BvS reviews...are looking a bit

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheArmorsmith, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    It's not so much us listening to the reviews, it's everyone outside. Fast and Furious while a terrible movie made gabs of money.
  2. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I'm agreeing with your assessment, not the one where you think you're going to get beat up. The one about the studio execs AKA the money counters.

    The reviewers who are using words like "too dark" or "incoherent" - these reviewers are still expecting 1960's Batman and 1970's Superman (or lighter TV versions). And here's the thing, they're usually wrong. That said, it's a given that the studio bean counters will probably make the same complaints if the movie doesn't reap the money they expect, and they're also wrong. Both for the same reason. Pablum will never sell big.

    There is an assumption that if you give the general public what you think the general public wants you can't fail. Time and again that strategy, especially when the studio meddles to bring a movie in line with that reasoning, just falls on it's face.

    The alternative is to take a risk with a property and people can never seem to view the whole equation: The risk may succeed big (yay, Iron Man surprised us now we are rolling in dough - please ignore our incessant complaining beforehand), or it may fail. What the money counters never see, is that fail would have been a more likely alternative anyway if they avoided the risk. So Hollywood, surprise us. Maybe we'll like it, maybe we won't but when we do...
  3. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    The Fresh/Rotten scale is just a quick way to get consensus reviews collected from varied media outlets:
    Fast 7 holds an overall score of 6.7/10, this is compared with BvS at 5.1/10. BvS just falls a little short overall, it's closer than the large disparity in "freshness" might indicate. It's quite possible the film is as inaccessible as the reviews hint at, that fans can overlook creating the scoring split.

    The audience score for BvS also dropped to 78%. And for what it's worth the audience score of 83% for Furious 7 agrees with the RT freshness score.
  4. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    I thought Furious 7 was pretty good. TBF it's the only Fast and Furious movie I've seen. It was totally over the top and fun and no one took themselves too seriously. I mean c'mon, The Rock flexed his arm to break a cast- that's worth the price of admission.
  5. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Came back from seeing Batman vs Superman. (No spoilers) I enjoyed the film. As a comic book fan it was great. There are 2 big elements in the film that fans will get and the movie feels like it was ripped out of the comics. Continuing with the good, Ben Affleck just killed it as Batman (there were some minor things that were out of character but forgivable) and I cannot wait when he does the Batman solo film (it's going to happen), Gal Gadot was awesome as Wonder Woman (and for those who worried about her accent, it's nowhere in the film, and trust me, this Wonder Woman is no pushover), Henry Cavill was good as Superman and pretty much is the same from Man of Steel, the supporting cast did a great job. The only negative I would say is Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, I don't exactly know what they were trying to portray him as because he isn't the Lex one would expect. Also, as a moviegoer, I would have to agree that the 1st half kept me very interested in the story (I think it was due to Chris Terrio who wrote the script for Argo and brought in by Affleck's insistence to rewrite the original Bats vs Supes script) but then gets lost in the 2nd half which critics say is a mess (Mixing the 2 writers Terrio and Goyer I think was a bad choice, because I think David Goyer should move on from DC's comic book movies and let some new talent takeover). However, it doesn't ruin the movie per say. I would say some parts could have been taken out and others better edited which is why it gets a incoherent feel. Now, would I recommend seeing it, YES, because it's Batman vs Superman, 2 iconic super heroes duking it out for the first time on the silver screen

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  6. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Just came back from the movie too.

    Almost loved it, but i agree with aurorabenz07, Luthor was the one bad thing this movie has, i felt like they were trying for a joker, definitely leaves much to be desired from a Luthor character.

    The second half does indeed feel like they mixed two writers, and a few points feel like they were going for an angle and then suddenly decided to drop those and head somewhere else, but overall a good movie, i really hope it gathers the numbers required for a Justice League movie :)
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  7. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Just got home from the movie and I thought it was absolutely atrocious. I can't even be bothered to get into all the problems I had with the movie right now as I'm tired but maybe tomorrow some time I will re-visit this and go into more detail but my was horrible for me.
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  8. Controller Devoted Player

    My son said it was amazing. He's a regular movie goer and a Comics fan as well.

    Haven't seen him this excited about a movie in a while. He also mentioned some easter eggs in it.

    I'll check it out next week and he wants to see it again when I go.
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  9. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Do people still not understand what Rotten Tomatoes is?

    Rotten Tomatoes score is literally a representation of all the movie critics reviews on the net. That number represents the general consensus of the movie among official movie critics. If it says 31% that means 69% of critics gave it a negative review. There aren't "people" behind it and deciding it. It is a poll.

