Burnout with Stabilizer Solo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aren Sul, Jan 6, 2025.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nice. Saves me subbing for Jan yet again this year. Whew...was thinking about it too.

    Funny though. We always complained about the 'skip' people who ran around with full CR gear, but only 80 SP and a level 100 Arti or something. Good to know THOSE people will now be better by comparison.
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  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes. Now you can be at End Game with less SP and less Artifacts than a CR Skip Player.
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  3. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Well the button is, of course, the quickest. But I wouldn't mind rooms that could be set up like Belle Reve. It's also my favorite because I don't have to go chasing down adds. Vandal's is similar.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So you agree that no matter how much window dressing goes into it, the quickest one will always be best. So let's lobby for that...and not 20 different maps to make it 'interesting'.

    Ugh...I hate Savage's because of the 1 add that's always behind me. I find myself spinning round and round in there.
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  5. Revafall Well-Known Player

    I honestly liked it more when fragments/stabilizers were in daily rewards. I'm so fed up with running that instance. In my opinion, just put all the rewards into the Daily Rewards system again and call it a day.
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  6. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Okay, I finally signed in to my lowest-leveled toon and claimed the box. I did wind up getting 10 SP from feats popping, and that's pretty much what I remember getting with the last two Anniversary CR skips. Now, the CR skip they gave us a few months ago (the one that had the Owlman gear) came with an artifact box that gave you an art and some Nth (I think it was enough to raise the art to 120 or maybe 160), but I don't remember any arts or augs with the Anniversary skips. I thought the previous skips also came with some consumables, like detectors or mail bots or something, but I could be misremembering. Anyway, it's free gear, so I'm not gonna complain.
  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Don't forget they used to give two CR skips to paid members and one to everyone. This year they skipped that so technically no Anniversary gift to memberships. Wow can you tell they gave on subscriptions yet? Also they apparently do have a 425 CR skip for sale but I have no clue how much SP is with it probably the usual 70 with Augments I guess? I'm laughing they were so cheap they didn't give us 5 CR more for free. Nice! You can tell Grinch and Scrooge run Dimensional Ink now it's so evident.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes, I saw the one was still for sale, and from the description, I'd guess it's the same as the previous ones...but there's no way I'd ever buy one to find out.:D

    Actually had an argument in chat the other day because this one guy kept saying they changed the CR skip because of what we got. I was saying 'no, it's the same skip...we just don't get one now, we got a gear box instead'. It was kind of a semantic argument, but the 'real' CR skip, complete with the gold exos, some supplies and arti stuff still exists, so no...what we got was not a 'changed' CR skip...it's a new thing. A boring new Gear box. If you have 45 bucks to burn, the normal CR skip is still there ready to yoink the money out of your wallet.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Those SP might just be the ones that everyone gets as a result of depreciated old feats. On previous skips (or the purchased one) you'd get them too, just after you'd raise your CR 1 after applying the skip gear. I'd guess the same is happening here and the SP are not really coming 'with' the gear box.

    And yes, on previous granted skips, we'd get some Art XP, and the consumables like the portable workstations and such. I don't think it was enough for a 160 arti, but at least an 80, and maybe 120. I don't recall exactly how much because I never used it until a 2x week. However it was the same stuff as in previous skips (except the first ones...as I believe they were out before artis hit the scene). I still have 6 or 7 of the previous ones not claimed, so maybe I'll open one and get the exact numbers. All my banks are pretty well too high to open the older ones, so I'll have to find a lower alt to check.
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    That's pretty much my take on it, that it's all the feats that pop when you raise your CR manually through gameplay (plus the feat for completing the Bat Metal Style).

    Something like that, yes. The reason I don't remember how much Nth it was is because I threw the Nth in the shared bank for my main to use. Unfortunately, I don't remember what the occasion was for the CR skip (I mean, the real one) we got, and I can't find anything in the announcements on the Game's website. All I remember is the gear was the Owlman style, because I claimed it on my Ice character, who then used the style to cosplay for the Halloween seasonal.
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  11. Korlick Loyal Player

    It was when Harley Ep came out.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I was looking for the announcement, so I could link it, but yes Korlick beat me to it. It was the Harley Ep, CR 368 skip, that had the full set of goodies including the feats for 70ish SP and the artifacts box. I haven't opened any since, so it might have been altered, but I had a buddy pop it on a new toon he created and it had the same feats as before...we looked to see if any were added like the top RnD ones...or any episode/PvP ones. They did not.

    And yes, the timing in late sept, would have jived with your cosplaying in Halloween.
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