Build and Play Your Characters Like Never Before with Armories!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yes, you can keep your gear in your inventory or bank (but not shared bank). The armor you have on trades places exactly with what you're putting on.
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  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    The only problem I have with them is that they imprint consumables...Considering I blow through them in a single raid, I'm constantly having to switch consumables in and whenever I change

    I'd like to see consumable spots not be imprinted and stay as they are when you change
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  3. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    And if you switch back it will put your pve back in your inventory and your pvp back in your bank, that's how it works. try it again and see for yourself.
  4. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It changes all trinkets. For my healer setup I have no consumables (yay 87 healer utility belt) Then I go PVE DPS and my consumable is Personal Dampening Fields. Then I go PVP and I have my Karmix hex/Dazing Devices/Electrostatics. I love that it swaps them on the fly personally. If for whatever reason I need to swap the consumable I can open my inventory and swap it:D
  5. Smashyourmom New Player

    for this to work efficient u need to have more inventory space. (Speaking to f2p and premium players) besides buying the armories u need to buy more inven space..
  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Its great for trinkets, but consumables are too much for me...from the time I imprinted my armory yesterday till I got off I went through 3 stacks of karmic hexes and 24 next colas that were imprinted on my armory...I'll have to either reimprint every single time I run through a stack to keep up with it or leave them empty

    Its really noticeable for me because I have 1 armory for boss fights and 1 for hallways so if I switch them by hand I have to switch them every 3 mins or so in Nexus ha
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Ahh I don't think I was fully understanding what you were saying.

    So if you finish the stack that's imprinted, when you swap to that armory it'll empty those slots as the stack you imprinted is gone?

    So say I imprint it with a stack of Soders. I use them all, put more soders in, go respec a little for something, then later go to swap to my armory, the soder slot will be empty as the imprinted stack is gone and it tried to swap to them but couldn't so just emptied the slot?

    If that's what you're saying (i haven't messed with them too much yet) then that sucks for sure.

    Sucks also that consumable slot on the utility belt is always freakin variable (really devs, do you hate us? really? cause it seems like it, there is nothing good about this, it just seems like ya'll are being vindictive iceholes) I'd imagine swapping from armory to armory would be weird if it didn't swap consumables but swapped trinkets.
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  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    guys for one second simply forget your fellings on the subject and look at this as a business that requires repeat business to survive. we have three type of clients. your demo playing guys you hope to entice to spend money in your F2P customers. then the guys you kind of hooked and got them to buy something $5 or more and they would be your premium customers. if you are premium your not spending the $10 to $15 a month on the game so chances are your not into it or its a money constraint situation, completely fine thanks for contributing with what you can afford. then we have the guys i care about and its the legendary guys. these guys are guys who invested and you know are with you. these guys spend x amount a month and the guys who buy 3 months or 6 months aheaf just gave you profit for that duration. not money you need to figure out how to make but money you can count on and base profit margines on.
    Now legendary if paid the entire year is $120ish and $180ish if you pay monthly. how many premium guys out there dump $100 or $150 on the game a year? we don't know but odds have it not many. my point is simply your best customers odds have it are legendary customers. lets be honest there are enough legendary guys who spend extra on replays and such. these are the guys if you have to bet on someone buying something rather than a dlc i would bet my money on. this is the customer you want as a business and this is what you hope you upgrade a F2P and a premium guy to.
    Once again leave your opinion out of armories just a little longer and ask yourself when you are ready to reveal them what is the goal? obviously to hit a homerun and make as much as possible. come on lets be honest if i can make $1,000 i am not ok with$950. human nature to get every dollar possible and we can not be mad at that. ok well how do you make money and please everyone of your valued customers? look i am not picking a side here but the way they released armories made some portion of the legendary population mad. i quit and know a few others who followed or i followed to another game and hang out there.if you lost some legendary guys and i assure you the game has. you can say i don't know this but i do because me and some oof the fellas don't log on. this is not about what i want but about profits so i ask if you just lost say $600 in legendary sales base to try to go for a whopping $32 did you make a good choice? NO. again i can tell you without question when the armories was announced i finally did it and bought a cave lair. look for $10 they were not worth it but man armories made them a bit more enticeing so i buckled and bought one. the penthouse is on my checklist as was deeds despite somebody overlooking the fact a guy warps to base 1 does stuff tries to go to base to and look at that you have to wait 27 more minutes or whatever your half hour countdown is at.
    guys stay focused on profit not feelings here as i hope i have. for every legendary guy that packs his bags and says catch you later dcuo they now have to sell 2 armories to compensate or find another crafty way to generate profits. like say making t5 upon release he who has the most replays gets to be strong enough to do nexus and dox first.( or wave sorry villians). keep in mind when you look at the home page its the ps3 server that is almost always full. not the pc but the ps3. i will admit i do not check it a ton but have never seen it to low. the pc on the other hand well its been below half even last night. on a time when the dlc is on the test server. i don't know if that shows up there or not. kinda off topic and the point is simply you have a lot of customers on ps3. operations was a fail. fly, fly some more, hey its time to fly. good job fly again and disconnect. ok no loot time to redo it all. sadly that's how it seemed to some guys who pay for this. t5 comes after being so op for so long and........ bad on so many levels.
    at this point people have left and had enough. at this point i would think just maybe you need a win because there is so much legitimate negativity going on in the game. so many who have not left but close so a clear cut win would swing business and give you a fresh start. this to me seems like a smart business move. again i don't care about your opion on the subject. i simply ask how many legendary guys are upset? how many never said anything and simply left? how many have one foot out the door? you are fooling yourself if you think this from a company standpoint did not hurt. S.O.E with just me lost the sale of two ps4s, two monthly subscriptions to dcuo and i would estimate at a whopping 10 toons per two accounts somewhere north of $100 spent in some fashion on the armories release. now from a company how do you offset that if your argument is simply they need to make money? at $180 per account that's $360 base loss in 2014, $360 base loss in 2015, $360 base loss in 2016. you see the point. armorie sales are not off setting that loss. new members can not be flooding dcuo and to be frank even if you get a lot of new customer the pool is still limited. sooner or later your out of new guys and when the draw stops and the customers who spent the most and you could count on keep leaveing over bad management its a fail and the company folds.
    during the free month you drop armories and now all the guys who have not been around in so long gets a tast of the new content powers and look at that have two armories. the extra is whats the big draw form last time they were here and just might keep them. we know what dcuo has tried has failed or they would not be acting in such a manner. customer volume is best for business not figuring out how to get any nickel you can out of the guys who endured and love the game. strictly business, strickly buisness
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  9. Jamie New Player

