BvS reviews...are looking a bit

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheArmorsmith, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    You don't need to be a trained badass to know that engaging only one of 3 people attacking your mom, doesn't actually protect your mom.
  2. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I saw it last night as well. I can't even begin to say how much I wanted this movie to be good -- how much it needed to be good to launch the franchise into the next decade. But it was so bad that I actually winced in places. I really, really feel bad for the actors because they did an amazing job with this crappy script they received. I was totally against Afflec as Batman, but he did a good job with what he was dealt. And I still think Cavill is great Superman.

    But the acting couldn't save what was just a horrible, horrible script. And nothing can save Warner Brothers from the total incompetency they wield when trying to represent the DC Universe. The execs there simply DON'T GET IT. They don't know what makes the franchise great.... it's got zero to do with dark, bloated, melodramas.

    I think they are so afraid of being "campy" like the early Bat-show and movies, that they just went deep over board with angst and darkness. And machine guns.

    Totally incompetent script and characterization.
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The question then becomes is "okay" enough for the cinematic universe they're trying to build? After all the Iron Man sequels did have some goodwill and momentum (particularly with IM3) built up to help keep things going. I'm not sure the same can be said with how mixed reactions still are in regards to Man of Steel after all the time since that film's been out.
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  4. krytine Loyal Player

    Ok not much can be expected when you have an actor Ben aflac that sucks in action roles great in drama suspense and stuff like that. Then a woman that makes a great amazon or circe or cheata and then a person playing the role of the ultimate villians master mind luthor. Guy would have been better suited to be the riddler not luthor. So I for one am not going to see some directors vision of what he believes superman batman and wonder woman should be and it sounds like the reviews are talking about how bad it is but Lois I think they nailed Clark they probably should have gotten Tom welling to do suPS as well
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  5. Netherith Well-Known Player

    So where, specifically, would ya'll improve the script to make it better?
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  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Well...despite the bad reviews, it did beat Marvel movies at the box office during opening day. $27.7 million, while Age of Ultron was $27.6.
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  7. Rekn Well-Known Player

    I am going to be such a happy fan when this movie crashes and burns and the people that made the decision to make Superman kill dies. I am guessing that Batman does a little bit of killing in this one now, you know cause every hero has to be an Anti-hero nowdays. That is what makes all those marvel movies so cool right...they are all Wolverine or Deadpool cause that is what sells.....Send Snyder back to his big explosion movies and get him the hell off of superhero movies, he is not revolutionary and we do not need his perception of these Heroes.
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  8. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I've been told that bats shoots people. They're not getting MY $10.00..
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  9. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    It's a movie that has Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. The 3 most iconic super heroes. My cat could have successfully marketed this movie.
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  10. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Well the mediocre reviews for MoS but a great box office run didn't deter BvS from having a huge financial backing and push. WB might just keep pushing these out there like The Tranformers movies, reviews be damned. It's just going to depend on the box office bottom line which is already boosted by great pre-sale numbers. WW has reportedly already wrapped it's principal photography and Justice League is also reportedly starting in April.

    What's odd is that Sony's Amazing Spider-man 2 had similar reviews like MoS and actually made more than MoS. Yet, Sony seemingly took those negative reviews to heart which prompted the deal with Marvel panning out. Of course, that's all the Marvel franchise that Sony really had so it's easier for them to pump the brakes.
  11. TheDark Devoted Player

    Ben's Batman was the best thing about this movie for me. I really liked the older & more experienced version of Batman on film. Batman's agility in the film and all his fight scenes were amazing. Nothing like that was ever achieved during Nolan's garbo fight scenes. A solo Bat film by itself, directed by Ben, would probably do way better story and box office wise.

    Gal Gadgot also did really good as Wonder Woman especially during her fight scene. I was not impressed or interested with Jesse's Luthor though.

    I give the movie 7.5 out of 10. While many things stayed true to the comics, that's exactly what made them predictable. Which is good and bad. They really did spoil most of the movie with the trailers. A few things did surprise me though. Also, towards the end I do agree it was a mess in how they moved back and forth with the scenes.

    I would still see it again only to watch Batman's scenes. Ben really is the best Batman and Bruce Wayne.
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  12. Batman-Beyond Well-Known Player

    You what review makes the most sense to me? MINE, and I say the movie is great...

    So go watch the movie...

    Also tired of all the Marvel movies... explosions and little to no story!

    So there...
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  13. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I´m looking forward to see his take on the Justice League, so why you dare to talk on behalf of other people?
  14. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Here is the scoop so far from an entertainment news source with Thursday's early release results and the response from the cast (I'm guessing damage control) during a group interview with regards to what critics had said about the movie

  15. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    You know he does in TDKR of Frank Miller right? ... you know, the comic that serves as inspiration for this movie...
  16. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

  17. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    lol You have to be joking. Maybe DC should set up their characters before the team-up movies.

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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Weird, I swear I saw an interview somewhere where he said he didn't cast Grant Gustin from the TV series as Flash because Gustin didn't fit his vision of the DC universe. Can't get much more optimistic or hopeful than Gustin's Flash performance. o_O

    Between that and Snyder trying to deflect criticism of civilian deaths in MoS by saying, "Why didn't people complain about the civilian death toll in Force Awakens?" (and seemingly ignoring the fact that it was ALL the bad guys' doing in Force Awakens), I'm starting to think Mr. Snyder might need someone to help him with interviews. That or just stop doing them.
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  19. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Yeah, I saw that a couple days ago. I believe the term is "damage control".
  20. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    He has the same right that you have to want Snyder to continue. This isn't a DC vs Marvel thing, it's about Zack Snyder not being the right person to helm the DC cinematic universe. And if you can't see that, you're just ignoring all the feedback starting with Man of Steel. He's had ample time to fix any perceived problems he may have had from MoS with BvS. The fact that he some how made BvS even more polarizing than MoS even though this should have been an easy slam dunk, this really should have been the Dark Knight to Batman Begins, the EBS to SW:ANH, instead we get more of the same.

    And if anyone has concerns for this movie and the future of DC movies, the move to make is to not support this movie during it's initial opening week.
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