Burnout with Stabilizer Solo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aren Sul, Jan 6, 2025.

  1. Aren Sul Committed Player

    As a Premium member, I never quite understood moving the stabilizer fragments out of the monthly rewards into a daily duo. I just assumed it was to promote more engagement with the game. I did had some fun doing the duo with friends while waiting for others to come online.

    Unfortunately, there were some legitimate issues other players were having with the duo, so DCUO shifted it to be a solo. That shift made it solely a chore to earn something I originally got as part of my benefits for my level of subscription. Fine. I wasn't thrilled about it, but it doesn't take long to do.

    However, it's been a long time since the shift to solo and, quite frankly, I'm beyond sick of doing the same solos over and over and over and over and over. And this has me re-questioning why? I am having absolutely no fun doing it. It's obviously not difficult or time-consuming, it's just that it's become so mind-numbingly tiresome.

    Is there anyway to put a little more fun or excitement in this? Or can we please just go back to getting the fragments as part of our monthly rewards?
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  2. kallader Committed Player

    It give you equipment piece
    can drop rare weapon box
    you get 2 decoration and a source mark
    you can run it with all your alt with no waiting to queue you can get 40 decoration each day if have 20 characters
    not sure other than be repetitive what is bad about it I really like it
  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Maybe new maps and bosses to fight there? and of course, since they are launching this event system, including fragments there or full stabilizers. I was also sad when they took stabilizers out of Daily Rewards. The duo becoming a solo is fine in my eyes. But maybe adding fragments to raid content, to entice players to run more raids. Mostly older ones?

    The solo itself isn't much of a big deal for me but I don't really run it all the time, and I tend to forget It's even there. Though I do like solo content, It's just not that interesting to me or enticing to keep running it. (Base Items are always nice...but even then we don't really get any good ones.)
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  4. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    I don't understand why they removed the Flash Museum map when they made it a solo instead of a duo. And, honestly, they could use a fraction of every single location in the game (but I think they wouldn't use Queen's Row and New Themyscira, since the Flash family undid the Flashpoint timeline at the end of the last raid). They could add more bosses to the ones we already have if they want to.

    I would definitely add an Outsiders map if they're going to do it again this year - something like the Belle Reve map, but with Black Lightning, Katana, and Metamorpho, with Gotham's underground as a map. Another one in Ivy's lair where we fight her plants. Invasions in Mogo/Ranx. Parademons in New Genesis (something like The Will of Darkseid). A simulation in Titans Tower. Ninjas in the League of Assassins Stronghold or Nanda Parbat (the subboss arena before the fight with Ra's is perfect for that).
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  5. Aren Sul Committed Player

    It's not the rewards, although I can't remember the last time I got something for base or a style I haven't gotten multiple times (I've been around a while). It's doing the same thing every single day.

    I think it's great that your tolerance for repetition is higher than mine, but that has zero effect on my experience. I'm simply saying this is how I feel about it after doing the same four for what feels like years. That plus I've never been clear why the switch from a subscription benefit changed and if that's still applicable.
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  6. Aren Sul Committed Player

    EXACTLY! Shake it up a bit.

    Maybe new (single room) maps, maybe a new way of distributing fragments.

    Going another full year without some variety is not compelling.
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  7. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Yeah. There are year's worth of single room maps that can be used (usually final boss locations) that could give it an arena feel. Maybe even rename it "The Arena". I know it's mainly set decoration, but for the purpose it serves, I'd be happy with that. Dozens of random rooms they can choose from, randomly reskin the adds to match the bosses, random stock fight/animation maneuvers for the bosses.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Honestly, I think they were removed from the daily rewards because of people being able to double dip the month by subbing late and then claiming 2 months worth of stabilizers. You're welcome BTW.;) Also, the chances of you forgetting or missing out on the daily run because you are doing something else is higher vs the grant which only required logging in and pressing the 'claim', which you can do while otherwise occupied or even the next day...next week...if you just forgot to previously. All this means they give out less stabilizers, which means (in theory) they'd sell more.

