Can our Henchmen and sidekicks please......BACK UP!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by cravex15, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    So I'm running T6 Crime and were fighting Bruno Mannheim and I pulled out my henchman in mid fight and as usual my henchmen are all right up my butt and won't give me atleast 2 feet of space.
    There was a point at which I had to duck and roll out of the way and I couldn't cuz my henchmen were surrounding me and I got knocked out and had to be picked up.
    I've noticed this alot with sidekicks and henchmen. They always hover right behind your a s s and won't give you any breathing room. Or they stand in front of you while your trying to fight and block all of your lunges and attacks. need to go hit a switch and your henchmen are standing right in front of you and you have jump over and roll around them to get to it.
    Can we please make our pets, sidekicks and henchmen and bit more smarter and give us some space.
    Spread out for crying out loud!!!!!! Quit ridding my a s s.
    Have them pick spot or corner thats not in our way and have them fight from there....but not hover over our us every second and barricade us from fighting or rolling out of the way to safety.
    Am I the only one who's been feeling this?
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  2. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    Use the one's that have ranged weapons. I use the penthouse backups and the rifle sidekick. The stay back and pew pew. The penthouse backups us DP.
  3. Biester New Player

    Try being a tank and you are surrounded by henchmen and robot sidekicks. I got stuck in one of the fire artifact aoes in lockdown tonight and couldn't get out of it because i was surrounded by all kinds of player-summoned creatures. I didnt get ko'ed but it made my job of staying alive extremely difficult. I just wish they would make any player-summoned creature abstract and not concrete so you are able to walk through them.

    I constantly find myself extremely aggravated at this and wish they would change it. Please devs if you read this, this is a problem that really needs to be addressed soon. I'm sure the majority of players who tank will agree.
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  4. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I was once asked to leave a BG with my alt for too low damage (I was the only one bringing the eggs away) and dying too often (I couldn't roll out of AoEs, because other people's henchmen were blocking me). I know your pain. :rolleyes:

    People also get stuck at walls, vendors and R&D-stations too often because of other people's pets.

    The question is:
    If they can't make them more intelligent and give us some space, what would be better?
    To still have that blocking-issue but also being able to use them as a shield, or not being able to use them as shield anymore, but being able to move right through them as if they were made out of air?
  5. SuperiorMouse New Player

    this is such a huge issue for me. i've been considering writing an epic post about it.
    • it's totally aggravating and it's being misused completely.
    • they break LOS.
    • they obstruct player and NPC movement.
    • they interfere with pulls.
    • dps are using them to boost their performance and that's why everyone runs with Robot Sidekick now.
    • players are using them to split boss damage too. i've seen rooms where everyone pulled out their backups to split the damage of attacks.
    • they're immersion breaking too in a lot of cases.
    it's Pokemon Universe Online. it's totally out of control. i really feel like pets as a whole need to be re-evaluated in this game.
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  6. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Relative to what weapon they're using. My backup has rifle and they're all over the place!
  7. Biester New Player

    Nothing is more annoying than not being able to get within pulling range of an add because you are stuck behind stupid "pokemon". Here's a recreation of the conversation I had in Lockdown tonight with my league.

    "Yo Biester, can you pull this add in? He's ****ing me up."


    "Wtf, why not?"

    "I am physically unable to atm because I'm surrounded by two robot sidekicks and three melee henchman but as soon as they switch targets and I can move I will."

    I tried double jumping over them but it was too late, the add killed him before I could pull it in. We laughed about it, continued on,, and when I log in tomorrow I will make sure that the league MOTD reads "If you want to run any raids as a league, you MUST use ranged henchman instead of melee henchman if you use the henchman or sidekick trinket." Yes it's dumb but how am I supposed to maintain aggro on everything when "pokemon" keep me from doing that?

    And btw, it happens more than people realize. I'd say 2 or 3% of raid wipes are caused by "pokemon"..................jk, but seriously, it's ****ing annoying!!!
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  8. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    This is a problem with pets just the same. Given the location that flying pets like to take up, off your shoulder, even in duos they can block your duo partner from getting through access points or hallways. Just the same they get in the way of your evac routes if you get cornered by a boss, though at least you can unsummon a pet. In any case, I think the best thing to do is make them either 'pushable' by any player character, or allow players (exclusively) to clip through them so they can't block player paths or be used as stepping stones for the lulz.
  9. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    How about following idea to keep them usefull for solo- and duo-Content but also make them less annoying in groupcontent:

    Just keep them as they are for solo- and duo-stuff, but make them "uncorporial" (don't know a better english word and my dictionairy-page won't load) in open world, safehouses, 4-man-content, 8-man-content and PVP, so you can just walk, attack, pull etc. through them.
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  10. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Well I currently use the cave theme henchmen and they use blasters but they still tend to crowd me.

    Well I do tank with them and I know exactly what you mean. Half the time they are right in front me while I'm trying to tank.
    Then when others release their pets its even worse cuz Im literally surrounded by a cluster of pets and henchmen trying to get in on my action when they should just offer support from a distance.
    However I was just experiencing this on my healer and they were in my way when I was trying to roll away from aggro and make my way to switches.
    They are suppose to aid you in combat but sometimes I kinda feel like they just get in the way and mess things up.
    They defeat their own purpose.

    Yes I agree. Solo and duo stuff is fine but group content that requires lots of planning and strategy is where they really seem to be in the way.
  11. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Yeah it's the worst tanking and being smothered by every kind of pet/henchmen in the game.
    Thankfully in boss fights they die (most of the time) but I has put me in a bind before.
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    At least your body guards and sidekicks show up. Sometimes I will hit the device, it will go on cooldown, and my body guards are on their lunch break.
  13. winter13 New Player

    I always hated if I was in melee range and somebody behind me called out their henchmen. They would press me up against the boss and make it extremely difficult to maneuver