Buying seasonal currency..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KodyDerp, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Guess you forgot about capsules?
  2. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    As far as I'm concerned, I'm happy cause it means more items to buy via the marketplace, the feat points are just cherry... Though I think I have most of them from this event.

    Perhaps the thinking is, to some degree... Skill points are about to become more valuable. The devs are aware that there are many people running around with far too few skill points for their cr level, so they're giving them the opportunity to buy a few here and there, give them a leg up so to speak.
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For starts, it's a lot more work for us, bloats the marketplace, and isn't future-looking. It's also just not as simple as grab currency, get items.
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  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Some of us may want x amount of y item, but not any of z item.
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  5. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Isn't buy items simpler than buy currency, buy items?
  6. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    Why make them a pack? I understand your love of seasonal base items and I also make money off reselling them but how many people are going to spend money on base items that you can get from a single run. I can only think this will be marketed towards those who would by the Boo's from the market place.
  7. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

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  8. majosea Dedicated Player

    Might as well just give everyone the feats for free if they're going to be available this easy, cool Love free stuff
    but I do think putting buying currency of any form is a bad idea , its say hi dcuo is the next wartune devs do your want you game to lose a ton of players that stuck with your game for 5 years ?? dcuo needs money ? how the put some styles from the style request thread throw them on the market place , new base and league halls theme , ton of other great ideas from the players don't doesn't rely on pay to win
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  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not a fan. It makes me question what other marks will be added to the MP at some point? MoV? Valor?

    Also are there pics of the auras anywhere? And the price of the aura pack? And im guessing i wont buy the aura pack. Because chances are i wont like all the auras. I dislike these packs very much. Imo sell each aura individually and also the pack. 4 auras so say each is $5 and the pack is $15. Buy the pack u get 4 for the price of 3. That gives people options. Idky this cant be done. I refuse to spend $ on something i dont like or wont use. So if even 1 aura is not to my liking then daybreak gets 0 money from me. If they were sold individually id buy at least 1 ;)
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  10. majosea Dedicated Player

    thats not the point there making , sure it starts small like most pay to win , it will get bigger and worse in time
  11. majosea Dedicated Player

    there will be no longer a point of playing this game if other marks will be added to the MP MoV, Valor, happens
  12. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    For a new player starting now, this is probably the ONLY way to ever get caught up on the feats. Think about how many currency items you need to earn to buy all those base items for every years cumulative feats. I don't even have enough patience to do seasonals for all the feats in one year. Needing to do enough to earn something like 4 years of seasonal items is crazy.
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  13. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    It was OK for Daybreak's new preferred target audience with time crapsules, so why wonder about this? It's step by step to a successful MMO, the last thing DCUO needs are additions that allow to solo any content so players don't have to bother with other pesky players anymore (since the "community" is definetly the worst part of the DCUO "experience", way ahead of bugs, disconnects, glitches and constantly tinkering with the combat systems including the currently favoured "how about we go back to square one??"). Star Trek Online for example has a ton single player content and just very few group content (which gives faster and better loot to make up for the bothering, but is not game or story-line relevant). Once DCUO has fixed that and uses "8 solos, 2 duos, 1 alert, no more new raids" for their future content, the game will probably be able to survive til the end of days.

    Seriously, look at new games of no matter what conception: people first buy the game and then stuff that allows them to progress without playing the game - 2K sports for example, where you can build your player/wrestler with bought points; Gran Turismo 6 (still most actual Gran Turismo, new one will come out next month) came with starter/special edition packs that offered a large amount of ingame cash and a number of racong cars, totally killing the point of the former games that was about starting with an old used car you tune up step by step from minor prize money the early races offered for winning; and those japanese or korean fantasy RPGs and MMOs all offer "pay 2 skip" anyway. It's all about paying to get the game and then paying again so you don't need to bother actually playing it nowadays :D

    As for the ingame cash: time crapsules killed exo farming down pretty much, now the seasonals are gone - sounds like we'll see some "collection item Booster pack" next, that will be 5 collection items with one guaranteed rare per pack (Superboy plaque or green kryptonite sort of rare) for.... 250 MC each, killing the last remaining form of generating good ingame money from the basic content. If not, well: it's "farm collection items" for people wanting to make money - though: unlocking feats has reduced the demand for them already down to "once per account" already. You want to make lots of ingame cash in the future? Buy Booster bundles, unlock more time crapsules - just spend more real cash to make ingame cash :D
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    What do you mean it's not as simple as grab currency get items.

    My wallet and credit card is right next to me seems pretty simple to me :p
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  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    I can tell ya if dcuo had no raids at all i wouldnt be playing dcuo ever again, along with a large amount of other players.
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  16. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Is it really?

    Is someone forcing you to buy the marks?
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  17. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Where does this stop? That's my concern. We have started by continually adding things that offer increases to player performance minimally. How far are we from the point that it's no longer minimal? Just the cumulative effect of the feats will eventually add up to something significant if the game is around long enough. When are we going to start seeing mods, gear, marks of victory/valor end up in the mp? Very slippery slope.
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  18. L T Devoted Player

    You guys know you can just replay the seasonal event using replay badges, right? And... you know you can get more replay badges with dollars right? Just. Not. Seeing. The. Big. Deal.
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  19. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Why wouldn't they use this to get feats? Lol It's buying feats instead of grinding them, of course they're going to do it because you would too? o_O

    We meant Cosmetics. Currency is not a cosmetic...
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Can you just add the following to the marketplace.

    Full set of raid gear
    Stacks of exobytes
    All briefings and investigations
    All collections
    Race tokens that just grant victory
    Pvp match win tokens
    And farming bots that farm for you

    Thanks guys.
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