Bring back separate Marks...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by willi3bx, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. willi3bx Committed Player

    i believe bringing back a mark system where each tier of gear has its own set of Marks;
    Tier 1 = triumph
    Tier 2 Distinction ( or what you decide to name it )
    tier 3 Krypton ( or what you decide to name it )
    i think it would help with the flow of ranking up, more channeling, so that you would have to run that tier for that set of Marks to purchase that set of gear.

    Just thinking out loud like it or hate it but please comment!!!
    p.s. i have a thick skin
  2. danielqpk New Player

    Good idea.
    I liked the old days lol...
    Especially influence!
  3. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I want this as well..Maybe we can stop people from bypassing ALL content below T4 now

    No reason to step foot in Outer/Khandaq as a new player if you can get 2500 marks from a monthly box in T4
  4. Marbou New Player

    This, sounds silly. Why would you want to force yourself even more to run the same content over and over again?
    And more challenging? Don't you mean time consuming? I believe devs are alreay lowering gear costs for PvE and PvP.
    Why would they suddenly increase those costs? And who decides what marks get converted?
    Does this mean those that saved their marks now can't use them to buy gear?
    Am I the only one who sees the obvious problem here?
    • Like x 1
  5. GeoShock New Player


    Maybe new players would stop skipping content and actually learn how to play.
  6. imDarkness New Player

    I don't see the point of this besides "I did it, so you should have to." Players skipped content and got carried through it when the marks were split and they can continue to do it just like they do now. These same players aren't gonna grind feats out either. People complained about "88 cr 30 sp" back when MoW were the T4 currency,

    What I would like to see is a way to purchase all of the old PvP styles that were taken out. Maybe a return of influence and the styles are purchasable at a reduced cost. I'd rather see than than a pointless change to marks that would cause many more problems than it would solve.