Can robot sidekick become clippable with a low cooldown

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by gemii, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. gemii Dedicated Player

    If gadgets suppressor turret can be clipped and have a low cooldown why can’t robot sidekick function the same way for better rotations for all powers?

    Gadgets seems like the only power in the game with major flexibility compared to everything else
  2. gemii Dedicated Player

    Also I’ve noticed if robot sidekick dies in battle and you try to resummon it the cooldown fails to stick and your forced to try and resummon it again. it’s not like earth where if your pet dies you can cast the summon back and it works. Sometimes robot sidekick summons but it immediately breaks and disappears and you have to try and do it again
  3. AV Loyal Player

    That happens if it's activated more than once (ie the button is pressed multiple times when trying to activate it). It queues the presses in sequence and activates then deactivates it. Certain combo powers are finicky like that as well where multiple presses on activation will prevent comboing.
  4. gemii Dedicated Player

    Yeah?I don’t think I’m pressing it multiple times It’s usually once and it will still deactivate and have me resummon it but I’ll test it later when I get a chance I’ll try both ways. Purposely pressing it multiple times and pressing it once
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  5. AV Loyal Player

    I thought that too originally but since making a super conscious effort to make sure I don't spam it I've never had it break on summon (unless I get CC'd or knocked out of the summon), and if I catch myself forgetting and tapping even twice I get a break I wanna say like 90% of the time. Another thing we can do to mitigate summon interrupts from normal sources is just always clip it with soder, trinket, or w/e we can. I try to never summon unclipped (this also helps guarantee we won't hit it twice).

    Edit: Because I do clip the summon so much it could be masking an issue with a no-clip summon for me but in my experience the combination of those practices makes the summon reliable in combat/content.
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  6. gemii Dedicated Player

    That’s interesting I earth dps and one of my loadouts consist of crystal and I never noticed that failing to summon but when it comes to robot sidekick I apparently have to watch how many times I click it or clip it with something else for it to properly summon.

    So strange
  7. AV Loyal Player

    Yeh other pets are less finicky. It's the same with combo powers. Some are super chill about spamming tf out of the activation and others are like "oh you hit me twice? no combo for you." I suspect it's just quirks with the game's input queueing system (which is also what frequently locks players into Absorb Heat and Chain Gun and makes it so certain other channels can only be jump canceled as opposed to block canceled).
  8. DamageControlPS Active Player

    Every power has a niche market make robot sidekick clippable and everyone will be prec again a play style you begged to be nerfed please use a bit of the head you’ve been given.
  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There is a tradeoff though. If you’re using the turret as intended for your pet, the animation takes forever and you have to be careful not to do anything to clip it or you’ll have to wait for the cool down and then do the dreadfully long animation all over again.