    In fact rotten tomatoes is a very good place to look for reviews of a movie because it links every review on the movie. It's a good source for varying viewpoints on movies to be honest

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  10. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Just so wrong and heres why(I honestly can't believe people still defend this stuff)

    Your entire "he is untrained and inexperienced" argument EVAPORATES when you consider 1 thing. They took the fight into freaking space. At that point, Superman didn't even have to remove Zod from the civilian population. They were already THOUSANDS of miles away from ANY potential casualties. but SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY, Superman and Zod end up back in metropolis. Heck, a mere walking distance from where they started. The unlikely hood of escaping orbit, and then reentering orbit and landing in the same god darn location is astronomical.

    It's funny because Zod hit superman into space. Zod took the fight away from civilians. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IMPLIES? That Zod's main objective was not to kill people(he didn't care about them at the time). It was to kill superman. That shifts the entire dynamic of the fight. Superman logically could taken the fight anywhere he wanted. Because Zod wasn't even trying to kill civilians until the very end of the battle. Superman DIDN'T EVEN TRY. He wanted to hurt Zod. That is all he cared about.

    That is the greatest insult to superman. It's not about experience. It's about caring about your fellow man. Superman cared more about hurting Zod, than protecting ANYONE. I remember hilariously, Superman tackled Zod away from his mom's farm... YET LEFT HIS MOM WITH ZOD's HENCHMEN. Not only did he take Zod into a populated area FOR NO REASON. He didn't even do it to protect his mom. He did it because he was angry with Zod. The defining feature of this Superman is that he when he gets bloodlusted, He doesn't give a damn about causalities.

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  11. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Well some reviews said this one is as bad as fant4stic 4, Hope not.
    After all the bad press F4 had and the fact of a horrible cast I decided not to waste my time, but then i paid 1 buck to see it, and my god the reviews where right, It was awfull, like one of the most boring annoying superhero films I have ever seen. So with that in mind, with some critics putting this film in that league well make me wonder if that bad is? At least my mind is already set to see a mediocre film, we will see...
  12. Anothername Well-Known Player

    Saw it last night; slept over i; still love it :)

    Character played all their roles believable; it had good "breather moments" and put a good amount of thought into this Supes is/is not god thing without overdoing it. No after-credits but the movie itself was full of stuff you usually have in after-credits like the scenes showing other DC heroes. The Antagonist played by Eisenberg was an interesting & well played, mad, rambling genius type... sadly not a good Luther. It did not felt like Joker too. Maybe more Riddlerish with some Morrow and a pint of Luther thrown in?

    My two (minor) gripes would be above mentioned Luther Version (Rosenbaums Luther is still by far the best); and thats only minor because the character played was indeed interesting and the other gripe the a tad bit rushed *boom* here come Doomsday change of pace.

    I can understand it to some extend. Making a full movie about a major antagonist like Doomsday would probably not much longer than the second part of BvS without stretching it in a bad way. Also its a good "bring the heroes together" villain.

    Overall: Awesome entertainment & money well spend. Have not read any "professional" critics before since they are known to spit into the soup and tell everybody proudly about it the moment when the bowl rolls in.
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  13. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Your entire post supports the "untrained" hypothesis, it doesn't evaporate it. A trained/seasoned fighter would have controlled the fight as you said.
    I am not defending anything, Supes messed up. I am giving a reason for why he messed up.
    But why are we talking about another movie?
  14. Vyltran Loyal Player


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  15. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    He may not be a trained fighter, but he shouldn't be stupid either. Superman's moral compass and upbringing has always served him well except in Snyder's vision.
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  16. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I have multiple problems with BvS but no, this is nowhere near as bad as Fant4stic Four. Luthor and pacing are probably the worst parts. C'mon, moviegoers aren't that stupid, waiting so long for Luthor's "clean" act to fail was torture. And his portrayal was all over the place. I won't fault the actor though, this was as far as I can tell a script problem.

    But would it be so hard for Bruce's detective side to show? It's like the scriptwriters are afraid to show Batman as more than fists and broodiness. He should have seen through Lex's manipulations.
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  17. Skull Collector Committed Player

    I'm just going to leave this here.

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  18. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    The movie was near perfect.

    People weren't just ready for it compared to Marvels elements. Spectacular I think. Lex was the only question, but maybe, MAYBE the real Lex is alive as a future surprise. Very Iconic moments.

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  19. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    Trust me, it's definitely not as bad as Fan4stic and it doesn't have the problems that film had. Now is Batman vs Superman good? As a comic book movie, it is, but as a film, it has flaws and it shows, but overall it's okay. Think of it as the Iron Man sequels, they were not good but okay.
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  20. montazumas revenge Devoted Player