ink is open to cross play but they are not open to paying for it.

    Edit: I almost forgot you have console companies that can't negotiate with each other which is another wall.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Only the Market Place. Sony is strict about their player’s accounts. If I were to download Final Fantasy XIV for my Mac to play, that account would absolutely nothing to do with my PS account or my character on my PS5.

    The Market Place is what is opened up more for the PS/PC players where you could if you have an account on both platforms, sign on PC, buy whatever, sign out, and sign in again under your PS account to buy whatever for that particular character.

    Right now on DCUO, I have to be logged into DCUO on my PS5 to access the Market Place to purchase Daybreak Cash or anything else. Square Enix makes it possible for me to access their Market Place ( the Mog Station ) from my iPhone browser if I wanted too.

    It’s just an ease of convenience. But Lorax is right Sony would never allow us to transfer an account from PS to PC. It’s not in Sony’s best interest to do so. They want to keep their customers to themselves.
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m talking about the Market Place only.
  15. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Our schools are failing us.
  16. Deathmournex Level 30

    what about adding toes to reptilian skin? what about adding comic shade to marketplace? enhanced warden to dr fate rewards?
  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Adding toes to reptilian skin isn't a worthwhile venture and they make more money off of you gambling for a chance at shaded comic material versus selling it to you directly. I'd be surprised if they even brought shaded comic material back a third time.
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  18. Deathmournex Level 30

    adding toes to reptilian skin to give make it look realistic and a lip color option and bigger butt?
  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No. They're not going to waste labor adding details to a free-to-play skin. Weird.
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  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Maybe in a Killer Croc time capsule.
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