It's killing me that I have 22 stacks of Simple and 0 complex, Its so cheap, If i flooded the market with them I could make it Touch bottom. Please raise the counter on items: Exobits and bytes, Colas, FE, Interfaces.
I think mushing 8 or 16 simple together should form a complex... and the reverse should also be true (break a complex down into simple parts)
I think mushing 8 or 16 simple together should form a complex... and the reverse should also be true (break a complex down into simple parts) What he said!!
The R&D in DCUO is so underutilized, it’s almost a joke. A simple addition to transmutation for converting simple to complex and vice versa would solve this problem. Sure personal loot in higher end content will solve some of the problems as far as having higher end gear to salvage but the fact that certain consumables require complex materials to make is the main reason many don’t use them. In the end, this will be a simple fix and I hope is added to an update ASAP. R&D’s expansion is the future of DCUO and I hope this is one of the first steps the devs take to move in that direction.
Well I can understand the logic here. You form an Exobyte with a stack of exobits, so why wouldn't you be able to form complex out of a stack or more of simple? I guess you'd have to look at it like this. 1) Complex is a rare material and it's meant to exist that way for a reason. Allowing simple to transform into complex would defeat that purpose and change the R&D difficulty, which should at least be moderate. 2) Complex and Simple Material might not be intended to be the same "material" in the sense that exobits and exobytes are. Look at it like Carbon and Uranium 235. Carbon is found in everything, it's very easy to obtain. There is carbon in Uranium, but it is a much more complex material, and just because you mush lots of Carbon together, does not mean you will make Uranium out of it. It would be nice if you could take it and use even 50 simple, to make complex, but I don't see them implementing something like that and this is the reason I at least try to see it.
As it currently stands, DCUO consist of daily, weekly and weekly instances for groups of varying sizes. That being said, an expansion to R&D would introduce elements into DCUO that could lead to differing mechanics. How we obtain gear and how we spend time in-game outside of the above stated instance. When you look at the potential of R&D, it could lead to change how we go about spending our time in DCUO and what we specialize in.
Yes, I posted this to see if it was just me or the world. But I always feel guilty about need on everything because I need complex. There always that risk of looting items a lower level needs to rank up faster. If the plans is 250 marks of Reality, I will pay that, but in my mind there is a change some. The catch 22 of it is that its hard to make money in this games and be process at buying styles and items to finish a mod. Sorry dude, I guess on some level there different but hey, Complex is used in everything these days how about a new material, Complex is more carbon than Uranium 235 these day. When you look at the world of DCUO; mods and Consumable; Complex i used about 15 complex a week right now, and that just to get toons up to t5.
Our time in DCUO is meant to be spent attacking good guys and bad guys. Please, let's not turn it into "Learn To Bake With Wonder Woman and Friends". Also, what BlueVariable said above is exactly correct about materials being rare.
Like everyone who's said it before me. They should make it so the random trash that drops from mobs can be salvaged into materials for R&D purposes.
I see you said "toons". Well, that could be your problem right there. I also run multiple toons but I don't complain that the game needs to change it' mechanics based on my playing habits. Level alts but stick to one main and you will find that you will have plenty of mats. In fact, in my experience I get more mats off my lower level alts' runs anyways. Nothing in the system is broken, people are just rushing content or being greedy about wanting more than they already have.