Brand New Characters You Would Like To See In DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Psycho Tech, May 4, 2021.

  1. tukuan Devoted Player

    More Legionnaires would be great and a lot of the assets are there for more content.

    Batwing would be a nice addition and he looks like he'll be in the Batwoman series so there's a current factor there. Also I'm blanking on whether Jason Todd as Red Hood is in game other than the vendor gear.

    I suspect Peacemaker will be a given as it sounds like there'll be a series after the movie.

    Pretty campy but I think it could be fun to have Kiteman as a vendor, with his kite periodically opening.
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    I would love them to introduce Shayera. Since it started with Shayera and now Hawkgirl is Kendra, we need Hawkwoman (Shayera).
    Mary Shazam and the Shazam family too. Jessica Cruz...
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  3. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    i would like to see red hood aka jason todd in an episode ,richard dragon,prometheus ,arsenal and captain attom
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  4. Dark Warrior Active Player

    Condiment King, WildC.A.T.s, Watchmen.
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  5. Dark Warrior Active Player

    You're thinking of Mattel, not Hasbro. Hasbro owns G.I. Joe, Transformers and Power Rangers. From what I understand though, Mattel no longer fully owns the rights, that is now Universal I believe.
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  6. Dark Warrior Active Player

    Actually I'm gonna edit this, I think Universal owns both Mattel and Hasbro now.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    You can actually edit your posts if they're done within 20mins I think. You don't need to keep replying or reply to yourself. Look for "edit" under your colourful signature. It's beside "report".

    Also, you'll noticed as you read deeper into the thread we resolved the question of who owns the rights.
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  8. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    i forget azreal
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  9. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

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  10. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Richard the Dragon, Bronze tiger, Lady Shiva in a LoA themed DLC filled with all types of Kung Fu movie tropes
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  11. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Death Metal characters are a long way off probably (most likely but things change so never know) just because there are so many of them and they are all unique art that is more of a a one and done than other characters we have yet to fill out a roster with - EX: Grid, Death Storm (but damn if we wouldn't need Firestorm first, amirite?), Power Ring from Crime Syndicate or yes, Murder Machine and Devastator from The Dark Knights. Manos, Tharok, Persuader, and others from Fearsome Five and the other Legionnaires.

    Often we have limitations in head count whether it be actors, art, story restrictions, time/resource restrictions in general - whatever. It's just a fact of life. Doesn't mean we don't want to keep adding to them when and where we can.

    I personally would love to see more JLD characters, Shadowpact, Doom Patrol, etc. the more esoteric types out there but I am happy with the list of characters coming up - some really obscure and others very mainstream.
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Also for Death Metal we would need Watchmen in DCUO. Doctor Manhattan plays a very important role in that story and you can't tell it without introducing him first arguably.
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  13. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Any plans for The Brain & Mallah? They are already present in game for years. I think Brain would be a nice big bad to fight
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    No immediate plans but yes, we do have them, so sure - they should show up in the future.
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  15. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Yayyyy i dont think anybody cares about The Brain as much as i do xD thx for the reply
  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Any plans for Fire & Ice? (Fire really needs a refresh on her character model). Stargirl & STRIPE? ... More JLA and Justice Society in general really.
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  17. Charon Lead Content Designer

    No near future plans. Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. would be fun tho and yeah Fire needs some love. Will gladly keep all of them in mind.
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  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    *shakes fist* Imma write a [verbose] strongly worded letter! to someone!! ;) (kidding obv).

    Season2 of Stargirl is coming! Hopefully CW doesn't ruin it. Would be so much fun to see a mech in game with Stargirl flying alongside on her staff -- all new char animations needed though. Lots of work.

    Thanks, and thanks for your time as always. No more work for you! Have a good holiday wknd!
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  19. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    After a conversation i had today, I question if i should include... Space Ghost? To my knowledge he is owned by DC Comics. That’d be a cool addition even as a vendor
  20. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Loved the first season
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