I do not know if this 100% qualifies as a bug, but it is an issue worth getting some comments on. It is repeatable by anyone that cares to spend the money and results in a poorer play experience rather than a better one. These are a few comments about the results of buying level 25. These are based on personal experience close to the time of posting this and not thoughts or feeling about the ability to buy a level. I do not have "rich" alts or a league to help push a character up so this is based on an individual who has played DCUO for about a month doing this. Now, I did this in part to find out what the process is like. As a result, I can say that people should NEVER buy 25 unless there are MAJOR improvements to the results. I bought level 25 for a Tech Villan and am saying that it is a complete ripoff. Why? Well, there are several reasons. 1) Side missions. The lack of completion of side missions is disastrous: a) I had 1/3rd the marks of valor of other characters at 25. I have had people hit 30 with over 60 MoV but this one had 15 at 25. b) I had about 5 less skill points of other characters at 25. 2) Exploration. You do none so you get nothing. Again, this leads to an SP loss. 3) Time loss, not savings. Because I did not have missions to go to, I had to research where I needed to go to get back all my lost SP and MoV. This resulted in it taking me LONGER for this character than for other characters! 4) The provided gear pack was not impressive. I got much better through drops on other characters. 5) Things don't happen, so you don't get all sorts of little counters, drops, etc. a) Style drops on missions. b) Barrel busting on missions. c) Vault collecting on missions. d) Research plans and components drop on missions. Again, all of that changes skill points and there is NO way to get it back up other than to go back through every mission and hope you get everything. Oh, and their compensation for all these missing things is 3 vault tickets... uh huh, like you will get much out of that! So by buying 25 I was WORSE off in all sorts of ways, but here is the oddest one: 6) I have NO Rogue Renown. In finishing out to 30 I got 180 each in LexCorp and Cult of Trigon. However, I have been able to get to CR 39 and still have ZERO Rogue Renown. So why is that the oddest part? As I said, this is a Level 30, CR 39 TECH VILLIAN working for Joker, saved his behind from the Robot Joker, and thanks to buying 25 I never got ANY Rogue Renown. I can't even buy from Fast Freddy or Mister Foletto in the safe houses because when you bypass missions you bypass ALL the benefits of having done them. I can NEVER get that missing Renown because I can NEVER get those missions. Sure, cashing in Rogue Renown Tokens (I have some saved for now from On Duty Tier 1) or paying MoV for them will eventually get me there. However, the buying process should have come with either the expected Renown values or tokens to make up for it! The fact that you "complete" the missions without getting Renown is a ripoff. I had to work HARDER to make up for all the missing Skill Points and Marks of Valor, etc. Therefore, in buying 25 I have been ripped off. I have paid to do WORSE in the game and to lose time and character ability. Things I was able to get in one day on other characters have taken me a week to make up on this one AND, there are parts I will NEVER get because they were skipped by the process. If they gave better equipment, perhaps just 2 or 3 of the randomized Future Fighter gear boxes, some renown tokens, and marked all the side missions as completed, it would be less loss. If they also did the Explore Gotham and Explore Metropolis missions it would make for much less running around to make up missing SP and make for a real time savings in buying 25. Make it more like 15 vault tickets to fill out styles, or give a couple style boxes full of a couple full sets to cover both styles and some missing SP. Top it with the Booster Gold things marked as completed and then you would give people one thing they could not normally do better at by 25: the level 30 Booster Gold missions. Without additions like that, you are doing worse than wasting money. You are paying to take longer to catch up on SP, etc. and unless you are in a good League you won't have the help to make up for the issues it causes.
That option is just for ppl that are tired of lvling and want another char getting to endgame pretty quick. That was the idea though.. . Those ppl also would buy all the skill points over from their main. Does that option help the gaming experience?? Only for players that aiming endgame fast. New players shouldn't do it at all!
What Tilz said, it's definitely aimed at people that have already done most of that stuff on their mains and just want to quickly level up an alt. They can then buy their feats and won't need to worry about things like the barrel feats. To be honest I'd never buy it though, it hardly takes any time at all to hit level 30.
They kind of undercut themselves by bringing this out around the same time as Summer of Wonder with the DoubleXP for 7+ hours though.
Run solos and bounties and u can keep earning reknown. I have 8 guys and i never felt the desire to skip the 30 burn. Its a good time to learn you powers and mechanics. Whisper and 'patrol catastrophe/lost patrol' are my two favorite challenges in the game. If you cant get past those its time to rethink your characters. It USED to be the best time to farm teleporter mods but they screwed that all to hell.
Yes, but they can buy the SP if they use this or not. If they have any sort of help they can hit 25 in a few hours. Heck, I brought two toons to 23 and 18 in 6 hours. If I had stuck with it, one would have easily hit 25 if not 30. So still, no value. Agreed. I just think it is a ripoff even for an established player. If it has no worth, it should be tweaked. Sure, the company wants money because they run a business. However, the product should have some value. Even the Base items on the marketplace have value for someone that wants a certain look to their base or guild. But buying 25 simply has no value.
I have been. It is still 0, however, that is by intent. The free reknown booster works on tokens so I have been saving up tokens for a reknown-a-thon once I have no slots left. Completely agree. Like I said, I did this for a test as much as anything else... and I did not like the results. Also, some things are harder to learn in this game, like group mechanics and group role. In other MMOs I used to play (EQ, WoW, a few Korean ones...) you end up grouping as you go. You can develop relationships and teams. It took me 3 weeks to even get into a Duo here. Why? After 15 minutes waiting in the queue, I would just do other things. And I got to have the first group person I was with run off... they just left. Now, this holiday weekend, I finally got into about a dozzen Duos and last week I got to Area 51 once. I still know very little about role specific stuff for my toons because I simply am not using it and am not in groups. I don't get porter mods... and I do agree that the final missions are a good test of concept. I scrapped a couple toons because at 27 to 29 they just could not hack the missions any more. Wrong combo of weapon to power. Funny thing, my first toon was a Sorcerer with Hand Blasters, which works together very nicely. I went Summoner line and the pets do the work while I support them. Then I tried a Gadget's controller with martial Arts... ugh. For me, that did not work at all. Very little of that is learned until about 10 to 15. You begin to have enough skills and powers to play around with the character. By 25 you sould have an idea if it is working and if you can't make it to 30, you know you messed up.