BVS Logo bag not in usps loyalty points vendor

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Hemmy, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Hemmy Committed Player

    As of time of THIS post... Still no logos :(
    Starting to think all my loyalty points are getting dusty.
  2. Hemmy Committed Player

    I remain hopeful this can be a quick fix, after all, it's just adding one item to a few vendors right? Well... hopefully.
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The poster bag is there, but the emblem bag is not. We'll get this in the hotfix planned for tomorrow's restarts.
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  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i was reading on a thread ealier today, that the league hall poster's were not in the Bags, i don't know if that's intended or not, might wanna check that out. just letting you know
  5. Hemmy Committed Player

    As I remember, that was intended. They are supposed to be ONLY available on the legends vendor.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The League versions are only on the Legends vendor.
  7. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    oh okay, so it was intended alright ty for explaining that.
  8. Solstice Vanguard Well-Known Player

    I'm having an issue where the BvS Logo Swag Bag Bundle is unattainable, in spite that it's available in the vendor right now. When attempting to purchase the item with my Loyalty Points, it would reply "Vendor request failed".

    Is there going to be a hot fix for this or do I need to log out/back on?
  9. QalAl New Player

    Hi was this ever fixed? I'm not seeing the logo swag bag, only the poster bag.
  10. Grumpy Wookiee New Player

    Are the swag bags still available? I'm not seeing either in any vendor or marketplace.
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player


    It's also unknown when or even IF they will be able to bring them back.
  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    *Bump!* Are there any updates to report yet, Devs?