BvS reviews...are looking a bit

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheArmorsmith, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Why you quote me to do a question that doesn't make any sense?
    Superman was optimistic enough considering all the odds, prejudice and hate he face across TWO movies.
    What did expect? a quip, a joke? when the whole world is pointing at you?

    Bottom line is that he in BOTH movies gave his all for mankind, proving to be the greatest hero ever.

    I´m all on board with Zack´s vision of the DC Universe, he is very faithful to the source material, but only true fans would appreciate that.
  2. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    You are a Marvel boy, please don´t quote me anymore i can see your BIAS a mile away.

    Not every comicbook movie HAS TO BE LIKE MARVEL´S.
  3. Lionxoft Committed Player

    The movie critics obviously have never opened a comic book. DC and WB gave us so much fan service that I feel like I need buy them a ring. Great movie.
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  4. Rekn Well-Known Player

    Because I know I am not just speaking my own personal opinion. There are plenty of others I chat with that share my opinion of the take on these whatever you want to call them......

    Frank Miller stories are getting boring and annoying, yea in the 80s it was a fresh perspective on Super Heroes but it has been copycat'd so much over the last 30 years it is just getting outdated, overdone, and for me personally am bored of them.
    Frank Miller is just a Ninja Fanboi period, all his characters are the freakn( Daredevil, Batman, Wolverine) same, dark and brooding and they all know martial arts and fight ancient mystical ninja organizations.....after almost 30 years of this, yea it gets old.

    Maybe DC should try and produce Kingdom Come or maybe the Death of Superman story. The way marvel is doing Civil War and Apocalypse stories.
  5. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    The point he was making was that Zack Snyder doesn't seem to think Superman is an optimistic character. So for you to then say Snyder's Superman was optimistic enough, doesn't make any sense. Since the director himself says that his Superman isn't very optimistic. I think you should re-watch the Man of Steel.;)

    Snyder's vision of Superman is someone that is somewhat purposeless, confused, and like everyone keeps telling me, "he's inexperienced".:D

    Where's Kevin Smith's review?
  6. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet?
  7. Rekn Well-Known Player

    Source material? Can I ask what Source material your talking about?

    SUPERMAN DOES NOT KILL, NOR DOES BATMAN!!! That is about as basic and source as it gets, out all the years of Superman there was only been one "What if" type of dc story that had Superman kill Zod.

    Another way of looking at it is also why would you want to kill the one person you could have Superman go toe to toe with. Simply put DC drops the ball in all their movies with this BS of killing the bad guy at the end, marvel was doing that bs in the early days but seemed to have learned a bit about keeping the bad guys alive for sequels etc( excluding GotG with Ronan ).

    Going to the Man of Steel movie, fix the script very simply....The movie had Zod so focused on killing Superman that it would have been very simple for superman to take zod out of a populated city to anywhere the moon if they had wanted and let them rehash the old Superman 3 fight.
  8. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    It opens today for the general audience. I'm watching it tomorrow.
  9. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    You said this:
    I gave you a link about it and my own commentary. This is how forums work.
  10. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Did you SAW THE MOVIE????

    And no thank u, i personally dont want the DC Universe like the MCU.

    Different strokes for different folkes.
  11. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Except they both have MANY times through the years.
    Superman 2 he kills them all (movie)
    He killed Joker (alt universe)
    Killed Dr Light (War of the Light)
    Killed Krptonians in Superman #22
    Killed animals (Dragon I believe)
    Killed Doomsday
    Original comics he killed, oh and laughed when the bad guys died.
    Batman has killed.many many times too.

    Where do you people always come up Superman or Bats doesn't kill? Jesus have you ever read any of.the comics or seen any of the older stuff?
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  12. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    please stop:
    General Zod: I'm going to make them suffer, Kal. These humans you've adopted, I will take them all from you one by one.

