It'll be amazing if they somehow can re-do the checkmate era of pvp. No AM/WM take blues back out. re-balance weapons. I'm debating with HT mods. Bring Back Role gear. Make debuffs work again. Bring back damage consumables and pve trinkets make dots last their whole duration instead of 5 seconds. Take out the massive power costs. Bring back the RPS system. I can't really think of what else I am missing but The Checkmate era of pvp was the best.
That was around the time pvp took a dive and still hasn't recovered . The truth is you can't fix pvp most of the power and weapon issue from the last few years are the result of trying to fix it . The best thing to do is add toughness to all pve gear and stat clamp everyone to the same level or make a set of pvp gear cost ingame cash and set the cost at 1 dollar.
I think they should (if they go back) keep the one set gear but make the support role have their stats when the role is equipped so it'll lessen the grind
Are you talking about the era when a tank can sit on a node and be able to go toe-to-toe against 2-4 dps and still destroy each one of them? Sure, sign me up.
Am not talking about only fire, am talkin about all of them. It's great that fire managed to stay on top but it's damn shame about the other 3 especially ice when they were the most dominating tank class around. So calm down. I really want roles to come back into 1v1 pvp territory. The time when controllers were around....remember them? I want the time when a dps sees someone playing their role they need to be sceared and know that they are in for a fight in a 1v1 arena match.
Well guess what fire is op and dps are hitting too hard so sit down and accept that pvp is broke now and never has been until now
I'd much rather have a tank who wouldn't die rather than have a dps spamming AMs or DW 6 tap or even Big Scoop. If they bring back debuffs and the RPS system that'll be your fault for not bringing a healer. That was your fault back then too for not running with a healer. Back in Checkmate if you a were tank and got debuffed you were pretty much a gonner as soon as that happened so yeah. I'd much rather have a tank who sits on a node rather than get almost 1 shotted. I know support roles who have one shotted people I mean c'mon now. Checkmate was the best it had it's flaws such as dogging/ghosting but I'd rather have to deal with that than deal with massive OP AMs
Thank you because people just...let me not. But let me say that tanks are beatable by any role at that era it just took time and skill. Am I right?
Get rid of the cheese that DC brought to us by way of WM/AM. If someone shows up without pvp armor they better hold onto their heads cuz its gonna get knocked off Bring back role specific gear and p/r/s system Have a gear system easily obtainable, with stronger gear being awarded to those who work for it. Allowe skill points to matter a whole lot more Teamwork come back Roles work right Lower power cost Sooooo basically bring us back DC from year 1-2. PvP feels like a button mash fest anymore lol.