    This "fix" of yours would cause me issues then. I have 2 toons I play most of the time and 2 extra toons. I don't PvP much and one of the reasons is taht I hate switching my gear. If I buy an extra armory then I will PvP more. I also sometimes run my off role so I should have an armory for that. That is 2 armories that I can personally say that I would use. 2 main characters means 4 armories is a good option for me. Your simple solution has the same issue that you claim to have fixed.
  10. nogimmick New Player

    my only complaint about the armories is that it didn't save the marketplace skin i have on my one toon...

    i use the plaid skin, and i only have the energy battery gloves & back on with a red aura around. it looks like a plain white mannequin but with the stuff i mentioned on it. don't know if it's possible to do it, but if i have a marketplace skin on a toon that i have modeled in an armory then i ought to be able to see it.

    also, it'd be nice to see our weapons too. there's a "battle stance" when you change your weapon style in that tab, something like that pose would be pretty awesome. standing there like a dummy is ok, but why not make it look cooler if it's possible?
  11. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    day 2 and i'm continuing to find a ton of new tricks that are now possible with armories!
    my grind time has been almost cut in half it seems now that i can except invites for any type of content on the fly and just switch to the appropriate spec. SO SICK!:D

    also, im in love with just being able to switch styles at any time just for kicks. so cool.:cool:
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  12. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Aye I wish my skin was available, or even just a color adjustment on the dummies. I run with all black skin, it blends in with the horns... now my armory looks kinda awkward with a black base of the horns going into an off white mannequin.
  13. Quagmire-MTGT New Player

    This is why I think the armories should each come with 5-7 dedicated armory storage slots. These storage slots would be independent from bank storage and could only contain armor or weapons. Multiple armories would access/share the combined storage for that character. We are buying the armories, why can't they actually BE armories?
  14. oF1RESTARo New Player

    there is an easy fix to both of your issues
    1= $6
    2-4= $5 each
    5-8= $4 each
    Only question is can they split up and make more packages or just let you put more than 1 in cart and get discount?

    It has been posted they are looking into more/different options with poses and such! I just want hair on my dummy, it is part of my style and might have diff haircut for diff roles.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, Tanker has stone skin, so the mannequin looks like something out of a sporting goods store, lol! Plain grey skin, no head spikes, tank top, gym pants.
  16. Jamie New Player

    Not really sure if they can split up the packages like that. The marketplace may be too limiting.

    I noticed the hard thing last night. Chucs dool looks really bad with out hair. Even my toon with a barret looked better.
  17. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    I haven't tested it on my armory , but you should still be able to switch roles, if you need to. Your look, role, point allocation, etc. are saved. Like me, a lot of people were under the mistaken impression that the armories were gonna be legends pvp-like. You could switch back after a cool down, when you leave a zone or whatever. But, looking back, the point is to make a respect/role/outfit change to what's saved in the armory. They are to give players preset respcing on the fly at zero cost. A reversion, unfortunately, is a second respecing on the fly.

    One request I would have. Even if we don't get a reversion function in armories, can we get a choice of the animation for when we change? One that we can select per armory? And I don't mean based on your mentor because I've created characters that are tech with Superman as a mentor, magic with Batman as a mentor, etc. In some cases, dropping a smoke pellet type animation can work with all 3 mentor types, but the unique design of characters can sometimes make it feel weird. In some cases, seeing a magic armories respec animation on someone wearing a suit of armor and being in a Superman mentor only quest can be totally possum. I would be fine with the same trio of animations for both heroes and villians, but I'd like to be able to tailor the animation to the character I'm playing. I'm not sure what kind of restraints you guys are under, technologically or business-wise. But, it's just a suggestion.
  18. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I really like the armories and what they add to our bases. These are just a few small picky design things for future consideration:

    - I think the white mannequin is too overwhelming. Transparent would be ideal to give the suit a floating effect. Black could work better as well. OK... user-defined as I'm sure opinions will vary on this one.
    - I'd like to see either wigs or the hair shape being part of the mannequin. I think my toons with hair, particularly many of the female styles look weird bald, even if it's a display case.
    - I wouldn't mind some of the styles being smaller. It's not so much about space, but I'd rather it be about the costume and not the base item.
    - In the switch animation, the style switch happens before the smoke bomb is thrown... s/b after.

    Overall, great job! They look nice and very convenient in switching for various content.
  19. HL Deity New Player

    I just turned premium yesterday, and i got on just to get my armory, I got the first free one just fine, I bought my second one collected it and it didn't pop up in my base inventory, somebody please help.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Mine was at the very bottom of the inventory. Have you checked the whole list? In their wisdom, they do not order the it alphabetically.