BvS reviews...are looking a bit

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheArmorsmith, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I saw it already here on Spain and I LOVE IT!!!
    This picture is a gift for the fans, maybe so many references and easter eggs from the comics are not easy to diggest for the critics and they found those wrong and misplaced in the narrative of the movie, but for an initiate in the comic book lore of DC is a nerdgsam.
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  2. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    There's plenty of collateral damage for sure, but in the Marvel movies they actively try to save civilians and try to contain the fights in one area. For example in the Age of Ultron during the Hulkbuster vs Hulk fight, Stark scans a building under construction for life and even attempts to buy it before dropping it on the Hulk.

    Finally found the scene that disturbs me the most from the Man of Steel as a Gif.
    I don't like how he doesn't bother trying to stop that big rig, it's more important to look cool dodging it... And since the movie doesn't bother to show if the parking lot is clear, we have to assume a few people were in there trying to get to their cars to leave the city.
  3. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    You assume too much...
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  4. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I don't have too, Synder has already been stated that around 5000 people died during the battle of Metropolis.

    I'm also hearing that the film is edited poorly, jumping from different settings and time with few establishing shots.
  5. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Oh, so a normal dc film then
  6. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I was refering exactly to the parking lot, when you try to make Superman responsabile for the death of people.
    Yes, there was a lot of deaths on MoS, but those deaths are in Zod´s hands and his crew.

    People seems to forget that Superman actually saved the WORLD...

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  7. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    People who talk and bash about a movie without ACTUALLY SEE IT BEFORE are very laughable.
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  8. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    It's not Superman, because Superman would just stop the big rig. It's the fact that he didn't even try, which was out of character for any incarnation of Superman and it was only done to set up this sequel.
  9. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Honestly, i just have to read you toon name to see where´re you coming from...
    I´m not wasting more time in people like you that are narrow minded.
  10. Netherith Well-Known Player

    This Superman was untrained. It was his first fight and he is a farmboy.
    Obviously his first instinct was to dodge it. The fact that he immediately became preoccupied by the sudden explosion behind him (enough so that Zod immediately got a shot in after he turned) says that he was not expecting it to explode.

    The entire destruction can be summed up to inexperience.
    Cut to Dawn of Justice and Supes still doesn't know how to fight beyond basic brawling tactics. He's a brawling tank, not a combat specialist like Diana or Batman.

    In fact, watching the final fight in Dawn of Justice reminds me of a DCUO fight between a DPS/Tank/Troller team versus a Boss. Specifically when the Tank and DPS temporarily lose agro and the Troller must scatter to stay alive.
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  11. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    It's currently at 33% rotten at RT, which isn't to say that it's 3/10 movie. The average ratings score for the movie is actually 5.2/10, so if 6/10 is a lukewarm positive review then BvS is barely failing. It's just that a majority of the reviews are going to the negative side across the board. Even the positive reviews bring up the same problems as the negative reviews.

    Somehow he didn't know the tanker would explode? I guess that's fair it's not like he could see the contents of the tanker with X-ray vision or something. Or that he was paying attention during their fight in which everything they touched exploded?;)

    Zack Synder "inexperienced" sounds a lot like ignorance, shouldn't he have learned along the way? How many times do they have to smash each other through buildings before they realize this isn't getting either of them anywhere? It's like the only reason he stays "inexperienced" is for the sake of the narrative which is why I feel the ending of MoS feels flat.
  12. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says the movie will do fine. It will make it's money world wide but what you fools are forgetting is Suicide Squad. Suicide Squad is going to be the movie of the year comic book wise.
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  13. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  14. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I just don't get why everyone is hyped ?? Non of superman it batman will win , they basically will fight then doomsday will intrupte them then Wonder Woman shows up and three of them will try to defeat him .

    I was hyped so much but because of the trailer and because they revealed too much , I feel like I watched the movie already idk... Just my honest opinion haha
  15. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I'm setting myself up to be beaten up here.

    The reviews seem to fall into two camps, the comic fans, who seem to move between loving it and fair to middling. The non comic fans are the ones who seem to be the most critical. "Incoherent" is a word I'm reading a lot. This tells me that the movie is a bit too 'inside' for the public at large. For a movie this big to succee, it has to pull in the Friday night movie crowd. This is a $300 million dollar movie, and for the guys in suits to keep signing cheques for that kind of money, they have to see some return. Some of the defenses I'm seeing are "they're setting things up for a DC universe, people have to be patient". That's not going to cut it to the money men. One of the big reasons Watchmen failed was that if people hadn't read the Moore books, they wouldn't know what was going on (the reverse of that is people who did read Moore's books hated the ending).

    I haven't seen the movie, I'm making no pronouncements if it's good or bad yet. We'll see what happens on Monday when the box office numbers are released.
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  16. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    I hear Batman channels his inner Punisher in the movie
  17. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    No spoilers.
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  18. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Truth, justice and the American way (admittedly, the American way ain't what it used to be) were missing in Man of Steel. And now we have the world's greatest detective sounding like Dick Cheney's 1% doctrine. When you change a characterization that much, when does it stop actually being that character?
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  19. Korlick Loyal Player

    Ive just watched it a few hours ago. It was great. It was everything i expected to be. And a little bit more.
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  20. Korlick Loyal Player

    31% Rotten at RT? The same Rotten Tomatoes that gave Fast n Furious 7 81% of positive reviews and an overall of 4/5 stars?
    Are you gonna listen to those guys? Really?
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