    As far as the run, at this point I'm not sure why we can't just queue in, go to the center and press a button, then leave the room. The fact you have to 'fight' 3 waves of adds and a boss that can only kill you if you A) fall asleep or B) leave the room because one of the kids pooped on the floor and was using it to paint the walls now..."NO TREVOR...THATS NOT FINGER PAINTS!!!".... Well, anyway, queuing in, pressing a button and leaving would pretty much be the same result. Still tedious, but would be some 'activity' requirement...which seems like they aren't getting away from.
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  9. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The repetitiveness is what's bad. There's like four maps, and the RNG is terrible, so you can wind up doing the exact same map every day for a week. I hardly run it anymore, even though I was originally running alts through it for the base items, because I keep getting the same base items over and over. As for the gear, the daily missions in new episodes offer better gear.

    In fact, other than losing out on the paltry number of stabilizer fragments, you get more loot just running one of the Wonderverse temples, with two Wonderverse head augs equipped.

    But running the same map three days in a row just to get one stabilizer and two base items you already have 15 of gets really old really fast.

    I think it was because people complained about how you had to go around obstacles to get to the enemies, mostly because of that huge planter in the middle of the room. Basically, it took something that was already starting to feel tedious, and made it take longer.
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Though, in practice, it just means my TC bank alt gets to hold more capsules now. :p

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  11. PrinceD Active Player

    At the point the game is at, we better not even complain about it, otherwise they will remove the only way to get stabilizers for free, I mean we see how many benefits we have lost in recent years, I don't see why to remove the solo, maybe do events that give extra stabilizers as a reward it's cool but at this point I prefer not to complain because they are already removing too many things from us.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Honestly I'd be fine if every run was Belle Reve...every day...all day. Having 4, or 10 or 100 maps won't make it any less tedious to me. The adds are no challenge, the boss is inconsequential, opening or closing a door...running down a hall or up a ramp...whether the walls are black or red or silver...it's all the same. I'm not in the stabilizer run for the 'immersion' or some role play activity where I'm searching the world for fragments so I can open these mystical treasure boxes that show up in my backpack every 8 to 10 min, well as long as I'm knocking out an enemy or picking something up.

    Let me ask you this. If there were 20 maps, which you could pick any one of...your choice...and one of the maps was a room with a button in it, no adds or boss. After you'd run each of the 20 once...maybe twice (so a bit over a month into the change) would you still keep running a different one each day, or would you just pick the one with the button? I'd pick the one with the button...I think most players would.

    Just give me the stabilizers...it's why I'm there. Every other aspect of this just adds more tedium...IMHO.:rolleyes:
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  13. kallader Committed Player

    You guys are old players with all styles and years of decoration collecting not everyone is at that point :) you have to think about new players or peoples with multiple alt not everyone play that game as much as you do :cool:
    I run it every day with 20 alt take me less than 30 minutes to do them all if I would run any of the lower tier I would get better and more stuff but would take me at least 5 minutes each alt so about 100 minute

    Sorry for really bad English :/
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So fine...the button in the middle of the empty room rewards the piece of gear and base items. No problem.

    FWIW. I can probably run Joker's funhouse in a bit more time than the stabilizer run and you get 2 pieces of gear (if a hero toon) from the same drop table as well as a source mark (does the stab run drop SM? I honestly don't know). So for the alts it might actually be more effective.
  15. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    This is why I've said before they should just bring back the Vault. You go in, break some presents for the Nth, catalysts, base items, and gear. Then, when you leave, you get your stabilizer fragments. Just like with the event Vaults with their event currency, if you go in, you get your stabs, whether you break the presents or just leave, then you're locked out of it until tomorrow.

    Yeah, that was my point about the Wonderverse temples. you get two (2!) pieces of gear, as well as whatever base items, catalysts, or other garbage you can sell for in-game cash, plus you get Source Marks. The only thing you don't get is 1/3 of a stabilizer.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes, but lower level alts can't probably run WV solo and might not be able to finish in a productive time even if they can enter. Funhouse is open to pretty much anyone at level 30.

    And you don't get that 1/3 a stabilizer on alt runs anyway, so no real difference past the first run (if he's running 20x a day).

    Don't get me wrong. On proper alts with the WV head augs over 17 slotted, WV solo is the best SOLO returns in game...just saying for alt farming, not all alts are created equal.
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  17. PrinceD Active Player

    As i Said, look to the new "CR skipp", omg...not even SP we get anymore...
  18. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I forgot about the CR requirement for WV -- and I have 2 or 3 alts that can't run it. :oops:
  19. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Why, what's in the CR skip that's so different from previous CR skips?
  20. PrinceD Active Player

    We only get a 420 gear box ,no sp,no augs,no arts
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