Up-Votes Needed Bug Gadget Stealth Lag!

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by FairPlay, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. FairPlay New Player


    It's been since the old DLC that there is a problem with the gadget (and even the "mind" I think), I don't know why but when you use the "stealth" power, the raid and all the players present start to bug and lag and it's even worse if 2 people with the power of gagdet use it suddenly I always have to remove it to be able to play and not to disturb everyone. I won't hide from you that it's super boring because it's a very important power to use. Thanks for reading my post.

    Have a nice day / evening.
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I think it was Batuba that actually took the time to give a somewhat detailed and technical explanation about why fixing this would be a gigantic undertaking and therefor falls somewhere between extremely unlikely and ain’t ever happening.

    I heard a rumor the problem is absent or reduced on PS5. Though, knowing what I do know about gaming hardware, servers and whatnot, that wouldn’t make any sense considering the explanation given which revolved around DI’s server structure and had nothing to do with client-side console hardware. But who knows...
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  3. Siramez Well-Known Player

    and this is about the stealth lag issue that is mostly happening on consoles, even the next generation from what I have heard from players who owned them.

    Gadgets and Mental freezes your game for about a second when using the stealth ability, while it is only a second, you are seeing most of the dpses being gadgets all the time, which makes a second lag into like a three seconds lag, and this literally annoys anyone who plays other than gadgets/mental and is on console. This issue needs to be fixed ASAP, other wise, we are going to get annoyed every day having freeze lag every 2-3 seconds (average).

    Not to mention, if you are playing with combo based power (for you celestial mains out there), you are not going to be able to combo all the abilities you needed to do because you are being lagged by 3-5 gadgets dpses spamming stealth ability 24/7.

    Please don't hate on me because I am complaining about this issue, that most consoles players are literally having this issue on their side. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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  4. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Ran into perpetual lag this evening with team of gadget DPS using Stealth. There is no amount of relogging, or modem resetting (xfinity wired), that can be done with the stealth lag. From now on, (at least for me) if there are multiple gadgets players using stealth in instance, maybe they will need to find a new troll, heal, and/or tank to run instances with them that can handle that kind of stealth lag.
  5. Leonite Well-Known Player

    Never encountered this as a PC player. But since there are more PS players now, I will be more concious about leaving it my loadout so I dont ruin a console player's playtime.
  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I'm on PC i haven't noticed the powers in stealth lagging but i have noticed lag when returning to normal from stealth, sometimes almost 3 full secs before it exits stealth.