Can we go back to THURSDAY resets please?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thedemonocus, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Tuesday resets are horrible and Thursday resets were perfect.
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  2. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    I'm "mostly at work in the morning to notice.
  3. Emoney Loyal Player


    As someone who runs alts, the window for population in bottled dc is far greater now than before.

    Before, it spiked on Thursday, and was populated until Sunday, then dead Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Now, it spikes on Tuesday, moderate on Wednesday Thursday, spikes again for the weekend players. Even Monday is moderate for last minute players before reset.

    It's better now, sorry it doesn't work for your personal schedule, but as I've seen, it's not the same for the overall community.
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  4. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Most other mmos all reset on Thursday and most people work During the week so Tuesday resets doesn't work for most people.
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  5. Corwin Quantum Active Player

    Tuesday makes perfect sense. If there is a problem with an update they now have two extra days to fix it.
    Some people will log on Tuesday and Wednesday now. Others will still wait for Thur and Fri to give you a hand.
    Its now perfect in every way that makes sense in everything.
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  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Let's see eso is Monday, ff14 is a Tuesday. Wow is a Tuesday. List goes on
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  7. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Please, I work all week and I play during the weekend and its would help enormously
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  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    There shouldn't even be any weekly resets with a game with soon to be 48 episodes. That's a developer problem they should relaunch the leveling system instead of keeping this game casual. If anything the weekly resets should be twice a week and nobody gets to use replays anymore to reset content. Aswell as skipping regular and going right to elite gear. Things about this game are just so dumb and casual it's the sad truth
  9. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I'm confused. You say that people work during the week, so Tuesday reset doesn't work for them... but Thursday is also during the week (and so is Friday). Another person said they only play weekends. So is the argument that 4 days between reset and weekend instead of 2 turns the weekend into a ghost town versus the high activity period it was before the change? I can't imagine that to be true. In my experience, the reset day change did not cause this drastic change in weekend player activity that is being implied.
  10. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Its because there are more people playing on the weekends and for raids, etc when the resets were on Thursday. I have noticed that its been harder to find groups now that the resets are on Tuesday. No big deal, just my opinion and observations
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  11. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    The Tuesday really effect me because for 8 years i have Thursday to Sunday off and the q for the weekends have been worse the ever. I work 12 hour shifts Monday through Wednesday so I can't do **** on dc ar the start of the week. Not that it matters i don't have anything to do on dc so I get on to see if anyone in the league is on and there hasn't been lately so i go to ffxiv.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Honestly I've gotten used to it, but one thing that's a PITA is sometimes if I'm out for the weekend (either not home to play, or too many drinks to play), that leaves 1 day to knock everything out. YES...I could have done it the week before Tues-Fri....but I get in the most on the weekend, so missing that leaves 1 day to get it all done.

    I'm kind of fine with it at this point, but wouldn't complain too much if it ever went back.
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  13. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Sooo. The weekly resets for raids aren't 12am? Which is different than daily restarts in the morning in the US.
    I remember there was a time it was for sure 12am Thursdays.
    You can wait till Wednesday night to see, and if so
    The OP just never noticed and need not to worry. If he's thinking it resets in the morning with the daily restarts.
  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I think players of DCUO were mostly used to Thursday resets. It’s not an issue of what’s good for Devs getting fixes done (LMFAO like they do) or what other MMOs do (LMFAO again you think DCUO like most MMOs smh) but it’s what DCUO players were used to and yeah post Thursday it gets pretty dead on here. God knows what Switch, Xbox and EU are during the week but if people relying on US PC server numbers again LMFAO what are people thinking? It just assures the server numbers look pretty sparse on weekends. Yeah I’m sure EG7 investors like that tidbits hmm mmm. An MMO populous on weekends now dwindling. Coolio
  15. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I preferred it at Thursday aswell. It Just was that feeling of Almost weekend and new things added to the game to play with in the weekend feeling I miss a lot :)
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't think the time is the issue...that didn't change (3AM CT for me currently) but the change to overnight Monday night (Tues morning) vs Wed night (Thursday morning).

    Restart is still 8AM CT ( time zone), which is where it's always been.
  17. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    The replay badges costs can be reduced for resets. Because it cost alot of money for the skill points feats replay badges and maybe devs can decide that to 1, 2 and 3. For episodes 31+
    And all content and episodes to 30 can be fate tokens.
    Reducing the the replay badges costs for resets and feats might get ppl to buy lots of them in market place.
  18. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    They need to stop the replay of reseting content there is no reason for that crap business strategy its dumb. It leaves your player base casual and fragile short term not long term not what eg7 is looking for that's why we didn't get an investment. The Direction of content and the leveling systems gear and artifacts and allies are pay to win also known as pay to exploit. This is not a kids game stats revamp has made the game to hard on everyone financially just to exploit to be able to beat stuff in a timely manner
  19. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Unless players using them to reset for the elites. Lol.
    The only thing to use replay badges on is for the feats and to reduce the market place price just a bit and reduce the unlock costs to 1,2 and 3.

    As for the weekly resets, maybe increase the marks rewards more and remove the replay badges resets.
    And the pay to exploit. Well all know who that guy is.
  20. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    There is absolutely no reason to be able to skip regular gear and go straight to Elite gear that makes your game casual and not sticky. You're giving players the option to skip also known as pay to win in one form or another. That type of strategy leaves your game with a short-term population not a very good idea when you're trying to get an investment from eg7