    You're embarrassing yourself with your vitriolic hate.
  13. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I find it astounding that Zack Snyder's visuals and storytelling is the sword you're willing to fall on. Did you know George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road) was slated to direct the Justice League at one time, if you care about the future of DC movies you should be petitioning for WB to get him back. George Miller actually can write and put a screenplay together in addition to creating great action set pieces.
  14. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    That's what he was willing to do to get the codex from Superman. There's no reason why Superman couldn't have used the codex as a bargaining chip. They could of easily settled their differences if Superman offered the codex in exchange for the safety of Earth. Only bad writing would have Zod reject such a deal to create a New Krypton elsewhere.
  15. Stamen Dedicated Player

    For starters, I wouldn't have used Miller as source material. His bats was already controversial at best and hated by many at worst. Be that at is may, we all knew that Hollywood (and specifically a Watchmen style director) would go for as dark and melodramatic as they could make it, so Miller it is.

    I could live with that, despite thinking this is probably the worst of all possible choices for a direction. If it is well written, I can live with it. Thing is, it wasn't.

    I don't want to spoil the new movie in anyway, so here's an example from Man of Steel --

    Jonathan Kent for all extents and purposes in that movie, encourages Clark to let a bus full of kids drown. The message this father sends his son is that "protecting yourself is more valuable than protecting others." Clark believes it enough to let his own father die, then storms off sulking across the globe for the first 1/4 of the movie.

    There simply was no good reason to "create" this kind of mythos out of thin air and re-write the character of Jonathan Kent to fit some kind of dark vision of Superman. Saving a bus load of kids is exactly how the Kents raised him.

    In the trailer of the new movie (not spoiling anything), Martha Kent tells Clark -- "You don't owe this world a thing, Clark. You never did." She basically echoes her husband's urge for Clark to be selfish. Synder doubled-down on his crappy portrayal of the Kent family. He undermines what it means to be a hero, removing any kind of moral obligation to be "good" and replaces it with this idea that a hero can be good if they want, or be selfish if they want.

    It may sound like a very small point, but this is EXACTLY the kind of anti-hero BS that saturates both MoS and BvS. He takes the two most iconic characters in the DC Universe and remakes them into his own morally ambiguous vision of the world. It's exactly why he had no quams destroying millions of lives in MoS fight sequences and exactly why he has to spend half of the new movie rationalizing why he did.

    Newsflash -- If you are explaining, you're losing.

    BvS is one long, monotonous rationalization of his dark, grim, joyless vision of the universe. It isn't heroic in the slightest. Synder double-downed on all the misery. He bet the house on it and by all indications, it is backfiring.

    That said, I think everyone should see the film. We need it to succeed if we have any hope of a Flash / Cyborg / Justice League slate of films. I just hope someone sits Synder down in a back room and prescribes him a few anti-depressants. The man needs to find an advisor or something -- someone who actually LOVES these heroes and WHAT THEY STAND FOR.

    I will say more later, but don't want to spoil things.
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  16. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I'm aware of all that (JL mortal)
    I still love MoS and BvS, and many people do as well.
    Just to let it clear, nothing, NOTHING that you could write its gonna make me change my mind.

    I´m a man who form his own opinions without care if are popular or not.
  17. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    dafuq? that was after!
    I´ve seen MoS over 30 times, you are wrong. Stop this nonesense.
  18. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    Well, 30 (of 100) in rotten tomatoes.

    Go see it expecting a mess, maybe, with low expectations, you can have some fun.
  19. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    With 75 years of comics and media you can find examples of them doing a lot of things. The problem I have with it is if it's okay (within the story) to kill Zod or the Joker, why don't they kill everyone who's a threat to innocent lives? Do we want Supes and Bats murdering people? Murdering a murderer is still murder.
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  20. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I was commenting in direct regards to a quote that Batman & Superman don't kill.
    The truth is they have. MANY times

    I think to many people spout off about things which they really don't know. I was just correcting a misconception that people have begun to truth.

    Watch the movie and form your.own opinions. Especially people in here commenting when they admittedly haven't seen themselves.

    FYI murder, by definition requires premedication.
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