Can people just stop with the nerf crying already.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Proxystar, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I'm sorry but looking at past history this thread is bs. Quantum is an easy mode dps, and players are trying to hang on to it with an iron fist because of it. Preloading tb and the sc stack with am needs to be taken out. The only power that can keep up with quantum is sorcery, and by the logic in this thread all the other powers are broken. Just stop it and bring your own charts and graphs, and mine will be wavedox
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  2. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Regarding the fact that Quantum is "easy mode" I totally agree with you. There are only 2 possible rotations to maximize the damage done by the AM and every effective Quantum DpS is just a copy of the other. For this reason I prefer to play as a controller rather than face-rolling my way to the top damage trough a raid (I practically keep pressing the keys from 1 to 5 for the whole raid). However, it's not like the other powers are so much harder to use than Quantum... Gadgets AM requires a better timing and HL AM includes some mouse clicks, for instance, but that's all about it. The AM are powerful but they leave so little room for a personalized play-style. That's a pity.
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  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Gadget has a high risk in new content to get damage, but you are right almost all the am are easy mode, it's just quantum stick out because of the damage
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea im at like 7803 might, with 163sp, cr113, and im only seeing 20k-35k hits on average, with 40k-80k being rarer crits

    and i almost never see nature healers to see hive minds buff lol

    so with trinket + supply going think my highest hit has been 74k
  5. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    I feel so sick to my stomach when I see people saying Quantum take skills or it's the person, not the power.

    But I don't see anything being on par with quantum. Look at munitions and it's power back with its am? Doesn't even come close to what quantum gets and Munitions was designed with an AM. So balance will never happen. If it didn't happen with Weapon Mastery it's not gonna happen with Advance Mechanic.
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  6. MARK2099 New Player

    For devs nerf one power is far more easier and time consuming than bring in line more than 10 other powersets ;), don't forget everytime was a revamp for a powerset there were plenty of pages of feedback yet few of them were implement.
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  7. Biester New Player

    You pity those who want to be able to do the same amount of damage with their powerset as the op powersets? That's pitiful!!
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  8. PromethiumLockbox New Player

  9. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    It will be much easier to nerf one power than to buff all the other powers to be its equal. EVERYONE has to know that, right?
    What's wrong with making Quantum in-line with all the powers? All powers should be truly viable in end-game, not have 1-2 powes be obviously ahead of everyone.
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  10. Morsy808 Committed Player

    I too am becoming more than fed up with people calling for nerfs. I've already quit several games because devs gave in to the nerf callers and the end result? Ruined games where you don't hit hard with anything, and the whole thing feels like a giant nerf bat fight. Where's the fun in that?

    People aren't going to be satisfied until everything crits for 2K.
  11. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Nothing hits hard? Have you seen the numbers Quantum can put out? Not my video.

    I can tell you this much Mental can't even come close to putting out those numbers. They can have a supercharge to be part of the AM...
    Not to mention Quantum's Time Bomb is the long range/short range/power back power all wrapped into ONE. Oh then there's guaranteed big hit mechanic too.
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  12. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    This thread needs to be nerfed :D
  13. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    You know it's funny because sorc on pc test is even more powerful than quantum at the moment, same with earth :)
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  14. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Well Good for THEM!
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  15. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Whether you like it or not . You can't DENIE that quantum is OP and that is a F. A . C.T . And wer not crying for a nerf wer only asking for balance it to it equals other power , why would quantum do more damage than any power ? It's not fair and if your sick of it just ignore no one is making you read the thread
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  16. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    About time some power got some love
  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    On Test Earth is powerful. Sorcery too
    More so than Quantum and Celestial.
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  18. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Quantum is perfect.... it's other stuff that needs to be fixed to function as well as Quantum
    If the devs spend time changing quantum, that is time they are not spending on fire or mental or earth .... Quantum should be the goal.
  19. Tobias1978 New Player

    Quantum does little hits for 5 seconds then has a huge hit....

    HL does a lot of mid to mid high damage fast

    Celestial does mid high to high damage slowly.

    Munition does a constant mid high damage

    The point I'm trying to get at is every class deals damage differently....and can easily be top of the charts if you really need to chase the boards....some are easier to do ie. Quantum face role on the keyboard to do it while celestial you need to time your powers and do some work....
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  20. JReel New Player

    Lol everyone just relax and switch to Quantum

    Here is the standard rotation skill

    Time bomb, 1 , 2 , 3

    50k hit