The briefing GOTHAM'S GANG WAR: EPISODE 3 is bugged. You cannot collect briefing #5: Advertisement. The briefing is already white and cannot be gathered when you approach it. This is happening on both EU and US servers PC. This makes it impossible to get the feat of collecting all briefings in the classic game. Please fix this if you get the chance. Thank you.
Just collected the all 5 on a US server toon. Not broken, not a bug. Have you considered MMORPG Life, and any websites that copied from it, are listing them out of order? White means you already collected it. As buggy as this game is, there has never been a bug where an uncollected brief or investigation is white.
I appreciate what you're saying, but I know which number it is in the collection from looking at the briefing under my feats menu. It is definitely number 5. It is on a low building ledge in the Diamond District. I run stacks of alts and have never had any problem completing this briefing in the past. But in the past few weeks, two new alts have both had the same problem and it has already been white before I can collect it.
Okay, I have just checked again, and you are right. I was mixing it up with another briefing. Doh!! Going senile. Devs, please ignore this bug - because it doesn't exist. PS. I love DCUO