BvS reviews...are looking a bit

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by TheArmorsmith, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Well looking at the scores and not the reviews itself. And I have to say I'm a bit dissappointed in the will not keep me from watching the movie this weekend....but usually scores around 6 or 7 means it isn't as good as its hyped to be but not terrible. I'm hoping its around an 8.
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  2. Balistical lce Well-Known Player

    I really hope this movie isnt disappointing.
  3. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    I'm reading more reviews and it isn't looking too good...those reviews could ruin a movie really since alot of people would listen to them. The problem is most of the reviews say the same thing.
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  4. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Or...people should do what they normally do.
    Judge for themselves

    Many terribly rated movies have become classic, and vice versa

    The Shining

    All met with horrible reviews
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    If this movie fails, DC can kiss any chance at keeping up with Marvel in the cinematic world good bye.
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  6. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    True I loved Scott Pilgrim vs the world and it didn't do too well in the box office but is consider a cult movie by some today.

    But you know people will follow others if a few are going along with it. Plus the reviewers might be doign things like compare it to other Marvel movies.
  7. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Those movies were ahead of their time and made by truly great filmmakers: Stanley Kubrick, Harold Ramis and Alfred Hitchcock. BvS is not ahead of its time. If anything it's late to the party. Not saying it will be bad, but it's not likely to become a classic.
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  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    From all the "previews/reviews" I have seen, Batfleck steals the show. Guess that will shut up all those that hated that casting, huh? I'll watch it, for no other reason than being a fanboy waiting to see the big 2 throw down.
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  9. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    I agree with the OP, I have read some reviews from well-known critics but I also took into account the reviews of some Youtube critics and the result is the same (Don't worry NO SPOILERS) Affleck steals the show as Batsy. Gadot as WW is great. The first half of the film is great but then becomes a mess on the second half. I say, go see the movie and make your own decision. I'm sure some will love it, some with say "meh", but seriously DC, get your act together because Civil War is on the horizon and I'm thinking that movie will top BvS

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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I agree. I'm still watching regardless what people say about it. Usually I'm a hipster and my opinion on something differs from the general public (except for the most recent Fantastic 4, that belongs in the very bowels of hell).
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  11. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I could give a flying rats behind what any critic says about this....its Batman and Superman with Wonder Woman and Doomsday....

    I'M in !!!!

    BTW, These are the same people who thought The Pianist and The Crying Game were critically acclimated award winning movies....

    I would rather dig my eyes out with a Grapefruit spoon (Yes I so plugged a SoA there) then ever watch those 2 movies again....
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  12. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    The point of reading reviews is to "know" before you decide to buy. By the time they see BVS, it's too late. They already have purchased and used their tickets. This point may be obvious but it seems to be so conveniently left out on these topics.
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  13. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    From I have read is that the movie is "too serious" and it's not "fun" (or at least not enough).
  14. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Opinions are like, well you know.

    Everyone has different tastes and FFS it's what $6-12 depending on where you live?
  15. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    You should search for Star Wars IV A New Hope early reviews some day, these great reviewers panned the movie for being unbearably bad. About a month after its released most of them were forced to write a second opinion. Reviews arent worth the paper theyre printed on. The only one that counts is yours.
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  16. Lantern Azure Black Committed Player

    Most movie critics are backwards and not screwed on tight. Can't compare a DC movie to a Marvel movie because their universes are like day and night.

    Don't let a movie critic's opinion color your own thoughts going into and away from the theater. It's just not right.

    There's so many movies that audiences absolutely adored and critics hated. There's been movies that audiences hated that critics claimed was a masterpiece.

    To sum it up...don't take what critics say to heart because their experience is not your own personal experience. Everyone is different.

    If you're going to let a critic decide if a movie is worth a watch, or if it's good or bad then what's the point of having your own free will? Go see it for yourself and form your own opinion.

    From what I've seen and heard so far, audiences claim it's the best comic book movie to date and sets a new bar for the genre...and that's a massive opinion made by many that have already seen it.

    I can't wait to see this movie. I feel like a kid again!! (^_^)
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  17. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    I agree I've never let an review sway me from something. The problem is too many people do. And for us a fan of this game it could be huge becasue if that movie is successful a lot of people would want to play this game more. I know people who play this game becasue of Injustice or Young Justice.
  18. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    The reviews are are not ways to sway people to the said critic's own opinion but to give a heads up to the viewer with regards to what they are going into. Yes, ultimately, the viewer can make his or her opinion but some people/fans can be so hyped with anticipation that when the end result is not what they expected....well sometimes its hard for them to face that fact...cough...cough...Star Wars Episode I. Nevertheless, good or bad go see Batman vs Superman and make you own opinion it
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  19. MukiTensei Level 30

    Saw the movie today. I have to say I agree with the bad reviews. The movie came off as "weird" to me. Too much stuff in one movie. Wonder Woman shines though.
  20. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

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